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Academic Degrees
Scientific Fields
Academic Career
Teaching Activities
Doctoral Courses
Master Courses
Undergraduate Courses
Supervision of postgraduate programs
Master Thesis
PhD Thesis in progress
PhD thesis completed
Postdoctoral students
Visiting Researcher positions
Professional Society Memberships
Scientific and Technical Assessment, Evaluation, and Advisory Activities
Acompanying Committee of R&D programs (CAT)
Habilitation Committees
MSc (or equivalent) Examination Committees
PhD Examination Committees
Recognition Committees of MSc degrees
R&D, Education, and Administration positions and activities
Other Academic Technical and Scientific Activities
Editorial Boards of the following journals and conferences
Organization of events
Participation in Conferences, Workshops and Seminars
Participation in other Technical and Scientific Meetings
Book Chapters
Peer-reviewed International Journals
Peer-reviewed national journals
Peer-reviewed International Conferences
Peer-reviewed National Conferences
Plenary and Invited Talks
Communications with Short Abstracts or Posters
Technical Reports
Other Technical Articles
Pedagogic Publications – Monographs and Short Notes
R&D projects
European FP6, FP7 and H2020 R&D projects
Other European R&D Projects
NATO R&D Project
FCT R&D Projects
Bilateral Cooperation R&D Projects
Other Competitive National R&D Projects
Other Contracts and FEUP funded projects