Pedagogic Publications – Monographs and Short Notes
1.“Introduction to Discrete Event Systems” – Notes to support curricular units of Discrete Event Systems of MIEEC, PDEEC, and PDMA-UP, preliminary version in Portuguese. (2014)
2. “Introduction to Optimal Control” – Notes prepared for a course in DINCON 2006 and successively extended to curricular units of PDEEC and PDMA-UP (2012, 2013)
3. Notes on Mathematical Analysis 3 – Complex Analysis and Differential Equations Diferenciais - e exercícios resolvidos e por resolver com soluções, 2004.
4. Course notes with solved exercises on “Linear Estimation”, Maximum Principle”, “Prediction Methods” and Aggregated Planning” to support the curricular units of Digital Control Digital, and Operations Management of LEEC and Operations Management of LEIC, 2003 and 2004.
5. “Controlo Óptimo Linear”, DEEC, FEUP, edited with Maria do Rosário Pinho as notes to support the curricular unit of “Controlo e Optimização Dinâmica em Engenharia”, 2000.
6. Class notes to the curricular unit “Analysis of Production Systems”, 1999
7. "Introdução ao Controlo Óptimo", DEEC, FEUP, Jan de 1997 – Report on the curricular unit Optimal Control of LEEC.
8. “Nonlinear Control Systems”, Class notes for Controlo de Sistemas Não Lineares - MEEC, 2000 and Controlo II - LEEC, 1999.
9. “Mobile Robotics Overview”, Courses of the COMETT program, 1997 and a curricular unit of LEEC.
10. "Métodos de Optimização de Funções", DEEC, FEUP, July de 1997 – Report on the curricular unit Métodos de Optimização of LEEC.
11. “Conceitos e Metodologias para a Gestão Costeira”, AURN formation courses delivered in 1997.
12. "Notes on o Planeamento e Gestão da Produção", Class notes, LEEC, FEUP, July 1996.
13. “ Mathematical Modelling for Cell Proliferation Kinetics”, Notes for a short course, 1996
14. "Introdução aos Sistemas Discretos", Class notes, LEEC, FEUP, July 1994.
15. "Notes on Controlo Hierárquico e Descentralizado", MEEC, FEUP, July 1992 – Parts 1 and 2.
16. "Notes on Controlo Robusto", MEEC, FEUP, July 1992.
17. "Métodos de Optimização", Class notes, LEEC, FEUP, July 1991.
18. "Controlo Óptimo Não-Linear", Class notes, MEEC, FEUP, July 1991.
19. "Controlo Óptimo", Class notes, LEEC, FEUP, July 1991.
20. “Programação Matemática”, Class notes of MEEC, 1990.
21. "Análise Matemática, parte II", Class notes, LEEC, FEUP, Feb 1990.
22. "Análise Matemática, parte I", Class notes, LEEC, FEUP, Feb 1990.
23. "Notes on Processos de Markov", MEEC, FEUP, May 1990.
24. "Notes on Filtros de Kalman - Aplicação do Teorema da Projecção", MEEC, FEUP, Mar 1989.
25. "Notes on Espaços de Hilbert", MEEC, FEUP, March 1988.
26. "Matemática em Engenharia", Journal of FEUP Students Association, Dec 1987.
27. "Simulação Digital", Journal Tecnologia Eléctrica, 1987.
28. "Methods of Identifying Finite Dimensional Linear Systems", Imperial College of Science and Technology, London University, May 1984