Peer-reviewed International Conferences
1. J. Estrela da Silva, J. Borges de Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, "Reachability Analysis of Dynamic Programming Based Controlled Systems: An Extended Algorithm", 2014 IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control, Antibes, France, October 8-10, 2014.
2. F. Lobo Pereira, “A maximum principle for an infinite horizon optimal control problem”, Procs of SDCP 2014 - International Conference on Systems Dynamics and Control Processes, Ekaterinburg, Russia, Sept 15-20, 2014.
3. Teresa Grilo, S. Gama, F. Lobo Pereira, "Optimal Control of Incompressible Flow Driven Systems”, 4th International Conference on Engineering Optimization, Lisbon, Sept 8-11, 2014.
4. Teresa Grilo, S. Gama, F. Lobo Pereira, "Optimal Control of Incompressible Flow Driven Systems”, The 10th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Madrid, 7-11 July 2014.
5. Teresa Grilo, Sílvio Gama and Fernando Lobo, "Optimal control of Incompressible Flow Driven Systems", Optimization 2014, Braga, Portugal, July 28-30, 2014
6. A.V. Arutyunov, F.L. Pereira, S.E. Zhukovskiy, “Solvability of implicit difference equations”, in Procs Controlo 2014 – 11th Conf on Automatic Control, Porto, Jul 21-23, 2014.
7. D. Karamzin, V. Oliveira, F. Lobo Pereira, G. Silva, "On the Extension to Impulsive Control Problems”, in Procs Controlo 2014 – 11th Conf on Automatic Control, Porto, Jul 21-23, 2014.
8. D. Karamzin, V. Oliveira, F. Lobo Pereira, G. Silva, “A Generalized Existence Theorem in Impulsive Control Problems”, in Procs MTNS'14 - 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Groningen, The Netherlands, Jul 7-11, 2014.
9. A.V. Arutyunov, F.L. Pereira, S.E. Zhukovskiy, “Application of Covering Mappings to Constrained Dynamic Systems and Differential Inclusions”, in Procs ECC'14 - European Control Conf., Strasbourg, France, Jun 24-27, 2014.
10. D. Karamzin, V. Oliveira, F. Lobo Pereira, G. Silva, “On Properness of Impulsive Extension, in Procs ECC'14 - European Control Conf, Strasbourg, France, Jun 24-27, 2014.
11. Nogueira, M., Sousa, J. and Pereira, F. An underwater cooperative navigation scheme", MTS/IEEE OCEANS 2013: The Challenges of the Northern Dimension 2013, Bergen, Norway, 2013.
12. Nogueira, M.B. and Sousa, J. and Pereira, F.L., Underwater plume tracing with an AUV cooperative navigation scheme based on the simplex algorithm, MED 2013 - 21st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, 2013.
13. Bertolucci, L. H., Costa, E. F., Oliveira, Vilma A., Pereira, F. L., Karam, Décio, “Herbicide dosage optimization model for weed control using the resistance dynamics”, In: 8th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation, 2013, Cardiff, Washington: Conf Publ Services (CPS) of IEEE Computer Society, 2013, pp. 220-225..
14. D.Yu. Karamzin, F.L. Pereira. Existence theorems in optimal impulsive control problems. International Conf Kolmogorv Readings – VI “General Control Problems and their Applications” (GCP-2013), Tambov, Russia, Oct 7-11, 2013.
15. D.Yu. Karamzin, F.L. Pereira. On some extensions of optimal control theory. International Conf Kolmogorv Readings – VI “General Control Problems and their Applications” (GCP-2013) Tambov, Russia, Oct 7-11, 2013.
16. Sergey Zhukowski, Fernando Lobo Pereira, “Covering Mappings. Theory and Applications”, International Conf Kolmogorv Readings – VI “General Control Problems and their Applications” (GCP-2013), Tambov, Russia, Oct 7-11, 2013.
17. Fernando Lobo Pereira, João Borges de Sousa “Dynamic Optimization Control for Autonomous Vehicle Systems“, DGS II 2013 – International Conf and Advanced School Planet Earth, Dynamics, Games and Science II, Portugal, Aug 28- Sept 6, 2013.
18. Teresa Grilo, Fernando Lobo Pereira, Sílvio Gama, "Optimal control of Passive Particle under Point Vertices", Procs of International Conference Mathematical Methods in Engineering 2013, Porto, July 2013, pp. 195-200.
19. Gonçalves, R., Ana Paula Rocha, Fernando Lobo Pereira, “High level architecture for trading agents in betting exchange markets”, in WorldCIST 2013, pp.497-510, Algarve, Portugal, Mar 27-30, 2013.
20. J. Estrela da Silva, F. Lobo Pereira, J. Borges de Sousa, “Reachability analysis of dynamic programming based controlled systems”, CDC2013 - 52nd IEEE Conf on Decision and Control, Florence, Italy, Dec 10-13, 2013.
21. M. B. Nogueira, F. L. Pereira, “An Underwater Cooperative Navigation Scheme”, Procs OCEANS13 MTS IEEE, Bergen, Norway, Jun 10-13, 2013.
22. M. B. Nogueira; João Sousa; Fernando Lobo Pereira, Underwater plume tracing with an AUV cooperative navigation scheme based on the simplex algorithm, MED 2013 - 21st Mediterranean Conf. on Control and Automation 2013, pp. 251-256.
23. A.V. Arutyunov, D.Yu. Karamzin, F.L. Pereira, “On the extension of classical calculus of variations and optimal control to problems with discontinuous trajectories”, 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, Hawaii, Dec 10-13, 2012, pp. 6406-6411.
24. V.A. Oliveira, G.N. Silva, F.L. Pereira, “A New Sufficient Condition for Optimal Impulsive Control Problems”, 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, Hawaii, Dec 10-13, 2012, pp. 6418-6423
25. Fernando A. C. C. Fontes, Fernando L. Pereira. Model Predictive Control of Impulsive Dynamical Systems. NMPC'12 - IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands, August 23 - 27, 2012.
26. A.V. Arutyunov, D.Yu. Karamzin, F.L. Pereira, “Existence theorems and Pontryagin's Maximum Principle for impulsive control problems” 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, August 19-24, 2012, Berlin, Germany, p. 141.
27. A.V. Arutyunov, D.Yu. Karamzin, F.L. Pereira, “The R.V. Gamkrelidze's maximum principle for state constrained optimal control problem: Revisited”, 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, August 19-24, 2012, Berlin, Germany, p. 154.
28. J. Estrela da Silva, J. Borges de Sousa, and F. Lobo Pereira, "Trajectory constraints for robust vehicle formation control", Proceedings of the 10th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control (CONTROLO'12), Funchal, Portugal, July 2012.
29. Silva, Jorge Estrela da; Sousa, João Borges de; Pereira, Fernando Lobo, “Experimental results with value function based control of an AUV”, IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline) Workshop on Navigation, Guidance and Control of Underwater Vehicles, Porto, Portugal, April 10-12, 2012.
30. Silva, Jorge Estrela da; Sousa, João Borges de; Pereira, Fernando Lobo, “Dynamic programming based feedback control for systems with switching costs”, IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Contro, pp.l 634 - 639, Dubrovnik, Croatia, October 3-5, 2012.
