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Principal > Mestrado em Gestão de Informação > Gestão de Informação > Enunciado Ensaio

1º Semestre


Análise de Sistemas de Informação

Computadores e Redes de Comunicação

Fundamentos de Gestão

Gestão de Informação

Informação e Sociedade

Metodologias de Investigação Aplicadas à Gestão de Informação

Produtos e Serviços de Informação

2º Semestre

GI- Gestão de Informação

Ensaio 2000/2001


MSc in Information Management

Essay topic

Prepare a report for the organization in which you work (or for one in which you have worked in the past), on the need to carry out EITHER,

        a) a survey of the need for the development and implementation of an organizational information strategy in the context of organizational change;


        b) an investigation in the needs of all staff for information produced outside the organization.

In either case you must:

present the aims and objectives of the exercise in terms of the development of information systems and services;

define information needs or information strategy, as appropriate;

relate the information objectives to organizational objectives;

present your paper as an internal report to senior management;


include citations to relevant texts, together with a full bibliography of the cited works in a full and correct format for such references.

Final assessment will depend upon the extent to which items 1 to 5 above are satisfied and upon evidence of reading a wide range of relevant information sources.


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