Group Description
Title of Research Group: (RG-Norte-27-1966)
Distributed AI and Robotics Group
Principal Investigator: Eugenio da Costa Oliveira
Main Scientific Domain: Engenharia Electrotécnica e Informática
Group Host Institution: Universidade do Porto
Funding, source, dates

Funding, source, dates

FCT "Pluriannual": 12/19* 60404 € =38 150 € (2011)


- Intellwheels - Intelligent Wheelchair with Flexible Multimodal Interface, (FCT/PTDC/EEA-CRO/98664/2008, July 2010-June 2013) - (PI: L.P.Reis) 28.920 € (2011)

- ERAS - Expeditious Reconstruction of Virtual Cultural Heritage Sites, (FCT/PTDC/EIA-EIA/114868/2009, Dec 2010- July 2013) - (PI: A.A.Sousa, Responsible at LIACC: L.P.Reis) 16.176€ (2011)

- RESPLAN - QREN. FEUP/SISCOG/2009. Ends Mar 2011

36.391,20€/12 *3 = 9097,8€ (2011)

- REACTION - Retrieval, Extraction and Aggregation Computing Technology for Integrating and Organizing News. Funded by the program UT Austin | Portugal International Collaboraboratory for Emerging Technologies. UTA-Est/MAI/0006/2009. Oct 2010-Sept 2013. 28 320€ (2011)

- Trust-aware Automatic E-Contract Negotiation in Agent-based Adaptive Normative Environments. May 2010-Oct 2012,

PTDC/EIA-EIA/104420/2008 : 29.712,00 (2011)

- “Agreement Technology”- COST Action IC0801 Ends July 2011.

Travel and short stays.

TOTAL Projects=112 226 € + COST AT specific funding

13 FCT Grants + 4 grants from the industry

Objectives & Achievements


In 2011, DAI&R included 13 PhDs, 18 other researchers plus 9 collaborators. DAI&R pursues research accommodated under ACM CCS section: I.2.11 Distributed Artificial Intelligence. Most general objective is to increase the quality of research through publications in journals and reputable conferences, PhD thesis and project deliverables with potential applications in mind.

DAI&R, has the following research lines: 1)“Agent-based Interoperability”, 2)“Robotics and Team Coordination”, 3)“Text Mining”, 4)“Infrastructures and Applications”.

1) We are approaching the long-term goal of making available a multi-agent based system (MAS), Electronic Institution, for electronic contracting in Entreprise-networking by using computational Trust models under a Normative environment. Adaptive Negotiation, Norms’ representation and activation, Trust-based metrics having dynamics and context into account are current research topics. Furthermore, we intend to apply machine learning techniques to normative environments as well as argumentation-based negotiation.

We are generalizing our adaptive negotiation protocols for new domains like MASDIMA: a decentralized system to find the best integrated solution after a disruption in a pre-existent plan has occurred in Airline Operations Control Center of a real airline company. Also we generalize Trust models for applying in social agents networking.

Closely related, is the development of adaptive and reconfigurable control solutions for automation and manufacturing systems, based on holonic systems, MAS and service-oriented principles.

Through MAS we also propose realistic simulations: of ecological models to provide flexible aquatic ecosystems or of traffic management.

2) To define languages to describe missions and scenarios, strategies for coordinating teams of agents that perform in rich, dynamic, both cooperative and adversarial environments. New coordination strategies, such as tactics, flexible formations or setplays, are being developed for teams of autonomous agents that perform complex tasks. We will enhance our common framework for implementing a platform to control different agents for cooperative robotic tasks. To further validate our approach we plan to participate in different RoboCup leagues using the same coordination methodologies. Agent-based Team coordination is useful in multiple scenarios like agents’ joint missions in search and rescue domains. For that objective we are defining high-level languages for scenarios, missions, teams and environment disturbance description. A platform that allows for multi-vehicle mission execution, using a set of dialects for configuration has been developed.For ludic robotics, we are developing humanoid dancing robots synchronized, in real-time, to the down-beats of external musical stimuli, while compensating its motor constraints.

