The symposium on “Materials Science and Engineering” will be held in the 4th Doctoral Congress Engineering (DCE21), hosted at FEUP, Porto, Portugal (online), on June 28th and 29th of 2021.

This event is very interesting for young researchers and students due to the majority of technical innovations and newly developed facilities, and linked to materials, and this relationship will keep growing in years ahead.

DCE21 aims at exploring the latest progress and developments worldwide. The participants can be Master or Ph.D. students, Post-doctorate position holders and Researchers, and can apply for oral presentations or poster sessions. The details of the event timetable will be announced after the registration period.

The Symposium Committee is pleased to invite attendees to share their ongoing work or results.

The topics for submission will include all materials areas, namely:

  • Functional materials
  • Structural materials and Materials processing
  • Characterization and Modelling



|| Submission limit date, May 16th 2021||

Please check the ‘Instructions for authors’ page.

will accept submissions for: oral communication and/or poster presentation


Registration (Payment)

Registration is mandatory for all participants.

At least one author of each accepted and revised abstract must be registered in the event, with a paid fee, for the abstracts’ reference to appear in the Booklet.

The Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at FEUP supports the registration cost of the main author who is a doctoral student (at FEUP or other universities) and who will present his/her work in oral or poster sessions. However, other events such as workshops have different costs and are to be paid for by the participants.

To  have your registration paid, check the ‘Registrations‘ webpage and follow the guidelines.



|| download  the program here ||


  • Format: oral communication/poster
  • At least one of the authors is required to attend the symposium to present the abstract.


28th June 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM:  Session  I have a PhD, and now what?”

We invited our participants to an informal talk with the old PhD students in materials science and engineering (Liliana Duarte, Maria Barbosa, Rúben Santos) and an almost  PhD (Bruno Oliveira).  A talk focused on different perspectives (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) of having a PhD.”

Liliana Duarte: Liliana Duarte was born in Porto, Portugal. She studied at the Faculty of Engineering of Porto University, where she obtained the degree in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering in 2002, then in 2006 she earned the M.Sc. Materials Science by the same University. Afterwards, she moved to Switzerland to perform the PhD in Science at ETH Zurich (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich) that was concluded in 2009. After the PhD, she earned an ESM fellowship (“Entwicklungsfonds Seltene Metalle”) as young research scientist at EMPA to investigate new Ge-brazing filler alloys for Ti and Ni-aluminides. In 2013, she was moved to industry and she was working as research scientist at ABB Corporate-Research, Baden-Dättwil where the main investigation on soldering, brazing and new joining techniques to power electronics industry was the main focus of her research. Since 2017, she joined again the academic path, as a research scientist at the Laboratory for Nuclear Materials, PSI (Paul Scherrer Institute). Her current scientific focus is about the implications of hydrogen in the microstructural and mechanical properties of zirconium cladding materials for the nuclear industry. Developing methodologies for detecting the hydrogen in materials, like bring the forward techniques like neutron radiography. Moreover, she is lecturing at the Materials Department from ETH by giving a yearly course about “Advanced Joining Technologies” to the Master students of different departments. Research interest: Diffusion bonding of high performance alloys; Phase diagrams of intermetallic phases; Interfaces and diffusion; Hydrogen embrittlement; Creep and Fatigue of Zr alloys

Maria Barbosa – Maria studied Metallurgical and Material Engineer at FEUP, where she completed her master degree in 2009. After an Erasmus stop in Barcelona, she headed to Dresden in Germany to work at the Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology IWS and worked with thermal spray and laser cladding for over 10 years, now managing the Thermal Coating department. Sponsored by a scholarship from FCT Portugal, she got a PhD in Materials Engineering from the Technical University in Dresden in 2016. She will talk in this session about the ups and downs of the PhD-Rollercoaster.

Bruno Oliveira: Bruno was born in 1988, and started the Integrated Masters degree in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at FEUP in 2008. Having graduated in 2013, after developing a dissertation dedicated to process optimization through innovative gating system design implementations, he spent the next couple years in the foundry industry in Portugal, working in the casting industry. In January 2017 he started his PhD program in Advanced Materials and Processing at FEUP, in a joint collaboration with the Mechanical Department of the University of Coimbra. The pandemic inevitably delayed the conclusion of his PhD research work, as access to several facilities was withheld for extensive periods of time. He believes that currently in Portugal the market for PhD holders in the Materials Science area is greatly underdeveloped.


29th June

Afonso Nogueira: Afonso Nogueira is the founder and managing partner of Hypermetal – a contract manufacturer for Metal AM parts. With a master’s degree in mechanical engineering and another in business administration, he developed this project to be the first in the region to offer Metal AM services and allow the access to this technology to local companies, helping them innovate and remain competitive in the global markets. In two years’ time Hypermetal has more than doubled its production capacity, diversified the range of printing materials, shifted most of it’s client base to Central Europe due to the impact of Covid in the local economy in 2020, and has attracted a significant investment from a large Spanish group, which will leverage its international growth



All accepted and revised abstracts, with at least one author registered in the Congress with a paid fee, will be mentioned in the event’s program/Booklet.



Authors of accepted and revised abstracts, presented at the Congress, will be eligible for:

  • “Best oral communication award”
  • “Best poster award”
  • “Best Short Paper Award” (this award, eligible only to PhD candidates/students will cover the costs of a journal publication)

Please check the ‘Awards’ page.



  • Manuel Vieira | PRODEMM, PDMPA
  • Sónia Simões | DEMM
  • Elsa Sequeiros | DEMM

Organizing Committee

  • Íris Carneiro| PhD student in Advanced Materials and Processing, FEUP
  • José Costa | PhD student in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, FEUP

Scientific Committee

    • Carlos Fonseca (DEMM)
    • Carlos Silva Ribeiro (DEMM)
    • Elsa Sequeiros (DEMM)
    • Filomena Viana (DEMM)
    • Laura Ribeiro (DEMM)
    • Luís Filipe Malheiros (DEMM)
    • Manuel Vieira (DEMM)
    • Maria Ascensão Lopes (DEMM)
    • Rúben Santos (DEMM)
    • Sónia Simões (DEMM)
    • Aníbal Guedes (UMinho)
    • Ana Senos (UA)
    • Sofia Ramos (UC)
    • Paulo Ferreira (IST)