31. F. Lobo Pereira, “Necessary optimality conditions for optimal control problems with infinite horizon”, MTNS 2012, 20th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Network of Systems, Melbourne, Australia, July 9-13, 2012.
32. Pereira, F., Sousa, J., Gomes, R., Calado, P., “Reach set formulation of a model predictive control scheme”, MTNS 2012, 20th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Network of Systems, Melbourne, Australia, Jul 9-13, 2012.
33. F. Lobo Pereira, G. Silva. Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Constrained Infinite Horizon Differential Inclusions, 5th Intl Conf Physics and Control, Leon, Spain, 5-8 September, 2011.
34. F. Lobo Pereira, G. Silva. Necessary Conditions of Optimality for State Constrained Infinite Horizon Differential Inclusions. Procs 50th IEEE Conf on Decision and Control/ European Control Conf, Orlando, Florida, USA, Dec 12-15 2011.
35. F. Lobo Pereira, G. Silva. A Maximum Principle for Constrained Infinite Horizon Dynamic Control Systems, Proc. IFAC World Congress, (IFAC-PapersOnline), Milan, Italy, Aug 2011.
36. A.V. Arutyunov, D.Yu. Karamzin, F.L. Pereira. Pontryagin's Maximum Principle for Impulsive Control Problems. 8th Intl ISAAC Congress, Moscow, 22-27 August, 2011, p. 387.
37. A.V. Arutyunov, D.Yu. Karamzin, F.L. Pereira. The Maximum Principle for Optimal Control Problems with State Constraints by R.V. Gamkrelidze. 8th Intl ISAAC Congress, Moscow, 22-27 August, 2011, p. 376.
38. F. Lobo Pereira, J. Borges de Sousa, R. Gomes, P. Calado, MPC based coordinated control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, ICIAM, Vancouver, July 18-22, 2011
39. D.Yu. Karamzin, F.L. Pereira. On Optimal Fuel Consumption in Spacecraft Maneuvering. Computer Algebra, Systems in Teaching and Research. Mathematical Models in Physics, Civil Engineering, Economics and Finance. University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Siedlce, Poland. July 2011, pp. 79-90.
40. D.Yu. Karamzin, F.L. Pereira. Generalized Impulsive Controls in Engineering Applications, Optimization-2011, Costa da Caparica, Portugal, July 24-27, 2011, p. 69.
41. A.V. Arutyunov, D.Yu. Karamzin, F.L. Pereira, "On maximum principle in impulsive control problems", VI Moscow international conference on operational research, 19-23 October, 2010, p. 212-213.
42. A.V. Arutyunov, D.Yu. Karamzin, F.L. Pereira, "Pontryagin's maximum principle in optimal control problems", International scientific conference «Problems of stability and optimization for dynamical systems of determinate and stochastic structure», Chernovtsy, Ukraine, 19-21 October, 2010.
43. R. Gomes, F. Lobo Pereira, and J. Borges de Sousa, “A model predictive control framework for AUV formation control”, Proceedings of the 9th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control - CONTROLO'2010, Coimbra, September 2010.
44. F. Auat Cheein, J. M. Toibero, F. Lobo Pereira, F. di Sciascio, R. Carelli, "Monte Carlo Uncertainty Maps-based for Mobile Robot Autonomous SLAM Navigation", Procs IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (IEEE-ICIT), pp. 1433-1438, Viña del Mar, Chile, 2010.
45. Fernando Lobo Pereira, Geraldo Nunes Silva, "A Maximum Principle for Infinite Time Asymptotically Stable Impulsive Dynamic Control Systems", NOLCOS 2010, 8th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, Bologna, Italy, Sept. 1-3, 2010.
46. P B, Sujit, George, J., Borges de Sousa, J., Lobo Pereira, F., “Coalition Formation with Communication Ranges and Moving Targets”, ACC2010 American Control Conf, Jun 30 - Jul 2, 2010, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
47. A.V. Arutyunov, D.Yu. Karamzin, F.L. Pereira, "A Maximum Principle in Mixed Constrained Optimal Control Problems under Weakened Assumptions of Regularity", Proceedings of 24th European Conference on Operational Research, Lisbon, July 11-14, 2010, p. 167.
48. R. Castro, J. Borges de Sousa, R. Araújo, F. Lobo Pereira, and D. Freitas, "Hybrid modeling, control and estimation in ABS Applications based on in-wheel electric motors", Proceedings of the 2010 MTNS Conference, Budapest, July, 2010.
49. A.V. Arutyunov, D.Yu. Karamzin, F.L. Pereira, “Maximum Principle in Problems with Mixed Constrained under Weak Assumptions of Regularity", International scientific conference «Order analysis and related questions of mathematical modeling», Vladikavkaz, 19-24 June, 2010, p. 21.
50. Arutyunov A, Karamzin, D., Pereira, F., “Pontryagin's Maximum Principle for Impulsive Control Problems with Mixed Constraints”, WCNAO, Porto, May 4-8, 2009.
51. M. Borges Nogueira, J. Borges Sousa, and F. Lobo Pereira, "Cooperative autonomous underwater vehicle localization", Proceedings of the IEEE OCEANS'2010 Conference, Sydney, May 2010.
52. P. B. Sujit, J. Borges de Sousa, and F. Lobo Pereira, "Search strategies on multiple UAV search and destroy missions", Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, 2010.
53. Pinto J, Dias P, Sousa J, Pereira F, “Large Scale Data Collection Using Networks of Heterogeneous Vehicles and Sensors”, MTS/IEEE Oceans'09, Bremen, Germany, Oct. 2009.
54. Martins R, Marques E, Sousa J, Dias P, Pinto J, Pereira F, “IMC - A Communication Protocol for Networked Vehicles and Sensors” MTS/IEEE Oceans09, Bremen, Germany, Oct. 2009.
55. Arutyunov A, Karamzin D, Pereira F, “Necessary conditions of optimality for abnormal problems with no a priori normality assumptions”, CODS09, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Sept, 2009.
56. Karamzin D, Pereira, F, “Controlling rotational and translational motion of a spacecraft with the minimum of fuel ”, "Control theory: new methods and applications", Pereslavl'-Zalessky, Sept., 2009.
57. J. Borges de Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, J. Estrela da Silva, New problems of optimal path coordination for multi-vehicle systems, ECC09, Budapest, Hungary, August 21-23, 2009.
58. Baliyarasimhuni Sujit, João Sousa, F. L. Pereira, Coordination Strategies Between UAV and AUVs for Ocean Exploration, ECC09, Budapest, Hungary, August 21-23, 2009.
59. E. Rafikova, P.R.G. Kurka, F.L. Pereira, M.Rafikov, "On Linear and Nonlinear Tracking of the Wheeled Mobile Robot", 18th IEEE International Conference on Control Applications Part of 2009 IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control, Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 8-10, 2009.
60. Arutyunov A, Karamzin, D, Pereira, F, “Second-order necessary optimality conditions for abnormal problems with equality and inequality constraints”, 23rd European Conference on Operational Research, Bonn, July 5 - 8, 2009
61. Baliyarasimhuni, Sujit, Sousa, J, Pereira, F, “Multiple UAV teams for multiple tasks”, Proceedings of CISDA09, IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Security and Defence Applications, Ottawa, Canada, July 2009.
