About me

My name is Diogo Silva, as a software engineer I always like to write clean and good code. I love to solve problems and I constantly try to improve myself by learning new thing and accept new challenges. I consider working in a team environment is always an enriching experience and I can easily adapt to new environments. I have special interest in the areas of web and mobile development and software engineering.
I live at Gondomar but I have always studied in Porto. I studied at Escola Salesiana do Porto since fifth grade.
In my free time I like to play piano with a small group of friends and play church organ at sundays.
From September 2014 to February 2015 I did mobility at Poland .
It was awesome to live in a multi-cultural environment and see the world with different vision.


I have experience with the following programming languages but I am looking foward to learn new ones

  • C/C++
  • Java
  • Ruby on Rails
  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • PHP
  • SQL
  • Android SDK

Projects & Experience


From July 2015 to August 2015 - @Wechangers

Mobile app in Android where the user can associate Twitter and Tumblr accounts. That allows user to post in different accounts at the same time. The app also allows user to access all data in a single view. It was also developed an api in Ruby on Rails to keep user account data

Sos Shake

From February 2015 to June 2015 - Projects management laboratory @FEUP to Inova+

Part of a team of 6 elements which developed a platform for Inova+. This platform is designed to help people with hearing problems. The main focus is an Android application that recognizes sound alarm patterns and notifies the user. It also receives messages sent from a web app running in the local network.


From April 2014 to June 2014 - Distributed systems @FEUP

Mobile app in Android where the user can associate Twitter and Tumblr accounts. That allows user to post in different accounts at the same time. The app also allows user to access all data in a single view. It was also developed an api in Ruby on Rails to keep user account data

Manage your time -- M.Y.T

From September 2013 to December 2013 - Software Development Laboratory @FEUP

Weekly schedule where the user can import university's schedule and combine with personal activities. Web page and api developed in Ruby on Rails and mobile app developed in Android.

Masters Thesis

Agile gamification in a Enterprise SaaS

The presented problem is the lack of motivation demonstrated by the members of software development teams using project and process management tools intensively, since it may disrupt the workflow of the team.
Gamification may be defined as the use of elements and techniques of games in a non-game context. This concept capitalizes on the tipically known effects of games to incite a desirable user behaviour.
It is a complex subject that envolves fields besides games, such as psicology which has some criticism and risks associated.
The goal of this dissertation is the research, preparation and implementation of a gamification strategy in SCRAIM in such manner that it incentives a more frequent and intensive use by the users.
The challenge here is to ensure that the strategy of gamification promotes the values of AGILE movement while adapting to workplace context. In order to apply gamification to these contexts it is necessary understand them and take into account that not only the great benefits but also the hazards that must be avoided.
In order to reach the solution, it is necessary to find out which are the situations where it is possible to apply gamification without spoiling the strong features already existent. One of big pros of gamification is the use of feedback mechanisms. This way, the solution will foster progression of user’s mastery in using the tool.
The solution uses game elements that reward the good use of the tool as a surprise element while promoting cooperation between teams and a healthy competition amongst them in order to provide an engaging experience to the user.
This investigation will show the potentialities of gamification applied to project management tools in workplace context and how to avoid the inherent hazards.

Abstract(PT) Abstract(EN)
Master thesis report