ICIAR 2018 is the 15th conference organized in Portugal and Canada, aiming to provide a forum for presentations and discussions of methodological advances in Image Processing, Analysis and Recognition. The sessions comprise invited keynote speakers, oral and poster presentations. Authors are invited to submit full papers, addressing original research developments.
Beyond the general topics of the conference ICIAR 2018 addresses the following focused topics:
- Deep Learning in Biology and Medicine
Invited Speaker: Bram van Ginneken, Radboud University, Netherlands
- Knowledge Discovery in Human Behavior Recognition
Invited Speaker: to be announced
- Retinal Image Analysis for Screening and Diagnosis
Invited Speaker: Alfredo Ruggeri, University of Padova, Italy
The conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series (LNCS). The paper submission deadline is January 22, 2018.
Proposals for special invited sessions are welcome. Proposals should be submitted to the conference chairs not later than December 22, 2017.