Coverage Plugin Architecture (PARADIGM-COV)

The architecture of the coverage plugin is illustrated in the image below.

Regarding each of the packages, they perform the following functions:

  • “coverage” contains methods for realizing the several types of coverage analysis (model, script and execution coverage);
  • “instrumentation” is responsible for all the functions regarding the instrumentation process and subsequent code coverage analysis;
  • “dialogs” contains the dialogues used to interact with the user;
  • “editors” implements the custom file editor used with code coverage analysis;
  • “views” contains the custom Eclipse view used to display code coverage results;
  • “helpers” encapsulates several methods to analyse model data and evaluate coverage criteria compliance regarding several element types.
paradigmme/paradigmme_architecture/coverage.txt · Last modified: 2013/06/24 22:35 by lvilela