62. Baliyarasimhuni, Sujit, Sousa, J, Pereira, F, “UAVs and AUVs Coordination for Ocean Exploration” OCEANS09 Bremen, May 2009
63. Karamzin D, Pereira F, “On Optimal Fuel Consumption in Spacecraft Maneuvering”, WNCAO, Porto, May 2009.
64. Baliyarasimhuni Sujit, Pereira F, Sousa J, “Multiple UAV coalition formation for multiple tasks”, ICEAE2009, India, May 2009.
65. Pereira F. L., Fraga S.L.; “On the Feedback Control of Impulsive Dynamic Systems”, Proceedings of the CDC 08 Conference, Cancun, December 09-11, 2008.
66. Sousa, J. Borges de; Silva, J. Estrela da; “Optimal path coordination problems”, Proceedings of the CDC 08 Conference, Cancun, December 09-11, 2008.
67. Sousa, J. Borges de; Gonçalves, G.; Pereira, F. L.; “Operations with Autonomous Vehicles in the Response to Maritime Incidents”, Proceedings of the Maritime Systems and Technology Conference 2008, Cadiz, Spain, November 12-14, 2008.
68. Arutyunov, A.V.; Karamzin, D.Yu.; Pereira, F.L.; “Optimal control problem in the presence of the impulse action”, XVII Russian Conference ''Theoretical basis and construction of numerical algorithms and solving problems of mathematical physics with application to multiprocessor systems'' in commemoration of K.I. Babenko, Russia, Novorossijsk, September 15-21, 2008.
69. A. Arutyunov,D. Karamzin, F. Pereira, “Second-order Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Abnormal Solutions of Nonlinear Problems with Equality and Inequality Constraints”, 8th Portuguese Conf. on Automatic Control – CONTROLO 2008, Vila Real, Portugal, Jul 21-23, 2008.
70. A. Arutyunov, D. Karamzin, F. Pereira, “Necessary conditions of extremum in abnormal problems”, International Conf "Tikhonov and Contemporary Mathematics", Moscow, Jun 19-25, 2008, pp. 21.
71. Arutyunov, A.V.; Karamzin, D.Yu.; Pereira, F.L.; “Pontryagin's Maximum Principle for an Impulse Control Problem”, International conference ''Differential Equations and Topology'' dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the birthday of L.S. Pontryagin, Moscow, Russia, June 17-22, 2008.
72. Pereira, F.L., Silva. G.N.; “Optimality Conditions for Asymptotically Stable Impulsive Control Systems”, 8th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control – CONTROLO 2008, Vila Real, Portugal, July 21-23, 2008, pp. 414-419
73. Sousa, J. Borges de; Gonçalves, G.; Pereira, F. Lobo; “Autonomous Vehicles in the Response to Maritime Incidents”, Proceedings of the NGCUV08, – Navigation, Guidance & Control of Underwater Vehicles 2008 Conference, Limerick, Irlanda, April 08-10, 2008.
74. Gonçalves, G.; Sousa, J. Borges de; Pereira, F. Lobo; “Cooperative control of unmanned aerial vehicles”, Proceedings of the 48th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, Tel-Aviv & Haifa, Israel, February 27-28, 2008.
75. A.V. Arutyunov, D.Yu. Karamzin, F.L. Pereira. A maximum principle under weak assumptions of regularity in mixed constrained problems. International Conference Contemporary Problems of Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Simulation. Voronezh, Russia, December 11-16, 2007.
76. Sérgio Loureiro Fraga, Rui Gomes, F. Lobo Pereira, "An impulsive framework for the control of hybrid systems", Decision and Control Conference, December 2007, New Orleans, LA, USA.
77. F. Lobo Pereira, J. Leite, “Necessary conditions of optimality for measure driven differential inclusions”, The 3rd International IEEE Scientific Conference on Physics and Control - PhysCon 2007, Potsdam, Poland, 3rd - 7th September 2007.
78. F. Lobo Pereira, G. Silva, “Optimality Conditions for Asymptotically Stable Control Systems”, SIAM Conf. on Control and Its Applications, S. Francisco, CA, USA, 29th June -1st July 2007.
79. F. Lobo Pereira, Jorge Leite, "Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Impulsive Control Problems with State Constraints", European Control Conference, July 2007, Kos, Greece.
80. Aram Arutyunov, F. Lobo Pereira, "Nondegenerate Second-order Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Nonlinear Optimization Problems", EPCORA, June 2007, Moscow, Russia.
81. A.V. Arutyunov, D.Yu. Karamzin, F. Lobo Pereira, “Necessary optimality conditions in abnormal extremum problems”, Procs of International Conference "Extremal Problems in Complex and Real Analysis", Moscow, p. 3, 21st -25th May 2007.
82. F. Lobo Pereira, "Some Recent Developments in Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Impulsive Control Problems" 47th IACAS Israel Annual Conference on Aeorspace Sciences, February 2007, Haifa and Tel-Aviv, Israel.
83. F. Lobo Pereira, G. Nunes Silva, "Invariance Properties of Measure Driven Differential Inclusions", Controlo 2006, 11 - 13 September 2006, Lisboa, Portugal.
84. Almeida, J., A. Martins, E. Silva, F. Lobo Pereira, On Design of Simultaneous Control, Navigation for Robotic Formations, MFI 2006 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems, Heidelberg, Germany, September 2006.
85. J. Pinto, P. Dias, R. Gonçalves, E. Marques, G. Gonçalves, J. Borges Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, “NEPTUS – A Framework to support the Mission Life”, 7th Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft (MCMC’2006), Lisbon, Portugal, September 2006.
86. Martins, A., J. Almeida, E. Silva and F. Lobo Pereira, Vision-based Autonomous Surface Vehicle Docking Manoeuvre, MCMC2006 7th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2006
87. P. Dias, J. Pinto, G. Goncalves, R. Gonçalves, J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, “Mission Review and Analysis”, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION 2006), Florence (Italy), 10-13 July 2006.
88. F. Lobo Pereira, G. Nunes Silva, "Invariance for Impulsive Control Systems", GSCP’06 International Symposium on Generalized Solutions in Control, July 4-7, 2006, Ulan-Ude (Baikal), Russia.
89. A. Arutyunov, F. Lobo Pereira, “Nondegenerate Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Problems Without Normality Assumptions”, GSCP’06, Ulan-Ude, Baikal, Russia, July 4-8, 2006.
90. F. Lobo Pereira and J. Borges de Sousa, “Motion Control of Coordinated Systems”, Proceedings of the GSCP Workshop, Ekaterinburg, Russia, July 2006, Vol. 1, pp. 303-308
91. F. Auat, R. Carelli, F. Lobo Pereira, T. Filho, W. C. Celeste, "Algoritmo de SLAM en un Robot Móvil Gobernado por una Interface Cerebro-Computadora", SELASI 2006, II European-Latin-American Workshop on Engineering Systems, June 21-23, 2006, Porto, Portugal.
92. P. Dias, R. Gomes, J. Pinto, S. Fraga, G. Gonçalves, J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, “Mission Planning and Specification in the Neptus Framework“, Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation - ICRA, USA, May 2006.
93. F. Lobo Pereira, G. Silva, "Optimal Control with Asymptotic Stability Constraints", DINCON 2006 - Brazilian Conference on Dynamics, Control and Their Applications, May 22–26, 2006, Guaratinguetá, SP, Brazil.
