Francisco José de Oliveira Restivo, R&TD Projects

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R&TD Projects

N�S - Iniciativas Integradas e Integradoras de Orienta��o-Forma��o-Inser��o, Equal project 2004/EQUAL/A2/041: responsible for the participation of IDIT (2005-2007).
Partners: ANOP (co-ordinator), IDIT, AEPF and other.
TECHLINK - Building an Interregional Innovation Network, Interreg III B Atlantic Area project: responsible for the participation of IDIT (2004-2006).
Partners: NET (co-ordinator), AdI, BIC Berrilan, IDIT, Technopole Quimper, Tekniker and BIC Birmingham.
PREMI - Partnership in Sustainable Development through Product Recyclability, Miniaturisation and Production Waste Reduction, Interreg III B Atlantic Area project: responsible for the participation of IDIT (2004-2006).
Partners: MEC Cardiff (co-ordinator), ENI Tarbes, IDIT, Tekniker and UC Dublin.
InFORMAR Local - Rede de coopera��o institucional e apoio empresarial, Equal project 2001/EQUAL/A2/EE-305: responsible for the participation of IDIT (2002-2004).
Partners: ADReDV (co-ordinator), IDIT, NET and other.
e-Power - Powering eEurope Regional Economy, IST project 2000-29343: responsible for the participation of IDIT (2001-2003).
Partners: CSC (co-ordinator), ADEPA, Cimmedia, CIMSI, IDIT and Tekniker.
DVnet - Portal de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Empresarial do Entre Douro e Vouga, Opera��o Norte project: responsible for the participation of IDIT (2001).
Partners: ADReDV (co-ordinator), ByWeb, IDIT and SPI.

INOVAUTO - Promo��o da Inova��o e Coopera��o Tecnol�gica entre as PMEs do Sector de Componentes para a Ind�stria Autom�vel e as Entidades Cient�ficas Regionais, Interreg II C project EA-BIP-2.16: responsible for the participation of IDIT (2000-2001).
Partners: FEUP (co-ordinator), Bretagne Innovation, Fundación Universidade da Coruña and IDIT.

OPTIMAT: Open and Distance Training on Manufacturing Technologies, Leonardo da Vinci project 06437: project coordinator and responsible for the participation of IDIT (1999-2001).
IDIT (co-ordinator), Águas de Cadiz, Efacec Capital, Universidade de Cadiz and Vector Consultants.
CIMAsia, Eureka project 1927: responsible for the participation of IDIT (1998-).
DEDEMAS - Decentralised Decision Making and Scheduling, ESPRIT HPCA project 24986: responsible for the participation of IDIT (1998-2000).
Parceiros: WM-data Consulting Oy (co-ordinator), Ahlstrom Machinery Corporation, CCP, IFW. Rautaruukki Oyj Metform, VTT Automation and WPL.
HIPERTTN TTN, activity PADEM - Porto Awareness, Demonstration and Assessments, ESPRIT project 24003: responsible for the participation of the CIM Centre of Porto (1997-1998).
MoscoT - Modular Shop Control ToolKit, Innovation project 20563: responsible for the participation of IDIT (1997-2000).
PASO - Paradigm Independent Shop Control for Smaller Manufacturing Sites, ESPRIT project 20920: responsible for the participation of the CIM Centre of Porto (1996-1997).
NETCIM - Cooperative Network for CIME Technologies in Europe, ESPRIT project 9901: responsible for the participation of the CIM Centre of Porto (1994-1997).
CCE-CNMA - CIME Computing Environment integrating Communications Network for Manufacturing Applications, ESPRIT project 7096: co-responsible, with António Maria Lopes da Rocha Quintas, for the participation of the University of Porto (1993-1995).
CCP - CIM Centre of Porto, ESPRIT project 5629: co-responsible, with António Maria Lopes da Rocha Quintas (1991-1995).
FICIM - Fieldbus Integration into CIM, ESPRIT project 5206: co-responsible, with António Maria Lopes da Rocha Quintas, for the participation of the University of Porto (1991-1992).
CNMA - Communications Network for Manufacturing Applications, ESPRIT project 5104: co-responsible, with António Maria Lopes da Rocha Quintas, for the participation of the University of Porto (1990-1992).
A Parallel Computer System for Finite Element Analysis, ESPRIT Parallel Computing Action project 4127 (1990-1992).
CNMA - Communications Network for Manufacturing Application, ESPRIT project 2617: co-responsible, with António Maria Lopes da Rocha Quintas, for the participation of the University of Porto (1988-1991).

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Page created by Francisco J. Restivo. Modified last time in 2003-09-07.