Chapter 12: Review Questions

1. What is knowledge management? How does it promote organizational learning? Why is it of great interest to business?
2. Describe the important dimensions of knowledge. Distinguish between data, knowledge, and wisdom and between explicit and tacit knowledge.
3. Describe the stages in the knowledge management value chain that add value as data and information are transformed into useful knowledge.
4. Describe the role played by organizational and management capital in knowledge management.
5. What are structured knowledge systems? Describe their capabilities.
6. What are semistructured knowledge systems? Describe their capabilities.
7. How do taxonomies and tools for tagging facilitate knowledge management?

Describe the capabilities of knowledge network systems.

9. Describe the role of the following in facilitating knowledge management: portals, collaboration tools, and learning management systems.
10. What are knowledge work systems? What role do they play in knowledge management? What are the generic requirements of knowledge work systems?

Describe how the following systems support knowledge work: computer-aided design (CAD), virtual reality, and investment workstations.

12. What are intelligent techniques? Why are they of interest to businesses for knowledge management? How does artificial intelligence differ from human intelligence?

Define an expert system, describe how it works, and explain how it can contribute to knowledge management.


What is case-based reasoning? How does it differ from an expert system? How does it support knowledge management?

15. What is a neural network? How can neural networks help companies with knowledge management?
16. Define and describe fuzzy logic. For what kinds of applications is it suited?
17. What are genetic algorithms? How can they help organizations solve problems? For what kinds of problems are they suited?
18. What are intelligent agents? How can they be used to benefit businesses?
19. What management challenges are raised by knowledge management systems? How can businesses obtain value from their knowledge management investments?