Welcome to Lu�s Cruz Web site!

I am a MsC student at the Faculty of Engineering of Porto University (MIEEC). This web site was created to support my master thesis: Automatic Characterization of Differential High-Speed Digital Interfaces (Caracteriza��o autom�tica de interfaces digitais diferenciais de alta velocidade). This site will be updated on a weekly basis, with new documents, planing status, news, and bibliography references. This work is being supervised by Professor Jos� Carlos Alves.

This web site is divided into several pages. To browse it use the menu located above. The sections are as follows:

  • Homepage:  This Page.
  • Abstract:  Project Overview. Description of the motivations, objectives and methodology that will be addressed in this project.
  • Resources:  Page containing the documents related with the thesis and the bibliography references.
  • News:  News page.
  • Plan:  Work Plan description and weekly reports.
  • Contacts:  Luis Cruz and Supervisor contacts.
  • RSS:  RSS page, allows the user to receive updates when the web page is updated.
Inside this web page you will see the following tags:

Open/Close - If you press this link the text below will be hidden or showed.

go_back.jpg - This image allows you to go to the TOP of the web page.

The intent of these tags is to improve the site usability.

Web Site Demonstration Video

The intent of this video is the demonstration of the web page structure. This web page is divided into several pages, the purpose of each page is described on this video. The engine behind this web page is a mixed of CSS and PHP code stored on a SVN server allowing an accurate version control. The introduction of News and RSS feeds is done on a hidden page only accessibly on the Web designer personal computer reducing the time to create it. All this topics are described in more detail on the video bellow:

Web Page Demo Video (Youtube)