94. F. Lobo Pereira, G. Silva, "Optimality Conditions for Asymptotically Stable Control Processes", CAO 2006 - 13th IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimisation, 26 - 28 April 2006, Paris - Cachan, France
95. A. Arutyunov, F. Lobo Pereira, “Nondegenerate Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Problems without Normality Assumptions”, 44th IEEE CDC and ECC’05, Sevilha, Espanha, Dec 12-15, 2005.
96. J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, “Motion Planning and Control of Coordinated Systems”, 44th IEEE CDC and ECC’05, Sevilha, Espanha, Dec 12-15, 2005.
97. P. Dias, R. Gomes, J. Pinto, S. Fraga, G. Gonçalves, J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, “Neptus – A Framework to Support Multiple Vehicle Operation”, Oceans, Brest, France, Sept 20-23, 2005.
98. R. Gomes, A. Sousa, S. Fraga, A. Martins, J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, “A New ROV Design: Issues on Low Drag and Mechanical Symmetry”, Oceans, Brest, France, Sept 20-23, 2005.
99. F. Lobo Pereira, G. Silva, “Optimal Stabilization and Dynamic Programming”, 28th CNMAC, São Paulo, Brasil, Set. 12-15, 2005.
100. A. Arutyunov, F. Lobo Pereira, “Second-Order Necessary Conditions for Optimal Impulsive Control”, 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague, Rep. Checa, Jul 4-8, 2005.
101. G. Gonçalves, P. Dias, A. Santos, J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, “An Implementation of a Framework for Cooperative Engineering”, 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague, Rep. Checa, Jul 4-8, 2005.
102. J. Borges de Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, “Motion Control of Coordinated Systems”, International Seminar "Control Theory and Theory of Generalized Solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi Equations" (CGS’2005), Yekaterinburg (Ekaterinburg), Russia, June 22-26, 2005.
103. S. Fraga, J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, “Optimização dinâmica para planeamento de movimento e controlo de veículos autónomos”, 5º Fest. Nac. Rob., Coimbra, Apr 29- May 1, 2005.
104. A. Arutyunov, V. Dykhta, D. Karamzin, F. Lobo Pereira, “Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Impulsive Control Problems”, GSCP-2004, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Russia, Sept 22-26, pp. 2 – 12, 2004
105. A. Arutyunov, D. Karamzin, F. Lobo Pereira, “A Nondegenerate Maximum Principle for the Impulse Control Problem with State Constraints”, 4th ORM, Moscow, Sept 21-24, 2004, pp. 14-18.
106. P. Ramos, S. Cunha, F. Lobo Pereira, I. Quintaneiro, “Mapping and Initial Dilution Estimation of a Sewage Outfall Plume Using an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle”, 29th ICCE, Lisbon, Sept 19-24, 2004.
107. P. Ramos, S. Cunha, M. Neves, F. Lobo Pereira, I. Quintaneiro, “Sewage Outfall Plume Dispersion Observations with an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle”, 4th World Water Congr., Marrakech, Sept 19-24, 2004.
108. A. Martins, J. Almeida, E. Silva, F. Lobo Pereira, “Hybrid Maneuver for Gradient Search with Multiple Coordinated AUVs”, IAV, Lisboa, Jul 5-7, 2004.
109. A. Arutyunov, V. Dykhta, F. Lobo Pereira, “Second-Order Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Measure Driven Control Systems”, MTNS, Leuven, Belgium, Jul 5-7, 2004.
110. A. Arutyunov, V. Dykhta, F. Lobo Pereira, Nondegenerate Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Impulsive Control Problems, Controlo, Faro, Portugal, Jun 7-9, 2004.
111. J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, “A framework for networked motion control design”, CDC, Hawaii, EUA, Dec 9-12, 2003, pp. 1526-1531.
112. A. Arutyunov, D. Karamzin, F. Lobo Pereira, “Nondegenerate necessary conditions for optimal impulsive control problems with state constraints”, CDC, Hawaii, EUA, Dec 9-12, 2003.
113. A. Arutyunov, V. Dykhta, F. Lobo Pereira, “First and second order necessary conditions of optimality for impulsive control problems”, CDC, Hawaii, EUA, Dez. 9-12, 2003.
114. V. Oliveira, F. Lobo Pereira, G. Silva, “Invariance for Impulsive Control Systems”, CDC, Hawaii, EUA, Dec 9-12, 2003.
115. S. Fraga, J. Borges Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, “User-Assisted trajectory generation for autonomous underwater vehicles”, OCEANS, San Diego, EUA, Sept 22-26, 2003, pp. 699–701.
116. E. P. Silva, A. Martins, J. Almeida, J. Borges de Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, “Specification of multiple AUV strategies for search of freshwater oceanic sources” Proceedings of the OCEANS03 Conference, Vol. 1, San Diego, EUA, Sept 22-26, 2003, pp. 346.
117. R. Gomes, J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, “Integrated maneuver and control design for ROV operations”, OCEANS, San Diego, EUA, Sept. 22-26, 2003, pp. 703 – 710.
118. A. Matos, N. Cruz, F. Lobo Pereira, “Post mission trajectory smoothing for the Isurus AUV”, OCEANS, San Diego, EUA, Sept 22-26, 2003, pp. 683–687.
119. S. Fraga, J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, “Trajectory generation for a remotely operated vehicle”, ECC’03, Cambridge, UK, Sept 1-4, 2003.
120. R. Gomes, J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, “Modelling and control of the IES project ROV”, ECC, Cambridge, UK, Sept 1-4, 2003.
121. A. Matos, N. Cruz, J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, "Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) and Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Developments at Porto University", IFAC Workshop Modelling and Analysis of Logic Controlled Dynamic Systems, Irkutsk, Baikal, Russia, July 30-Aug 1, 2003.
122. F. Lobo Pereira, J. Borges de Sousa, "A Set-valued Framework for Coordinated Motion Control of Networked Vehicles", IFAC Workshop Modelling and Analysis of Logic Controlled Dynamic Systems, Irkutsk, Baikal, Russia, July 30-Aug 1, 2003.
123. S. Fraga, J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, “Trajectory generation for a remotely operated vehicle”, 11th ICAR 2003, Coimbra, Portugal, Jun 30 - Jul 3, 2003.
124. E. Goncharova, V. Baturin, J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, “A Reachable Set Estimation Algorithm for Impulsive Control Systems”, 4th Mathtools, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, Jun 23-28, 2003, pp. 213-219.
125. F. Lobo Pereira, T. Filippova, “On a Solution Concept to Impulsive Differential Systems”, 4th Mathtools, St Petersbourg, Russia, Jun 23-28, 2003, pp. 350-355.
126. J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, “Coordinated Control of Networked Vehicle Systems: Specification and Control Synthesis”, 4th Mathtools, St Petersbourg, Russia, Jun 23-28, 2003, p. 392-397.
127. A. Arutyunov, V. Dykhta, F. Lobo Pereira, “Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Impulsive Nonlinear Control Problems”, MATHTOOLS´2003 - Fourth International Conference "Tools for Mathematical Modelling", Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, June 23-28, 2003.
128. J. Borges de Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, and M. Bento Nunes, “Specification and control synthesis for networked vehicle systems”, Proceedings of the Second Annual Symposium on Autonomous Intelligent Networks and Systems, Palo Alto, United States of America, June, 2003.
