Unit of Advanced Studies on Energy in the Built Environmental

Publicações (2003-2006)


Ano 2003


Artigos em revistas internacionais


Bluyssen, P.M., Fernandes, E.O. et al., Why, when and how do HVAC-systems pollute the indoor environment and what to do about it. Building and Environment, volume 38, issue 2, 209-205, February 2003.


Silva, G.V.A., Vasconcelos, M.T.S.D., Santos, A.M. and Fernandes, E.O., Comparison of the substrate effect on VOC emissions from water based varnish and latex paint. Environmental Science Pollution Research, 10 (4), 209-216, 2003.


Comunicações em encontros cient. Internacionais


E.Oliveira Fernandes, J. Farinha Mendes, J. Correia de Oliveira, L.Silva, S. Spencer, M.João Carvalho, J. Cruz Costa, E.Maldonado, 2003, Promoting solar water heating and other renewables in Portugal. ISES Solar World Congress (ISES 2003), June 14-19, Goteborg, Sewden and European Solar Thermal Technology Conference (ESTEC 2003), June 26-27, Freiburg, Germany.


Silva, G.V., Fernandes, E.O., Vasconcelos, M.T.S.D. and Santos, A.M., 2003 Adsorption/desorption of volatile organic compounds by uncoated cork parquet. Proceedings of Healthy Buildings 2003, Singapore, Edit. Tham Kwok Way, Chandra Sekhar and David Cheong, 1, 414-419.


Martins, Anabela O., Silva, Gabriela V.A. and Vasconcelos, M. Teresa D., 2003. Effects of building renovation or cleaning on indoor air quality: the air we breathe…. . In Abstracts of the 13th Annual Conference of the International Society of Exposure Analysis. Stresa, Italy, September 21-25, P3.1-21.


Chvatal K. M. S., Corvacho M. H. P. e Maldonado E. A. B. , 2003. Analysis of Envelope Thermal Behaviour Through Parametric Studies. Proceedings of The Eighth International IBPSA Conference, Building Simulation, 11-14 August, Eindhoven, Netherlands. Ed. G. Augenbroe, J. Hensen.


V. Leal, E. Maldonado, E. Erell, Y. Etzion, 2003. “Modelling a reversible ventilated window for simulation within ESP-r - the SOLVENT case”, proceedings da Building Simulation 2003 – for better design, Eindhoven, Holanda, Agosto de 2003.


E. Erell, V. Leal, E. Maldonado, 2003. On the Measurement of Air Temperature in the presence of strong solar radiation, Fifth International Conference in Urban Climate, Lodz, Poland, September 1-5.


Castro, M.D. et all; 2003. "Frigoríficos domésticos: valuación térmica frente varios regímenes de funcionamiento". Libro del actas del II congresso Espanol de Ciencias y Técnicas del Frio, editores: Seara, J.F. y Vázquez, M.V., Vigo, Espanha, 2003.


E.Oliveira Fernandes, J. Farinha Mendes, J. Correia de Oliveira, L. Silva, S. Spencer, M. João Carvalho, J. Cruz Costa, E. Maldonado - "PROMOTING SOLAR WATER HEATING AND OTHER RENEWABLES IN PORTUGAL" - ISES Solar World Congress (ISES 2003), June 14-19, Goteborg, Sweden and European Solar Thermal Technology Conference (ESTEC 2003), June 26-27, Freiburg, Germany.


Helder P. Gonçalves, E. Maldonado - "A NOVA REGULAMENTAÇÃO TÉRMICA E ENERGÉTICA DE EDIFÍCIOS EM PORTUGAL" - Libro del actas del II congresso Espanol de Ciencias y Técnicas del Frio, editores: Seara, J.F. y Vázquez, M.V., Vigo, Espanha, 2003.


E. Maldonado - "European Directive on the Energy Performance of Buildings". Workshop "Normativa Energetica en el Sector de la Edificacion en Europa", Sevilha, 17 de Setembro de 2003.


E. Maldonado - "The National Plan for Energy Performance of Buildings". Workshop "Normativa Energetica en el Sector de la Edificacion en Europa", Sevilha, 17 de Setembro de 2003.


Comunicações em encontros cient. Nacionais


•Martins, Anabela O., Silva, Gabriela V.A. and Vasconcelos, M. Teresa D., 2003. VOCs emissions from a cork varnished flooring material: small scale and full scale measurements. In Proceedings of the Interrnational Symposium Environment 2010 Situation and Perspectives for the European Union. University of Porto, Poster 11.




L. Fulcheri, G. Guerassimoff, c. Lopes, R. Bonfils, E. Maldonado (Coordenador), M. Borges, M. Lima, C. Nascimento, L. Perez Lombard e R. Prata. "OPTINER: Fuzzy Optimiser of Inertial Effects". Relatorio Final do Contracto JOE3-CT98-0094, programa JOULE da Comissão Europeia.



