\\ These sessions will join PhD FEUP alumni that are currently working in companies, with the aim of exchanging experiences, needs and expectations.\\ Alumni will share the importance of having a PhD within a company and what skills are more valuable within the industry. The focus will be on:
How important are doctorates to companies?
What is PhD’s added value to a company and in what way are they different?
What skills do companies seek when hiring a PhD?
What skills should PhD programmes develop in order to make PhD’s more attractive to industry?
How to take advantage of the doctorates’ technical knowledge?


Alumni Session I
Thursday, 11th of June 2015 | 17:00-18.30
Location: B019
* **{{:resources:antonioalmeida.docx|PhD António Almeida}}** | [[http://www.sonae.pt/pt/ | SONAE]] * **{{:resources:celioalbuquerque.docx|PhD Célio Albuquerque}}** | [[http://www.synopsys.com/home.aspx | Synopsys]] * **{{:resources:cesaraguia.docx|PhD César Águia}}** | [[http://www.tmgautomotive.pt/welcome/welcome.html | TMG Automotive]] * **{{:resources:eduardosoares.docx|PhD Eduardo Soares}}** | [[http://www.grupodurit.pt/|Durit]] * **{{:resources:filipemagalhaes.docx|PhD Filipe Magalhães}}** | [[http://www.fibersensing.com/ | HBM FiberSensing]] * **{{:resources:susanasilva.docx|PhD Susana Silva}}** | [[http://www.amorim.com/ | Amorim Cork Composites, Amorim/Amorim&Irmão]]