Urban Rehabilitation and Heritage

Integrating current buildings into urban planning is current practice and subject to legislation in order to safeguard the built and cultural heritage.

Rehabilitation as a future investment

Each rehabilitation project is unique and has a different value, and as such, subject to different processes.

ICS has developed relevant R&D activities in this area, providing services, among others, to inspect and diagnose existing buildings, which may include several aspects such as: the geometric and structural characterisation of buildings; running mechanical characterisation tests of materials and constructed elements; monitoring structures to assess their behaviour; defining intervention methodologies; technical consultancy in rehabilitation projects in buildings classified as cultural heritage and risk assessment (seismic, flood and fire), particularly in cultural heritage.

Investment in the areas of ​​conservation, rehabilitation and structural reinforcement is of utmost importance to ICS as it considers it important to sustainably intervene in the existing constructions.


Related projects

ICS — Instituto para a Construção Sustentável - Urban Rehabilitation and Heritage
ICS — Instituto para a Construção Sustentável - Urban Rehabilitation and Heritage
ICS — Instituto para a Construção Sustentável - Urban Rehabilitation and Heritage
ICS — Instituto para a Construção Sustentável - Urban Rehabilitation and Heritage
ICS — Instituto para a Construção Sustentável - Urban Rehabilitation and Heritage

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