Restriction Syntax Guide

In this guide we present the syntax used to define constraints (also called 'preconditions' or 'restrictions').


Literal types allowed in a constraint:

Literal Type Example
String “abc”
Set {a, b, c}

Constraint operators currently implemented:

Operator Description Constraint Example
== equal Login.username == Input.field
!= different Input.field != “pass”
< smaller than Login.username.len() < 5
> bigger than MD.countryName.len() > 2
contains contains MD.__details contains {d1, d2, d3}

Reserved fields in used for each UITP type:

UITP Reserved Keyword Return Type Description
MasterDetail __master Set Refers to the set containing all the input fields of type 'master' for this UITP (UITP.__master).
__details Set Set containing all input data associated with the field 'details' for all TGConfs within a UITP (UITP.__details), or for all the TGConfs within a UITP which contain a specific master value (UITP.mastervalue.__details).
Find/Sort __fields Set Set with all the field names defined for within a Find or Sort UITP element (UITPFind.__fields).
__check String Returns the content of a Find or Sort's check (UITPSort.__check).
__position String Returns the content of the field position, referent to a Find or Sort's TGConf (UITPFind.findfield.__position).
__result String As with above, it returns the data for field result (UITPFind.searchfield.__result).

Current methods supported:

Method Description
.len() If applied to a string literal, it returns its length; when applied to a set literal, it returns the number of elements within the set.