3) “Text mining” research is growing fast inside the group. We develop methods for extracting information (opinions, events, trends) from user-generated contents (blogs, twitter, on-line comments) and from media (on-line news). Research on inferring ontology-based resources (taxonomies, thesaurus) using information obtained from Wikipedia is intended to be transferred to the non-academic. We are mostly devoted to Information Extraction through Natural Language Processing and ML techniques applied to the Portuguese language. A Web based search tool based on Text Mining and ML techniques to find out relevant literature for genomic or proteomic sequences is also in progress.

4) We want to develop strategies to autonomously manage resources providing availability and reliability of cloud computing infrastructures. We address the problem of scheduling multi-user jobs (represented by Direct Acyclic Graphs) in a cluster. The aim is to develop dynamic scheduling algorithms that maximize the use of resources by allowing a variable mapping of processors to a given job and achieve high QoS level.

We are using a GPU to achieve high computational efficiency in Digital Reconstructed Radiography generation from Polygon meshes, for registering 3D deformable models of vertebrae on 2D radiographies. We proposed a method for 3D modeling of the human spine from two planar radiographies. A statistical articulated model of the spine is deformed until it best fits recognized splines. Feature descriptors coupled with ML techniques to segment the pedicles on posterio-anterior radiography are being used.

Another research line aims at developing methods and strategies for the interpretation of biological data characterizing the metabolism and immune system.

Main Achievements

- Six PhD and twenty nine MSc Theses have been concluded in 2011. The outcomes include improving shop-floor control in a specific manufacturing company in Germany-Schneider (Mechanisms and Tools for Orchestration and Choreography on Service Oriented Architectures, by J. Mendes sup.:F. Restivo); better and less intrusive human spine 3D modeling (Three-Dimensional Biplanar Reconstruction of the Scoliotic Spine for Standard Clinical Setup, by D.Moura, sup:J.Barbosa), improving brest cancer detection at S.João Hospital (Improving multilayer perceptron classifiers AUC performance. An approach in biomedical image analysis for breast cancer CAD supported by eInfrastructures, by R.Pollan, sup: E.Oliveira) and other more theoretical advances.

- Twenty three articles have been accepted for publication in Journals. Twenty journal plus twenty two proceeding papers are indexed (mainly ISI and SCOPUS) which, we believe, reflects improvement in publications quality.

- A first public demo of our long-term research on a Platform for Electronic Institutions have been done and subsequent improvements are underway.(E.Oliveira, H.Cardoso, J.Urbano, A.P.Rocha)

- Twittometro, developed by LIACC in collaboration with U.Lisboa and SAPO company, was fully advertised and used by Portuguese media (including several national TV chanels) during Portuguese elections in June 2011. (L.Sarmento, J.Teixeira, G.Laboreiro, M.E,Rodrigues)

- LIACC members impact on the “Agreement Technology” European Network (COST Action IC080) seems evident from the inclusion of our contributions in 4 different chapters of the final deliverable , a Handbook on the same area (in press). (H.Cardoso, J.Urbano, A. Castro, A.P.Rocha, E.Oliveira)

- We have been involved as vice-chair in a large international conference on Intelligent Agent Techology-IAT 2011. (E.Oliveira). Nominated co-chair for several international scientific events: RoboCup 2012, Dutch Open 2012 (European RoboCup), EPIA 2013 (Portuguese Conference on AI), CISTI 2012.(L. P. Reis)

- Together with UP-Sapo Labs, Verbetes app has been made public and used for weekly basis publication of infographics focusing on relationships of personalities mentioned on the news. A novel approach to Named Entity Recognition has also been published. (J.Teixeira)

- New Intelligent Wheelchair Prototype. (LIACC project in collaboration) won three awards (2nd place at National Robotics Festival hold at IST, Lisboa, in the international competition for Freebots; “Inclusion Award” at the category Applied Research; first Honor Mention/2nd Place at the Award "Ser Capaz" of Associação Salvador).

