Significant improvements in research activities may be achieved by means of the following. Collaboration with other researchers in the same field; easy use of computational resources to solve research problems without the need to know the tools details; joining inter-disciplinary research teams; use tools to fast access relevant and valuable information; provide results of our experiments and use other researchers experiences and experimental results.

The purpose of our work is the development of a Collaborative and Automatic Data Analysis tool that addresses the above mentioned desirable features of the research activity. The tool will allow each researcher to use an automatic data analysis tool in a user friendly fashion. It will maintain records and logs of all experimental activity of each user. Each user has a private and public "space" were he can store or disclose experimental results and data. The tool also provides a kind of "web services" that enables the search for related information in the public spaces of other users.

The automatic data analysis tool will be the IndLog Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) system with a wrapper program to hide the details of the system use. A variety of different kinds of data will be stored in a Data Warehouse and the tool will be accessible from the Web. There may be several sites using the tool and each site may accommodate several users.v