129. N. Cruz, A. Matos, J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, J. Silva, J. Coimbra, E. Dias, “Operations with Multiple Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Operations: The PISCIS project”, Proceedings of the Second Annual Symposium on Autonomous Intelligent Networks and Systems, Palo Alto, United States of America, June, 2003.
130. J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, P. Souto, L. Madureira, E. Silva, “Distributed Sensor and Vehicle Networked Systems for Environmental Applications”, Environment 2010 Conf., Porto, Portugal, May 6-10, 2003.
131. N. Cruz, A. Matos, J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, J. Silva, J. Coimbra, E. Dias, “PISCIS: Multiple Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Operations”, Env. 2010 Conf., Porto, Portugal, May 6-10, 2003.
132. P. Ramos, M. Neves, F. Lobo Pereira, I. Quintaneiro, “The Use of Mathematical Models and Autonomous Underwater Vehicles to Monitor Effluent Discharges”, Env. 2010 Conf., Porto, Portugal, May 6-10, 2003.
133. F. Lobo Pereira, G. Nunes da Silva, “Lyapounov Stability for Impulsive Control Problems”, GSCP 2002 - International Workshop on Generalized Solutions in Control Problems, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Russia, Aug 27-31, 2002.
134. E. Goncharova, V. Baturin, J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, “Polyhedral approximations to the reachable set of impulsive dynamic control systems”, GSCP 2002 - International Workshop on Generalized Solutions in Control Problems, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Russia, Aug 27-31, 2002.
135. E. Goncharova, V. Baturin, J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, “Reachable Set Approximation for Measure Driven Dynamic Control Systems”, CDC, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Dec 10-13, 2002, pp. 2403-2408.
136. G. Silva, F. Lobo Pereira, “Lyapounov Stability for Impulsive Dynamical Systems”, CDC, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Dez. 10-13, 2002, pp. 2304-2309.
137. A. Arutyunov, V. Jacimovic, F. Lobo Pereira, “Second order necessary conditions of optimality for impulsive control systems”, CDC, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Dec 10-13, 2002, pp. 1576-1581.
138. J. Sousa, A. Matos, F. Lobo Pereira, “Dynamic optimization in the coordination and control of autonomous underwater vehicles”, CDC, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Dec 10-13, 2002, pp. 2087-2092
139. J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, “Specification and design of coordinated motions for autonomous vehicles”, CDC, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Dec 10-13, 2002, pp. 101-106
140. P. Ramos, M. Neves, F. Lobo Pereira, “Using Near Field Model Predictions to Detect and Map an Outfall Sewage Plume with an AUV”, Oceans, Biloxi, EUA, Oct 29-31, 2002, pp. 285 – 290.
141. N. Cruz, F. Lobo Pereira, “Adaptive Sampling of Oceanographic Processes with Autonomous Underwater Vehicles”, Oceans, Biloxi, EUA, Oct. 29-31, 2002.
142. P. Ramos, M. Neves, F. Lobo Pereira, I. Quintaneiro, “Mapping the Aveiro Sea Outfall Plume: Sampling Strategy for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle”, Int. Conf. on Marine Waste Water Discharges, Outfalls and Sealines Techs, Istanbul, Turkey, Sept 16 - 20, 2002, CDROM.
143. G. Gonçalves, J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, P. Dias, A. Santos, “A framework for e-cooperating business agents: an application to the (re)engineering of production facilities”, APMS, Eindhoven, Holanda, Set, 9-11, 2002, pp. 493-504.
144. J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, “On coordinated control strategies for networked dynamic control systems - an application to AUVs”, Int. Worksh. GSCP 2002, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Rússia, Aug 27-31, 2002.
145. J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, “Coordinated Control Strategies for Networked Vehicles: An Application to Autonomous Underwater Vehicles”, MTNS, Notre Dame University, Indiana, USA, Aug 12-16, 2002.
146. A. Matos, F. Lobo Pereira, “Hamilton-Jacobi Conditions for a Class of Impulsive Control Problems”, 10th Med. Conf., Lisboa, Jul 13-17, 2002.
147. A. Arutyunov, F. Lobo Pereira, “A Maximum Principle for a Free Time Impulsive Control Problem”, 10th Med. Conf., Lisboa, Jul 13-17, 2002.
148. F. Lobo Pereira, J. Sousa, “A Differential Game with Dynamic Switching Strategies”, 10th Med. Conf., Lisboa, Jul 13-17, 2002.
149. S. Fraga, J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, "A Framework for the Automation of a Remotely Operated Vehicle", 10th Med. Conf., Lisboa, Jul 13-17, 2002.
150. F. Lobo Pereira, G. Silva, “Lyapunov Stability for Impulsive Dynamical Systems”, 10th Med. Conf., Lisboa, Portugal, Jul 13-17, 2002.
151. G. Gonçalves, J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, "An architecture for E-cooperating business agents", Int. Conf. in Adv. in Infra-Structure for e-business, e-education and e-medicine on the Internet, L’Aquila, Italy, Jul 2002.
152. J. Borges de Sousa and F. Lobo Pereira, "On coordinated control strategies for networked dynamic control systems - an application to AUVs", Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium of Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems MTNS 2002, Notre-Dame, United States of America, June 2002 (invited paper).
153. F. Lobo Pereira, J. Sousa, "A Differential Game with Graph Constrained Dynamic Switching Strategies", CDC, Orlando, USA, Dez. 2001, pp. 4394-4399.
154. J. Sousa, S. Fraga, A. Martins, F. Lobo Pereira, "A control framework for a remotely operated vehicle", Int. Conf. on Eng. for Ocean and Offshore Structures, Singapore, Dec 2001.
155. N. Cruz, L. Madureira, A. Matos, F. Lobo Pereira, “A Versatile Acoustic Beacon for Navigation and Remote Tracking of Multiple Underwater Vehicles”, Oceans, Honolulu, EUA, Nov 5-8, 2001, pp. 1829-1834.
156. P. Ramos, N. Cruz, A. Matos, M. Neves, F. Lobo Pereira, “Monitoring an Ocean Outfall Using an AUV”, Oceans, Honolulu, EUA, Nov 5-8, 2001, pp. 2009-2014.
157. P. Ramos, N. Cruz, A. Matos, M. Neves, F. Lobo Pereira, “Prediction Studies for an AUV Monitoring Mission Plan, MEDCOAST, Hamammet, Tunisia, 23-27 Oct 2001, pp. 1299-1310.
158. A. Matos, F. Lobo Pereira, “Optimality Conditions for a Class of Impulsive Control Problems”, IFAC Worksh. “Sing. Sol. and Perturbations Methods”, Bucharest, Romenia, Oct 18-20, 2001, pp 7-12.
159. S. Fraga, G. Gonçalves, J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, "An Intelligent Agent for E-Learning Applications", WBLE 2001 Conf., Suécia, Oct 2001, pp.319-329.
160. P. Dias, G. Gonçalves, J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, "TeleXis - An E-Learning Tool for Management Topics", WBLE 2001 Conf., Suécia, Oct 2001, pp. 239-249.
161. J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, “Some Questions about Hybrid Systems”, ECC 2001, Porto, Sept 4-7, 2001, pp. 3879-3886.
