\\ \\ Find the Congress Booklet with information about ALL Symposia {{:resources:congressbooklet.pdf|here}}.\\
DCE 2015 - Program
June 11th, Thursday June 12th, Friday
8:00 9:00 Registration Registration
9:00 9:30 Welcome Session:
Sebastião Feyo de Azevedo (Rector of the University of Porto);
João Falcão e Cunha
(Dean of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto);
António Ferreira (FEUP’s Vice-Chairman of the Scientific Board);
José Pedro Nunes – President of AEFEUP
Plenary Session (L2):
Luís H. Ferreira
José Carlos Caldeira
9:30 10:00 Plenary Session (L1):
Melita Kovačević
Carlos Matias Ramos
10:00 10:30
10:30 11:00 Coffee Break Coffee Break + Poster Exhibition
11:00 11:30 Parallel Symposia (2h) Parallel Symposia (2h)
11:30 12:00
12:00 13:00
13:00 13:30 Lunch Lunch
13:30 14:30
14:30 15:30 Parallel Symposia (2h) Parallel Symposia (2h)
15:30 16:30
16:30 17:00 Coffee Break + Poster Exhibition Coffee Break + Poster Exhibition
17:00 17:30 Alumni Session I Parallel Workshops
17:30 18:30
18:30 20:00 Parallel Workshops
Closing Session, Conference Dinner & Awards
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DCE 2015 - Workshops
June 11th, Thursday June 12th, Friday
17:00 17:15 Alumni Session I W3 - INESC TEC para doutorandos
17:30 18:00 W4 - Patenting Software & Avoiding Patent Pitfalls
18:00 18:15 W5 - Smart Grids e o Sistema de Gestão Eléctrico W6 - Drug Product Development W7 - Como sobreviver no mundo académico
18:15 18:30
18:30 19:00 W1 - Engenharia & Ortopedia W2 - Reabilitação Urbana, Parte I W2 - Reabilitação Urbana, Parte II
19:00 19:45
19:45 20:00
20:00 20:20
20:30 23:00 Dinner
23:00 00:00 Closing Session