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Posto de Turismo da Cāmara Municipal do Porto

Rua Clube dos Fenianos, 25, 4000 - 172 Porto

phone: +351 22 339 3470, fax: +351 22 332 3303

email: [email protected], site: www.portoturismo.pt

working hours: 9h - 17h30 on Monday to Friday; 9h30 - 16h30 on Saturday, Sunday and public holidays)

City Council

Rotas Interactive city map with suggestions for walking tours.

Virtual Touris Virtual Tourism site.

360 degrees Panoramic photos from Portugal & Spain.

Viagens Abreu Local travel agency.

Metro do Porto Porto metro operator.

STCP Porto bus operator.

Pousadas de Portugal to travel around Portugal, and understand and enjoy the diversity of cultural aspects of the country.