162. F. Lobo Pereira, G. Silva, R. Vinter, “Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Vector-valued Impulsive Control Problems with State Constraints”, ECC 2001, Porto, Sept 4-7, 2001, pp. 924-930.
163. S. Cunha, F. Lobo Pereira, “Impulsive robust control with peak gain constraints using LMIs”, ECC 2001, Porto, Sept 4-7, 2001, pp. 1266-1272.
164. A. Arutyunov, V. Jacimovic, F. Lobo Pereira, “Second order necessary conditions of optimality for impulsive control problems”, ECC 2001, Porto, Sept 4-7, 2001, pp. 2759-2763.
165. A. Matos, F. Lobo Pereira, “Hamilton-Jacobi Conditions for a Measure Differential Inclusion Control Problem”, Optim. Meth. and Appl., Irkutsk, Russia, Jun 24 –Jul 1, 2001, pp. 237-245.
166. F. Lobo Pereira, A. Matos, G. Silva, “Hamilton-Jacobi Conditions for an Impulsive Control Problem”, NOLCOS, St. Petersburg, Russia, Jul 4-7, 2001, pp. 1375-1380.
167. J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, “A Differential Game with Graph Constrained Switching Strategies”, NOLCOS, St. Petersburg, Russia, Jul 4-7, 2001, pp. 931-935.
168. J. Borges de Sousa and F. Lobo Pereira, "A Differential Game with Graph Constrained Switching Strategies ", Proceedings of the Decision and Control Conference 2000, Sydney, Australia.
169. P. Ramos, M. Neves, N. Cruz, F. Lobo Pereira, “Outfall monitoring using autonomous underwater vehicles”, MWWD 2000, Nov 28-Dec 1, 2000, Génova, Italy, pp. 321-331.
170. F. Lobo Pereira, J. Sousa, “On the Approximation of the Reachable Set Boundary”, Controlo 2000, Oct 4-6, 2000, Guimarães, pp. 642-646.
171. A. Matos, N. Cruz, F. Lobo Pereira, “An Integrated System for Underwater Navigation and Tracking”, Controlo, Oct 4-6, 2000, Guimarães, pp. 470-475.
172. J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, “A Differential Game with Graph Constrained Switching Strategies”, Med. Conf, Rio, Greece, Jul 17-19, 2000, pp. 4394-4399.
173. P. Dias, J. Martins, G. Gonçalves, J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, “On the Design of a Web-Based Business Game”, WBLE2000, Porto, Jun 2000, pp. 139- 141.
174. F. Lobo Pereira, G. Silva, “On the Optimal Control of Vector-Valued Impulsive Dynamic Systems”, MTNS, Jun 19-23, 2000, Perpignan, France, pp. 232-239.
175. N. Cruz, A. Matos, A., Martins, J. Silva, D. Santos, D. Boutov, D. Ferreira, F. Lobo Pereira, "IES – An Open System for Underwater Inspection", Oceans, Seattle, Sept 13-16, 1999, pp. 549-554.
176. A. Martins, A., Matos, N. Cruz, F. Lobo Pereira, "Estuarine Environment Studies with Isurus, a REMUS Class AUV", Oceans, Seattle, Sept 13-16, 1999, pp.1205-1210.
177. A. Matos, N. Cruz, A. Martins, F. Lobo Pereira, "Development and Implementation of a Low-Cost LBL Navigation System for an AUV", Oceans, Seattle, Sept 13-16, 1999.
178. J. Estrela, A. Martins, F. Lobo Pereira, "A Reconfigurable Mission Control System for Underwater Vehicles", Oceans, Seattle, Sept 13-16, 1999, pp. 1088-1092.
179. F. Lobo Pereira, G. Nunes da Silva, "Necessary Conditions for Impulsive Control", Workshop on Nonlinear Analysis and Control Theory, June 21-25, 1999, Porto, Portugal.
180. J. Borges de Sousa and F. Lobo Pereira, "Real-time hybrid control of multiple autonomous underwater vehicles", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Decision and Control, Tampa, Florida, US, December 1998, pp. 2645-2649 (invited paper).
181. J. Sousa, G. Gonçalves, F. Lobo Pereira, “A General Control Framework for Manufacturing Systems”, 6th Med Conf, Alghero, Itália, Jun 8-10, 1998, pp. 741-746.
182. F. Lobo Pereira, "On the Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Impulsive Control Problems" International Workshop on Differential Inclusions and Control, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Russia, Sept 7-10, 1998, pp. 69-71.
183. F. Lobo Pereira, "On the impulsive control of dynamic optimization problems", International Conference dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of L.S. Pontryagin, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, Aug 31-Sept 6, 1998, pp. 158-161.
184. F. Lobo Pereira, G. Silva, R. Vinter, “Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Impulsive Differential Inclusions”, CDC, 16-18 de Dec, 1998, Tampa, EUA, pp. 29-34.
185. F. Lobo Pereira, R. Vinter, “Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Impulsional Control Problems with State Constraints”, Controlo, Sept 9-11, 1998, Coimbra, pp. 453-458.
186. F. Lobo Pereira, J. Sousa, “A hybrid systems framework for the control design of multiple autonomous underwater vehicle systems”, MTNS, Jul 6-10, 1998, Padova, Italy, pp. 945-948.
187. F. Lobo Pereira, J. Sousa, “On the Design of a Control Architecture for Multiple Autonomous Underwater Vehicles - A Hybrid Systems Framework”, 17th Offshore Mechs and Artic Eng, Lisboa, Jul 5-9, 1998.
188. J. Sousa, N. Cruz, A. Matos, F. Lobo Pereira, "Multiple AUVs for Coastal Oceanography", Oceans, Halifax, Canada, Oct 1997.
189. J. Almeida, F. Lobo Pereira, J. Sousa, "A Hybrid Systems Approach to Feedback Control of a Nonholonomic Vehicle", Med. Conf., Paphos, Cyprus, Jul 21-23, 1997.
190. P. Ramos, F. Lobo Pereira, "Localisation System for an Autonomous Mobile Platform", ISIE, Jul 7-11, 1997, Guimarães, pp. 807-812.
191. J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, "A Hybrid Systems Theory Framework for the Design of a Control Architecture for Multiple Autonomous Underwater Vehicles", ISIE, Jul 7-11, 1997, Guimarães, Portugal, pp. 747-752.
192. J. Almeida, F. Lobo Pereira, J. Sousa, "On the Design of a Hybrid Feedback Control System for a Nonholonomic Car-like Vehicle", ECC Bruxelas, Jul 1-4, 1997, pp. 2614-2619.
193. G. Gonçalves, J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, "The Development of an Integrated Decision Support System for a Textile Company: a Systems Engineering Approach", ECC Bruxelas, Jul 1-4, 1997.
194. S. Cunha, F. Lobo Pereira, "Impulsive Observation and Control Strategies in Minimax Problems", ECC, Bruxelas, Jul 1-4, 1997, pp. 49-54.
195. G. Gonçalves, J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, "A Integrated Decision Support System for a Textile Company", HIMAC, Karlsruhe, Alemanha, May 1997, pp. 183-199.
196. J. Almeida, F. Lobo Pereira, J. Sousa, "A Hybrid Feedback Control System for a Nonholonomic Car-like Vehicle", ICRA, Alburquerque, EUA, Apr 1997, pp. 2614-2619.