Ano 2004


Artigos em revistas internacionais


Erell E., Etzion Y., Carlstrom N., Sandberg M., Molina J., Maestre I., Maldonado E., Leal V., Gutschker O., "SOLVENT: Development of a reversible Solar-Screen Glazing System", Energy and Buildings vol. 36, nr. 5, 2004


Leal V., Maldonado E., Erell E., Etzion Y., "Modelling the SOLVENT ventilated window for whole building simulation", Building Services Research & Technology, vol.25, nr.3, 2004.


Comunicações em encontros cient. Internacionais


Afonso, C., Ribeiro, B., Gouveia, P. and Oliveira Fernandes, E. “Air exchange rates and indoor air quality in offices of the new faculty of engineering of Porto University” In Proceedings of Room Vent 2004, 9th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms, University of Coimbra, Portugal, 2004.


Chvatal K. M. S., Maldonado E. e Corvacho H., "Um Modelo Analítico Simplificado para Estabelecer o Impacto Anual do Aumento do Isolamento Térmico da Envolvente dos Edifícios", XII Congreso Iberico y VII Ibero Americano de Energía Solar, Vigo, España, 14-18 September 2004


Leal V. e Maldonado E., "Critérios e Ferramentas de Iluminação Natural na Selecção de Envidraçados", Proceedings of XII Congreso Ibérico y VII Iberoamericano de Energia Solar, Vigo, Espanha, September 2004


Leal V., Sandberg M., Maldonado E., Erell E., "An analytical model for the airflow in a ventilated window with known surface temperatures", Proceedings of Roomvent 2004 - 9th International Conference on Air distribution in rooms, Coimbra, September 2004


Ferreira M., Corvacho H. e Alexandre J.L., "Natural Ventilation of residential Buildings in portuguese Winter climatic conditions", AIVC international conference of AIVC, Prague, CR, September 2004


Comunicações em encontros cient. Nacionais


Oliveira Fernandes, E.. “As energias renováveis e o ambiente.” Ener’04. Figueira da Foz, 2004.


Chvatal K. , Maldonado. E. e Corvacho H., "Estudo do Impacto do Aumento do Isolamento Térmico da Envolvente dos Edifícios no seu Desempenho Térmico", Construção 2004, II Congresso Nacional da Construção, Porto, Portugal, 13-15 December 2004


Alexandre J.L., Silva A., "Pilhas Combustíveis - A revolução energética do Século XXI", ENER04 - Simpósio sobre Energias Renováveis em Portugal, Figueira da Foz, Portugal, May 2004




Final Report Index  - Critical appraisal of the setting and implementation of EU Indoor Exposure Limits. 2004.


Organização de seminários e conferências


Seminar PeBBu (European Performance Based Buildings Thematic Network) – Porto, 18 November 2004.  In conjunction with the last meeting of PeBBu at Porto University a seminar was organised, under the topic “Performance Based Buildings – Concept, Requirements and Regulations”. The number of participants was around 80, 32 being Portuguese coming from the University, Industry and Public Institutes related to the Construction Sector.


Workshop Hope (Health Optimisation Protocol for Energy-efficient Buildings)Porto, 7 December 2004. In conjunction with the last meeting of the project HOPE at the Porto University, a workshop for experts from outside the project was organised. It was attended by more than 30 participants, top experts on indoor air pollution, as well as members of the University of Porto. In addition to the members of the HOPE project and students from the Porto University, the following experts attended the workshop: Bernd Seifert UBA, Germany; Christian Schlitt, UNIMI, Italy; Dimitrios Kotzias, EC-JRC; James McLaughlin, UCD, Ireland; Kimmo Koistinen, KTL / JRC, Finland; Lars Molhave, AU, Denmark; Matti Jantunen, KTL, Finland; Séverine Kirchner, CSTB, France; Stylianos Kephalopoulos, EC-JRC; Armando Oliveira, FEUP, Portugal; Maria Graça Castel-Branco, FMUP, Portugal.

Final meeting INDEX (Critical appraisal of the setting and implementation of EU Indoor Exposure Limits) – Porto, 8-9 December 2004. Index is an internal programme of the Joint Research Centre on request from EC Health & Consumer Protection DG aiming to elaborate a list of priority indoor pollutants.


Ano 2005




Harmonisation of Indoor material emission labelling system in the EU, Report 24 (EUR 21891/EN) 2005. ECA (European Collaborative Action “Indoor Air Quality and its Impact on Man). Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.


Artigos em revistas nacionais


Casa Tóxica , Eduardo de Oliveira Fernandes, Respir’AR, nº1, 24, 2005.


Comunicações em encontros cient. Internacionais


Cooling Buildings: tailored or ‘pret á porter’ solutions?, E. de Oliveira Fernandes, PALENC 2005, Santorini Grécia, 19-21 May 2005.


