EM 306 - INFORMATION SYSTEMS (Sistemas de Informação)

Systems analysis and design - determining systems requirements; development life cycles; dataflow diagram; data dictionary; decision analysis concepts and systems design. Designing the User Interface. Usability and Interaction Design. Database system concepts - Overview of database systems. The relational, network, hierarchical and object oriented database models. The relational model - structure of relational databases. Relational algebra and calculus. Relational operators - selection, projection, binary operators and joins. Normalisation process. Data redundancy and inconsistency. Functional dependencies. The first, second and third normal forms. Referential integrity. Boyce-Codd normal form. Fourth and fifth normal forms. CASE tools. Database Management Systems (DBMS) - Oracle, Ingres, Access etc. Query languages overview. Introduction to the SQL language. Selection conditions. Functions in SQL statements. Updating the database. Querying many tables. Joins and recursion. Overview of the entity-relationship model. Entities and attributes. Relationships. Entity-relationship diagrams. The extended entity-relationship model. Reducing entity-relationship diagrams to tables. OMT and UML.

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