197. G. Gonçalves, J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, "A Systems Engineering Approach to the Design of an Integrated Decision Support System for a Textile Company", ICRA, Alburquerque, EUA, Apr 1997, pp. 2753-2758.
198. Gil Gonçalves, J. Borges de Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, "A Systems Engineering Approach to the Design of a Decision Support System to the Planning and Control of a Spinning Unit", Invited Talk, INFORMS´97, San Diego, CA, EUA, May 4-7, 1997.
199. S. Reis Cunha, F. Lobo Pereira, "Impulsive Observation and Control for Minimax Problems", Controlo, Porto, Sept 11-13, 1996, pp. 133-138.
200. J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, A. Martins, A. Matos, J. Almeida, N. Cruz, S. Cunha, E. Silva, "On the Control of Autonomous Mobile Robots", Int. Conf. Mechs M2VIP, Guimarães, Sept 18-21, 1996, pp. 101-106.
201. F. Lobo Pereira, J. Sousa, C. Martins, E. Silva, "AUV System Requirements for Coastal Oceanography", AUV, San Diego, EUA, Jun 1996, pp. 399-406.
202. J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, "A General Control Architecture for Multiple AUVs", AUV, San Diego, EUA, Jun 1996, pp. 223-230.
203. F. Lobo Pereira, J. Sousa, "On the Optimal Control of Differential Inclusions with State Constraints", Med. Conf., Chania, Grécia, Jun 1996.
204. J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, "A General Control Architecture for Multiple Vehicles", ICRA, Minneapolis, EUA, Apr 22-28, 1996, pp. 1351-1356.
205. J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, E. Silva, A. Martins, A. Matos, J. Almeida, N. Cruz, R. Tunes, S. Cunha, "On the Design and Implementation of a Control Architecture for a Mobile Robotic System", ICRA, Minneapolis, EUA, 22-28 Apr 1996, pp. 835-840.
206. J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, E. Silva, "A Dynamically configurable Control Architecture for Autonomous Mobile Robots", CDC, New Orleans, EUA, Dec 1995, pp. 3823-3824.
207. F. Lobo Pereira, J. Sousa, A. Matos, "An Algorithm for Optimal Control Problems Based on Differential Inclusion", CDC, New Orleans, EUA, Dec 1995, pp. 3912-3913.
208. J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, "A Generalized Vehicle Based Control Architecture for Multiple AUVs", OCEANS, San Diego, Oct 1995, pp. 1643-1650.
209. F. Lobo Pereira, J. Sousa, C. Martins, "AUV System Requirements for Coastal Oceanography", OCEANS, San Diego, Oct 1995.
210. R. Furtado, J. Gonçalves, J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, "PLANCINTEX - An Orders Portfolio Management System for a Textile Company", 4th CECOIA IV, Paris, Sept 1995.
211. J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, E. Silva, A. Martins, A. Matos, J. Almeida, N. Cruz, R. Tunes, S. Cunha, "On the Design and Implementation of a Mobile Robotic System", Int. Symp. on Intel. Control, Monterey, CA, Aug 27-29, 1995, pp. 617-622.
212. A. Matos, S. Cunha, F. Lobo Pereira, "Desvio de Obstáculos Móveis em Tempo Real", 4as Jorn. Luso-Espanh. Eng. Electro., Barcelona, Jul 6-8, 1995, pp. 1507-1514.
213. S. Cunha, A. Matos, F. Lobo Pereira, "Uma Formulação Estocástica para o Cálculo de Estratégias de Controlo para Veículos Autónomos", 4as Jorn. Luso-Espanh. Eng. Electro., Barcelona, Jul 6-8, 1995, pp. 1499-1506.
214. J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, E. Silva, A. Martins, J. Almeida, N. Cruz, R. Tunes, "On the Control Architecture Design for an Autonomous Industrial Mobile Platform", 3rd IASTED, Cancún, México, Jun 14-16, 1995, pp. 218-221.
215. J. Gonçalves, R. Furtado, J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, "PLANCINTEX - An Integrated Planning, Scheduling and Control of a Textile Company", IASTED, Cancún, México, Jun 14-16, 1995, pp. 414-417.
216. A. Healey, A. Pascoal, F. Lobo Pereira, "Autonomous Underwater Vehicles: An Application of Intelligent Control Technology", ACC, Seattle, EUA, Jun 1995, 7 págs.
217. J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, E. Silva, "A Dynamically Configurable Architecture for the Control of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle", US/Portugal Workshop in: Undersea Robs and Intel. Control, Lisboa, Mar 1995, pp. 166-171.
218. J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, E. Silva, "A Dynamically Configurable Control Architecture for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle", IAS-4 Conf, Karlshrue, Alemanha, Mar 1995, pp. 659-664.
219. E. Silva, J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, J. Sequeira, I. Ribeiro, "On the Design of the PO-ROBOT System", Intel. Vehicles Symp., Paris, Out. 1994, pp. 550-555.
220. J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, E. Silva, "A Dynamically Configurable Architecture for the Control of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle", Intel. Vehicles Symp., Paris, França, Out. 1994, pp. 520-525.
221. J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, "A Receding Horizon Strategy for the Hierarchical Control of Manufacturing Systems", CIMAT, Albany, EUA, Oct 1994, pp. 443-450.
222. J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, E. Silva, "A Dynamically Configurable Architecture for the Control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles", OCEANS, Brest, França, Set. 1994, pp. II.131-136.
223. S. Cunha, A. Matos, F. Lobo Pereira, "A Global Motion Control Strategy Using Dynamic Programming", OCEANS, Brest, França, Sept 1994, pp. I.778-783.
224. F. Lobo Pereira, J. Borges Sousa, E. Silva, A. Martins, A. Matos, J. Almeida, N. Cruz, R. Tunes, S. Cunha, “On the Implementation of the PO-ROBOT System”, Controlo, Sept 14-16, 1994, pp. I.85-90.
225. E. Silva, J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, "A Coordination Kernel for a Dynamically Configurable Architecture for the Control of a Mobile Platform", EURISCON, Malaga, Aug 1994, pp. 1820-1831.
226. C. Bizingre, P. Oliveira, A. Pascoal, F. Lobo Pereira, J. Pignon, E. Silva, C. Silvestre, J. Sousa, "Design of a Mission Management System for the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle MARIUS", AUV, Cambridge, EUA , Jul 1994, pp. 112-121.
227. F. Lobo Pereira, J. Sousa, "A Differential Inclusion Algorithm for Optimal Control Problems", Med. Conf., Chania, Grécia, Jun 1994, pp. 353-360.
228. S. Cunha, A. Matos, F. Lobo Pereira, "An Automatic Path Planning System for Autonomous Robotic Vehicles", IECON, Hawaii, EUA, Nov 1993, pp. 1442-1447.
229. A. Matos, S. Cunha, F. Lobo Pereira, “A Methodology for Replanning Collision Free Trajectories for a Mobile Robot”, IECON, Hawaii, EUA, Nov 1993, pp. 1454-1459.
230. J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, R. Mascarenhas, R. Furtado, J. Madureira, "A Simulation Environment for Hierarchic Planning and Control of Manufacturing Systems", IASTED, Oxford, UK, Sept 1993, pp. 46-48.
