Lab: Secure Wireless Home Network

    Equipment in the Lab
    Configuring tuxy3
    Configuring tuxy2
    Configuring tuxy3 to monitor the WLAN
    Configuring the WLAN without security
    Configuring the WLAN with WEP
    Configuring the WLAN with WPA-PSK
    Configuring the WLAN with WPA-EAP
    Questions to answer at home

  1. Introduction
  2. This work consists in configuring a small network composed by a router, an ethernet switch, an 802.11 acess point, and 2 PCs (one communicating via ethernet and the other via 802.11).
            |      v...(802.11)
       +--------+  |
       | router |--+
            | (ethnet)
        +---+----+ (ethnet)
        | switch +----------[pc1]
            |       (802.11)
            |     v.........v
        +---+--+  |         |   
        |  AP  +--+         +---[pc2]
    The router will have a network interface to an ISP, to which one public IP address is associated. In order to provide connectivity to multiple PCs (pc1, pc2, ...) the router will also implement the following functions:
    • Network Address Translation (NAT), which enables the formation of a private IPv4 network and in mapping private IP addresses into the public IP address;
    • Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP) service, which enables pc1 and pc2 to get a private IP address and to autoconfigure themselves when they boot;
    • Domain Name Service (DNS) relay, which will enable the PCs to obtain information about the server they must consult in order to translate names into IP addresses.

    The switch is a layer 2 equipment (no IP) and it is used to interconnect other PCs (pc1 in our case) or other bridges (the AP, in our case). The Access Point (AP) is a layer 2 equipment and it has two interfaces: one ethernet, and one wireless 802.11 to which pc2 is connected.

    Please note that some commercial equipments contain these functions in a single box.

  3. Equipment in the Lab
  4. In the lab, the equipment and the addresses shown in the figure below will be used. As usual, "y" designates the number of your "bancada" in the lab.
            | eth0=172.16.1.y3/24
            |      v...(802.11)(Monitor)
       +--------+  |
       | tuxy3  |--+
            | eth1=172.16.y0.3/24
        +---+----+ (ethnet)
        | switch +----------[tuxy2]
            |       (802.11)
            |     v.........v
        +---+--+  |         |   
        |  AP  +--+         +---[tuxy4]

  5. Configuring tuxy3
    1. Configure the network interfaces of tuxy3:
      tuxy3$ ifconfig eth0 172.16.1.y3 netmask   (the "ISP" interface)
      tuxy3$ ifconfig eth1 172.16.y0.3 netmask
      tuxy3$ echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
    2. Configure the NAT:
      tuxy3$ iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
      tuxy3$ iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -m state --state NEW,INVALID -j DROP

      To observe the table contents:

      tuxy3$ iptables -L
      tuxy3$ iptables -t nat -L
    3. Configure the DNS SERVER:
      tuxy3$ apt-get install bind9
      tuxy3$ vi /etc/resolv.conf
      tuxy3$ vi /etc/bind/named.conf.options
     ;  //laboratory/ISP name server
      tuxy3$  /etc/init.d/bind9 restart
    4. Configure the DHCP SERVER:
      tuxy3$ apt-get install dhcp3-server
      tuxy3$ vi /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf
           option domain-name "";
           option domain-name-servers 172.16.y0.3;
           option subnet-mask;
           default-lease-time 600;
           max-lease-time 7200;
           subnet 172.16.y0.0 netmask {
           range 172.16.y0.100 172.16.y0.150;
           option broadcast-address 172.16.y0.255;
           option routers 172.16.y0.3;
           subnet netmask {
      tuxy3$  /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart
    5. Activate 2 instances of Wireshark: one of them capturing at "any", and the other capturing at "eth1":
      tuxy3$ wireshark &
      tuxy3$ wireshark &

  6. Configuring tuxy2
    1. To get tuxy2 IP configured, execute:
      tuxy2$ dhclient eth0
    2. Observe the configuration acquired:
      tuxy2$ ifconfig
      tuxy2$ route -n
      tuxy2$ cat /etc/resolv.conf
    3. Test the connectivity:
      tuxy2$ ping
      tuxy2$ firefox

  7. Configuring tuxy3 to monitor the WLAN
  8. tuxy3$ wlanconfig ath0 destroy 
    tuxy3$ wlanconfig ath0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode monitor
    tuxy3$ iwconfig ath0 channel y*2
    tuxy3$ ifconfig ath0 up
    tuxy3$ wireshark &
    (interface ath0)

  9. Configuring the WLAN without security
    1. Configuring the AP
    2. The AP is managed and configured using HTTP

      http://172.16.y0.8 (the default address is

      Username: admin
      Password (none)

      The IP address of your AP is used only for configuration purposes and it can be changed.

      Configure the AP so that: ssid = bancaday, channel = y*2, and no security is used (open authentication).

