The key topics covered during BIN@MINAS, have been joined into a 2nd edition of BIN@ White Papers ‘Building Blocks for the Future’, a publication that has become one of the main outputs of this annual open innovation event.

In this White Paper, you can find the reflections of invited specialists who contributed with their expertise to the underlying theme of the event ‘The Growth of Innovation Economy’. This White Paper contains 9 different and relevant innovation topics from the following areas: nanotechnology of the soil; design under context; transition to low-carb energy and decarbonization; environmental, social, and governance (ESG) framework; conscious capitalism; sustainable mobility and energy transition; organizational culture; open finance; metaverse.

We are thankful to everyone that was involved in this process and would, thus, like to leave the following acknowledgements:

Talks (contributors):

Diego Siqueira (Quanticum)
Júlio Martins (Everythink)
António Harley Anselmo (AHRPI Consultoria)
Tatiana Araújo (Alter Content)
Francine Póvoa (ICCB)
Janayna Bhering Cardoso (Fundep-UFMG SF)
Ricardo Yogui (YOGUI Ventures & PUC-Rio)
Tiago Aguiar (TecBan S.A.)
Isaac Ivanoff (Metanext Ventures)


Preparation of the White Paper:

Júlio MartinsJoão Petiz and the team  at  creativity and innovation studio (design and compilation)

Flávia Guerra, Justino Alves at  (organisation of the event, impetus and coordination of the White Paper)

Pedro Coelho at  (impetus and coordination of the White Paper)