Advisory Board (To be updated soon)

The MIETE Advisory Board has as its main mission evaluating and suggesting improvements to MIETE in order to make it more relevant to the enterprises. With this objective in mind, the Advisory Board should make comments to the actual course contents and make its own evaluation of MIETE graduates, and finally on the MIETE positioning as a pivot on the innovation process between the enterprise world and the University.

MIETE Advisory Board Members (Alphabetical order)

António Câmara – Chief Executive Officer YDREAMS (

Carlos Alberto Mineiro Aires – Bastonário da Ordem dos Engenheiros / President of the Portuguese Engineers Society (

Ludgero Marques – Presidente of CIFIAL / President of CIFIAL ( )

Mário Pinto – Change Partners (

Paulo Azevedo – Presidente executivo da Sonae SGPS / Chief Executive Officer of Sonae SGPS (

Paulo Nunes de Almeida – Presidente da Associação Empresarial de Portugal / President of Portuguese Business Association (

Pedro Peixoto – Gestor / Manager

Peter Prud’homme – Director of Cross-Cultural Organisations Consulting, The Netherlands  (

René Cordeiro – Managing Partner, Strategy Process International (

Robin Lowe – Principal Lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University / Organisational Competitiveness , UK ( )

Robert Meyer Lawyer, Austin, Texas, USA