[previous] [next] [contents]    Windows menu - Waveforms

The Waveforms entry in the Windows menu enables the user to visualise the waveforms produced at the parallel port TAP pins during test program execution, as illustrated below in figure 1 (the user should click on the "Refresh Waveforms" button on this window to update the waveforms displayed). By clicking on the blue area immediately above the horizontal scroll bar, a vertical line may be displayed to facilitate the identification of the logic values present on the TAP pins at any given moment.

Fig. 1: Waveform diagrams displayed by JTAGer.

Such as happens with the State Diagram window, the user may define the waveforms window to be always on top during test program execution, by clicking on the right mouse button over the window area and selecting "Stay on Top" (the control bar buttons and all menu options in the main JTAGer window continue to be active). Whenever the external synchronisation channels are used (instructions SS / WS), the corresponding waveforms may be visualised by clicking on the "Show Sync Channels" box on the lower left corner of the waveforms window.

Notice that figure 1 shows a few small numbers displayed vertically above each TAP waveforms, which indicate the code line that produced each waveform segment. If adequate comments are inserted during test program development, the waveforms can easily be referred to the main test actions taking place during code execution (the "Goto line number" button in the control  bar may be used to locate the code line corresponding to the waveform segment being analysed).