Other Competitive National R&D Projects
1. SEAGULL - Sistemas inteligentes de suporte ao conhecimento situacional marítimo baseados em veículos aéreos não tripulados, Ref. SI IDT - 34063/2012 F2, ADI, 2013-2015, www.criticalsoftware.com/pt/seagull
2. I9SOURCE, Ref. SI IDT - 5475/2008, ADI, 2009-2013, http://www.i9source.com/ (coordinator).
3. TICE.HEALTHY, COMPETE – ADI, SI I&DT - 13842/2011, www.tice.pt/projectos/ projecto.aspx? contentID=18, (FEUP team coordinator).
4. PITVANT, Research and Development Program for unmanned aerial vehicle technologies, Portuguese Ministry of Defense, PM0007, 2008-2015, http://www.academiafa.edu.pt/ index.php?bd0b6f49=011.005.004&lang=PT.
5. SEACON, System for training, demonstration and development of operation concepts with multiple autonomous underwater vehicles, Portuguese Ministry of Defense, PM0008, 2008-2011, https://sigarra.up.pt/fcup/pt/projectos_geral.mostra_projecto?P_ID=63966.
6. Development of DTN Convergence Layer Software for the WHO|Micro-Modem, FEUP/ NATO/2009.
7. Xtreme - LAUV version Extreme, QREN - SI I&DT FEDER – Programa Operacional Norte- 3493/ 2008, 2009-2012, http://sigarra.up.pt/ant/feup/projectos_geral.mostra projecto? p_id =1350.
8. IDNET – Tools to support cooperative networks of research, development and innovation projects, AdI, IDEIA, POCI 13-05-04-FDR-0021, 2007-2009, http://projectos.adi.pt/uk/ actions/project?id=C12/2006/0342&search=global&actionbean=actions/project (FEUP team coordinator).
9. NETCARE - Medical telemetry for continuum healthcare: the application of wireless sensor networks to healthcare services, AdI, IDEIA, 70/00255, 2007–2008, http://projectos.adi.pt/actions/project?id=C12/2006/0331&search=global&a... actions/project (FEUP team coordinator).
10. KOS - Kit de Operações Subaquáticas, AdI, 2004-06, (FEUP team coordinator).
11. PISCIS – Prototype of an Integrated System for the Coastal Ocean Intensive Sampling, AdI - I&D em Consórcio, 2003-2005, (FEUP team coordinator).
12. IES –Inspection System of Underwater Infra-structures, Praxis XXI, Measure3.1.B/EUREKA, PO92/P31B-01/98, 1999-2002, (FEUP team coordinator).
13. COOP - Coordinated Control of Multiple Floating Platforms, Cooperation CRUP - Ministry of the Portuguese Defense, 2001-2002, (coordinator).
14. CAFOA – Characterization of the Ocean Floor based on Autonomous Underwater Vehicles by Acoustic means, Cooperation CRUP - Ministry of the Portuguese Defense, 2001-2002, (coordinator).