    3. Configuring tuxy4
      1. If not already created, create and verify the virtual network interface ath0:
        tuxy4$ ifconfig eth0 down
        tuxy4$ ifconfig eth1 down
        tuxy4$ wlanconfig ath0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode sta
        tuxy4$ iwconfig
      2. Configure it with no security:
        tuxy4$ iwconfig ath0 essid "bancaday" key off
      3. Configure the IP of tuxy4
        tuxy4$ dhclient ath0
      4. Observe the configuration acquired
        tuxy4$ ifconfig
        tuxy4$ route -n
        tuxy4$ cat /etc/resolv.conf
      5. Test the connectivity
        tuxy4$ ping
        tuxy4$ firefox

  10. Configuring the WLAN with WEP
    1. Configure the AP with encryption (open authentication):
      WEP key; 64 (40 WEP+24 IV) bit key (hexadecimal) =  y123456789  
    2. Configure tuxy4
      tuxy4$ iwconfig ath0 essid "bancaday" key y123456789
      tuxy4$ dhclient ath0
      tuxy4$ ping
      tuxy4$ firefox
    3. Stop and save the 3 Wireshark instances in the router (tuxy3).

  11. Configuring the WLAN with WPA-PSK (Personal)
    1. Install the WPA supplicant in tuxy4 (before loosing connectivity)
      tuxy4$ apt-get install wpasupplicant
    2. Configure the AP
      Security (authentication): WPA-PSK
      Cypher Type: TKIP
      Passphrase: pskbancaday
    3. Return to tuxy4. Configure the WPA Supplicant for WPA-PSK
      tuxy4$ cp /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/examples/wpa-psk-tkip.conf  .
      tuxy4$ vi wpa-psk-tkip.conf
      tuxy4$ wpa_supplicant -i ath0 -c wpa-psk-tkip.conf -d

      To run wpa_supplicant as daemon add the option -B

    4. See the status of the interface ath0; when associated, configure the IP:
      tuxy4$ wpa_cli stat
      tuxy4$ dhclient ath0
    5. Test the connectivity:
      tuxy4$ ping

  12. Configuring the WLAN with WPA-EAP (Enterprise)
    1. Configure the AP:
      Security (authentication): WPA-EAP
      Cypher Type: TKIP
      RADIUS Server: 172.16.y0.3 (tuxy3)
      RADIUS Secret: radiusbancaday
    2. Install the RADIUS Server (FreeRADIUS) in tuxy3. Note: due to licensing problems the package available via apt-get doesn't support TLS based authentication methods.
      tuxy3$ wget
      tuxy3$ dpkg -i ./freeradius_2.1.0-0_i386.deb
    3. Configure the RADIUS Server. The configuration files can be found in /etc/freeradius/
      1. Configure the authentication method PEAP/MSCHAPv2:
        tuxy3$ vi eap.conf
        Replace the line default_eap_type = md5 with default_eap_type = peap
      2. Add the AP as a client:
        tuxy3$ vi clients.conf
               client 172.16.y0.8{
        	      secret = radiusbancaday
      3. Create the user user1 with password "teste":
        tuxy3$ vi users
               user1 Cleartext-Password := "teste"
      4. Restart the RADIUS Server in debug mode:
        tuxy3$ /etc/init.d/freeradius stop
        tuxy3$ freeradius -X
      5. Test the RADIUS Server:
        tuxy3$ radtest user1 teste localhost 1645 testing123
    4. Configure the WPA Supplicant for WPA-EAP in tuxy4:
      tuxy4$ vi wpa-eap.conf
      tuxy4$ wpa_supplicant -i ath0 -c wpa-eap.conf -d
    5. See the status of the interface ath0; when associated, configure the IP:
      tuxy4$ wpa_cli stat
      tuxy4$ dhclient ath0
    6. Test the connectivity:
      tuxy4$ ping

  13. Questions to answer at home
  14. Please remember: 1) not more than 2 A4 pages; 2) deliver it in the next week (until 11/12/2008) to [email protected].

    1. NAT. The NAT mechanism enables a set of computers (pc1 and pc2) to share a public IP address. Using the log captured in the router at "any", identify the messages used by pc1 to contact the HTTP server located at Based on these messages, their IP addresses and ports, describe the behaviour of the NAT mechanism.
    2. DHCP. The DHCP protocol enables a PC to configure itself. Based on the log captured in the router at "eth1", select the relevant DHCP messages and describe the mechanism used by your pc1 (tuxy2) to obtain its IP address, routes and nameserver.
    3. MAC 802.11. Using the log obtained in the router at "ath0", identify the 802.11 frames associated to a ping (echo request, echo reply and 2 acks). For each of these frames, characterise their MAC addresses (source, destination, bssid, receiver address) and associate them to the devices/equipment you are using. Can you associate them to the ARP protocol?
    4. WEP. Using the log obtained in the router at "ath0" select 2 data frames: one encrypted the other non-encrypted. Compare these frames and describe the purpose of the most relevant fields observed? What weaknesses can you associate to the WEP mechanism?
    5. WPA-PSK. What are the vantages of WPA-PSK over WEP?
    6. WPA-EAP. The configuration file wpa_configuration.conf is incomplete. As it is, an attacker is able to forge a rogue AP. How is the attack possible? What is missing?


    Good work!

    Jaime Dias, Manuel Ricardo

Updated: 3/12/08