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9h00m - 10h30m: Luis Paulo Reis - (LIACC / FEUP) -

The RoboCup International Project - AI meets Robotics to Create RoboSoccer Teams

10h30m - 11h00m: Coffee Break

11h00m - 11h20m: Nuno Lau - (Univ. Aveiro) - FC Portugal Team 

FC Portugal - Flexible Tactics in the Simulation League

11h20m - 11h40m: Paulo Costa - (FEUP) 5dpo Team

The Design of the 5dpo Small Size League Team

11h40m - 12h00m: António Paulo Moreira (FEUP) - 5dpo Team

The Design of the 5dpo Middle Size League Team

12h00m - 12h20m: Pedro Lima - (IST) IsocRob

The SocRob Project - AI and Robotics Applied to Multi-Robot Systems

12h20m - 12h40m: José Almeida (ISEP) - ISEPorto

Designing a Middle Size League Team - The ISePorto Case

12h40m - 13h00m: Fernando Ribeiro (Univ. Minho) Minho Team

Robotic Vision and Strategy Applied in a Team of Autonomous Robots

13h00 - 14h00m: Lunch Break


14h00m - 17h00m: Luís Paulo Reis, Nuno Lau, Paulo Costa, António Paulo Moreira, Pedro Lima and Fernando Ribeiro

Simulation League Demo Tournament and Robotic Demonstrations
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Pages maintained by Luis Paulo Reis
For problems or questions regarding the Tutorial contact [Luis Paulo Reis].
Last updated: Dezembro 20, 2001.