231. E. Pereira da Silva, F. Lobo Pereira, and J. Borges de Sousa, "System analysis and specification for a mission management system of the Marius vehicle", Proceedings of the Workshop "Autonomous Underwater Vehicles", Porto, Portugal, September 1993 (editors: A. Healey, J. Bellingham, A. Pascoal, and F. Lobo Pereira).
232. F. Lobo Pereira, E. Pereira da Silva, and J. Borges de Sousa, "On the design of the mission management system for an autonomous underwater vehicle", Proceedings of the Workshop "Autonomous Underwater Vehicles", Porto, Portugal, September 1993 (editors: A. Healey, J. Bellingham, A. Pascoal, and F. Lobo Pereira).
233. J. Borges de Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, and E. Pereira da Silva, "Software architectures for autonomous mobile vehicles: a survey", Proceedings of the Workshop "Autonomous Underwater Vehicles", Porto, Portugal, September 1993 (editors: A. Healey, J. Bellingham, A. Pascoal, and F. Lobo Pereira).
234. F. Lobo Pereira, J. Sousa, "Optimal Flow Control of Manufacturing Systems", 12th IFAC World Congress, Sydney, Australia, Jul 1993, 4 págs.
235. F. Lobo Pereira, J. Sousa, "A Differential Inclusion Algorithm for Optimal Control Problems", 12th IFAC World Congress., Sydney, Australia, Jul 1993, 4 págs.
236. E. Silva, F. Lobo Pereira, J. Sousa, "A Vehicle Management System for a Autonomous Mobile Robot", 3º Jorn. Hisp.-Lusas de Eng. Electrot., Barcelona, Jul 1993, pp. 1813-1820.
237. J. Gonçalves, R. Tunes, F. Lobo Pereira, "Algoritmos de Tempo Mínimo para Problemas de Controlo em Robótica", 3as Jorn. Luso-Espanh. de Eng. Electro., Barcelona, Jul 1993, pp. 1745-1752.
238. S. Cunha, A. Matos, F. Lobo Pereira, "Um sistema para cálculo automático de trajectórias optimizadas para veículos robóticos autónomos", 3as Jorn. Luso-Espanh. de Eng. Electro., Barcelona, Jul 1993, pp. 1753-1762.
239. A. Matos, S. Cunha, F. Lobo Pereira, "Replaneamento de trajectórias de Robots móveis de modo a evitar colisões com obstáculos", 3as Jorn. Luso-Espanh. de Eng. Electro., Barcelona, Jul 1993, pp. 1763-1770.
240. F. Lobo Pereira, R. Tunes, J. Gonçalves, "Algoritmo de Tempo Mínimo para Problemas de Controlo em Robótica", ENDIEL93, Porto, Apr 21-25, 1993, pp. 1745-1752.
241. A. Pascoal, A., F. Lobo Pereira, A. Bjerrum, K. Christiansen, J. Pignon, G. Ayela, C. Petzelt, "Development of a Self Organizing Underwater Vehicle (SOUV)", MASTDAYS, Mar 15-17, 1993, pp. 760-769.
242. F. Lobo Pereira, J. Sousa, "A Differential Inclusion Algorithm for Optimal Control Problems," CDC, Tucson, EUA, Dec 1992, pp. 1538-1539.
243. J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, "On the Optimal Control of Dynamical Manufacturing Systems", Proceedings of ICEMIT - International Conference on Economics/Management and Information Technology, Tóquio, Japão, Sept 1992, pp. 145-148.
244. J. Borges de Sousa and F. Lobo Pereira, "Optimal Control for Planning of Manufacturing Systems", SIAM Conference on Control and its Applications, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America, September 1992.
245. J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, "A Hierarchical Framework for the Optimal Flow Control of Manufacturing Systems", Proceedings of CIMA - Rensselaer’s Third International Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Troy, EUA, May 1992, pp. 278-286.
246. F. Lobo Pereira, J. Borges de Sousa, and M. Ferreira, "An algorithm for optimal control problems", Proceedings of the 15th IFIP Conference on System Modelling and Optimization Part I, Zurich, Switzerland, September 1991, pp. 215-217.
247. J. Borges de Sousa and F. Lobo Pereira, "Optimization of manufacturing systems", Proceedings of the 15th IFIP Conference on System Modelling and Optimization Part II, Zurich, Switzerland, September 1991, pp. 468-471.
248. F. Lobo Pereira, M. Ferreira, and J. Borges de Sousa, "An algorithm for optimal control Problems", International Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Washington, D.C., USA, July, 1991.
249. J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, S. Cunha, P. Costa, E. Caridade, "Controlo Hierárquico Optimizado de Processos de Manufactura", 2as Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Eng. Electro., Coimbra, Jul 1991, pp. 657-664.
250. F. Lobo Pereira, J. Sousa, M. Ferreira, "An Algorithm for Optimal Control Problems", 2as Jorn. Luso-Espanh. de Eng. Electro., Coimbra, Jul 1991, pp. 665-672.
251. J. Borges de Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, "On the Control of Discrete Event Dynamical Systems", 12th Triennial Conference on Operations Research, June 1990, Athens, Greece, pp. 71-72.
252. F. Lobo Pereira, M. Pinho, M., Pedreira, C., Fernandes, M. e Borges de Sousa, J., "An Optimal Control Algorithm for Multidrug Cancer Chemotherapy Design", 12th Int. Conf. EMB, Philadelphia, EUA, Nov 1990, pp. 1021-1022.
253. F. Lobo Pereira, M. Pinho, C. Pedreira, M. Fernandes, "Design of Multidrug Cancer Chemotherapy Via Optimal Control", 11th FAC World Congress, Tallinn, USSR, Aug 1990, pp. 39-44.
254. J. Borges de Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, "An Adaptive Control Scheme For Manufacturing Processes", "CIM-EUROPE 6th Annual Conference", Lisboa, Maio 1990.
255. J. Sousa, F. Lobo Pereira, "A Control Scheme for a Manufacturing System", Primeiras Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Ing. El., Vigo, Espanha, Jul 1990, pp. 1511-1520.
256. F. Lobo Pereira, C. E. Pedreira, "Multidrug Cancer Chemotherapy via Optimal Control", 14th IFIP Conference on System Modeling and Optimization, Leipzig, German Democratic Republic, July 1989, pp. 32-33.
257. F. Lobo Pereira, "Necessary Conditions for Optimal Impulsive Control Problems with State Constraints", 4º Congresso Latino-Ibero-Americano sobre Pesquisa Operacional e Engenharia de Sistemas, Rio de Jan, Brasil, Oct 17-21, 1988.
258. F. Lobo Pereira, "A Maximum Principle for Impulsive Control Problems with State Constraints", 13th IFIP Conference on System Modeling and Optimization, Tóquio, Japan, Sept. 1987.
259. F. Lobo Pereira, R. Vinter, "Necessary Conditions for Optimal Control Problems with Discontinuous Trajectories", 25th IEEE CDC, Atenas, Grécia, Sept. 1986, pp. 1986-1987.
260. F. Lobo Pereira, R. B. Vinter, "Necessary Conditions for Optimal Control Problems with Discontinuous Trajectories", International Conference on Economic Dynamics and Control, London, UK, Nov 1985.