Active vs passive sampling in VOCs in IAQ field studies in selected energy-efficient European office and residential buildings - G Ventura Silva, E Oliveira Fernandes, MJ Samúdio, T Tirkkonen, H Järnström, K Villberg, K Saarela, C.Cox, C Aizlewood, D Crump, V Brown, S Dimitroulopoulou, Proceedings: Indoor Air 2005, pp 816.


Creating healthy and energy-efficient buildings lessons learned from the HOPE project  C-A. Roulet, F Foradini, C Cox, M Maroni, E Oliveira Fernandes Proceedings: Indoor Air 2005, pp 745.


Experimental studies on diffusion coefficients of volatile organic compounds for building materials - M Guindeira, A Santos and E Oliveira Fernandes, Proceedings: Indoor Air 2005, pp 1974.


Performance criteria for healthy and energy-efficient buildings: definition, assessment and building classification, M Maroni, P Carrer, D Cavallo, M della Torre, C Peruzzo, C Aizlewood, EO Fernandes, CA Roulet, C Cox Proceedings: Indoor Air 2005 pp 3475.


Evaluating VOC emissions and concentrations: small scale versus full scale studies. Gabriela Ventura Silva, Maria Teresa Vasconcelos, Maria João Samúdio, Eduardo Oliveira Fernandes, Proceedings Clima2000, paper 338.


Energy efficient buildings: comparison of the indoor environment in office buildings perceived healthy and building perceived unhealthy. Christian Cox, Henrik N.Knudsen2, Wiet Koren, Claire Aizlewood, Sani Dimitroulopoulou, Gabriela Ventura Silva, Proceedings Clima2000, paper 339


Detailed study of indoor air in two Portuguese office and residential buildings – comparison, Gabriela Ventura Silva, Maria João Samúdio, Anabela O. Martins, Eduardo Oliveira Fernandes, Abstracts of 6th Iberian and 3rd Iberoamerican Congresso f Environmentsl Contamination and Toxicology, Cadiz, Spain, September 2005, pp 298.


General study of indoor air in ten Portuguese office buildings Gabriela Ventura Silva, Maria João Samúdio, E. Oliveira Fernandes Abstracts of 6th Iberian and 3rd Iberoamerican Congresso Environmentsl Contamination and Toxicology, Cadiz, Spain, September 2005, pp 301.


Evaluation of emission from flooring materials in Portugal, Gabriela Ventura Silva, Maria Teresa Vasconcelos, Graça Rocha, Eduardo Oliveira Fernandes, Conference “Emissions and odours from materials”, Brussels, October 2005.


“ISES and the energy culture in the last 50 years”, Eduardo Oliveira Fernandes. Solar World Congress, Orlando, USA, August 2005.


“Indoor Air Quality and Thermal Comfort”, Eduardo Oliveira Fernandes. Advances in Engineering of HVAC&R: Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning and Refrigerating”, Valladolid, December 2005.


Comunicações em encontros cient. Nacionais


“Energias Renováveis em Portugal: Perspectiva da Oferta e da Procura”, ENER´05, Figueira da Foz, Maio 2005


Organização de seminários e conferências


Congresso Internacional HB2006 “ Healthy Buildings 2006”, um congresso de uma série promovida internacionalmente pela ISIAQ (International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate’ em associação com o IDMEC. Centra-se na qualidade do ambiente construído abordando aspectos tecnológicos da construção e da climatização, da saúde e sócio-económicos, a levar a cabo em Junho de 2006.




“As energias renováveis e o desenvolvimento sustentável”, MEI 2005, Lisboa, Julho 2005


Publicação em Newsletter


Performance Indicators for Sustainable Urban Planning Oliveira Fernandes, E., PeBBu, Newsletter, February 2005 (



Ano 2006


Comunicações em encontros cient. Internacionais


VOCs in Indoor Air in Several Schools of Porto. G. Ventura Silva, A. O. Martins, E. Oliveira Fernandes, J. Guedes and M.T.S.D. Vasconcelos.Proceedings of Healthy Buildings 2006, Lisbon, Edit. Oliveira Fernandes, M. Gameiro da Silva e J. Rosado Pinto, 3, 227-230.


A Detailed Indoor Air Study in a School of Porto. M.J. Samúdio, G. Ventura Silva, E. Oliveira Fernandes, J. Guedes and M.T.S.D. Vasconcelos.Proceedings of Healthy Buildings 2006, Lisbon, Edit. Oliveira Fernandes, M. Gameiro da Silva e J. Rosado Pinto, 4, 345-349.




Saúde ambiental em ambiente escolar. Relatório Final. Projecto financiado pela Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

Unidade de Estudos Avançados de Energia no Ambiente Construído