
A u t h o r e d  &  n o - p a t e n t
Explanatory article about Authored & no-patent

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Any novel products, works or ideas marked under any of these
 symbols are to be considered No-patent (or Anti-patent),
although maintaining the authorship.

This means they are offered to the public domain by its author
so that anyone may copy, use or implement them freely without the
need for any special permission, other than the establishment of an
economical contribution in order to cover the author rights in the
case of being used for business.

This includes the idea of copyright sharing.

"Authored & no-patent" also aims to surpass such a mindset by explicitly
not allowing any patent registration of works or products, and allowing
its property to fall into the public domain.

Only the author is the recognized authority to block or not to
block the dissemination or production of a work or system.

This means that everyone can copy, use or produce the system,
although no one can do so with exclusive rights.

Instead of buying copyrights or paying for an expensive patent,
everyone interested in the work or in producing the system for business
can establish a kind of fee or royalties per unit sold, which must be
directly and only paid to the author or to his/her legal representative.

People should not to forget to compensate those who
produced or invented something they use and consider useful.

Who knows if in the future anyone of us will own an electronic
money-box where to receive contributions from the community,
and simply live from it.

* * *

February 2010    

curious references:
Katerina Glazkova rises money to buy a car (Jan-2012)