Pedro M. Santos

Post-doctoral researcher

Instituto de Telecomunicações
Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto

Email: pedromsds[at]


Current Occupation

I'm a post-doctoral researcher working for the Generation.Mobi project (P2020).

I carry my research at the Network Systems Group of the Instituto de Telecomunicações at the Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto.


I'm looking for opportunities of all kinds:

- Master students: If you are a M.Sc. student, interested in computer networks, and looking for a cool thesis/work, reach me!

- Research: I'm open to participate in research works and/or contributing to projects.

- Lecturing: I'm looking for opportunities to support and/or give lectures, so let me know if you're in need of filling up your personnel map.

Research interests

Computer networks: my main line of work is on computer networks, more specifically on wireless ad hoc communications in scenarios with mobility.

Computer architectures: I've also done some work on specific computer architectures, spefically real-time image processing on Verilog/FPGA.

Online presence

Orcid: 0000-0002-7162-0560

Research Gate:

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