- Intellwheels Project had extensive media coverage on major TV networks, newspapers and magazines.

- Expansion of the EcoSimNet framework for optimizing bivalve density distribution along the coastal ecosystem. (A.Pereira)

- Development of methods for analyzing, representing and synthesizing human dance movements from motion capture (MoCap) recordings of different dance styles, and implementation of real-time audio beat tracking system . (J.Lobato)

- A statistical generator tool, SSSET, was developed, calculating statistics over game’s events. Using RoboCup log files, more than 60 statistics, relevant according to a soccer expert board, are made available. (P.Abreu)

- Best paper: L. Rei, Luis Paulo Reis e Nuno Lau, "Optimizing a Humanoid Robot Skill"The 11th International Conference on Mobile Robots and Competitions, Festival Nacional de Robótica que decorreu no Instituto Superior Técnico em Lisboa 6-10 Abril de 2011

-LIACC members have been elected for: "Board of Governors" of IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society (R. Rossetti); Chair of the IEEE IES Technical Committee on Industrial Agents (P.Leitão); President of the General Assembly of AISTI -Iberian Association for Information Systems and Technologies and SPR - Portuguese Robotics Society. (LPReis)

Group Productivity

Publications in peer review Journals


-D.Silva, R.A.M.Braga, L.P.Reis, E.Oliveira. "Designing a Meta-Model for a Generic Robotic Agent System using GAIA Methodology". Information Sciences, Elsevier, ISSN: 0020-0255 (online 24 January 2012) (IF:2.84)

-Piero Bonatti, Eugenio Oliveira, Jordi Sabater-Mir, Carles Sierra, Francesca Toni, “On the integration of trust with negotiation, argumentation and semantics”, The Knowledge Engineering Review (KER). (accepted) (IF 1.830).

-R.A.M. Braga, M.Petry, L.P.Reis, A.P.Moreira, "IntellWheels: A Modular Development Platform for Intelligent Wheelchairs". JRRD - Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, ISSN: 0748-7711, Dec 2011, Vol. 48, Issue 9, pp. 1061-1076. (IF: 1.71)

-P. H Abreu, J.Moura, D.C.Silva, L.P.Reis, J.Garganta, "Performance analysis in soccer: a Cartesian coordinates based approach using RoboCup data", Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications, Springer, V.16, Nr. 1, 47-61 (IF: 1.51)

-L. Paternoster, M. Standl, C. Chen, A. Ramasamy, K. Bønnelykke, L. Duijts, M. Ferreira, Alexessander Couto Alves, et. al. Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies on atopic dermatitis identifies three novel risk loci. Nature Genetics, 2011. (published online 25 Dec 2011) (IF: 36.38)

-Jorge G. Barbosa, Belmiro Moreira, “Dynamic scheduling of a batch of parallel task jobs on heterogeneous clusters “, Parallel Computing, Vol.37 nº 8, pp.428-438, 2011 (IF= 1.379)

-P. Leitão, J. Barbosa, D. Trentesaux, “Bio-inspired Multi-Agent Systems for Re-configurable Manufacturing Systems”, to appear in the International Journal of Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier (DOI: 10.1016/j.engappai.2011.09.025) (IF: 1,344).

-P. Leitão, J.M. Mendes, A. Bepperling, D. Cachapa, A.W. Colombo, and F. Restivo, “Integration of Virtual and Real Environments for Engineering Service-oriented Manufacturing Systems”, accepted for publication in the Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing (DOI: 10.1007/s10845-011-0591-8) (IF: 1,081).

-P. Leitão, “A Holonic Disturbance Management Architecture for Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, International Journal of Production Research, vol. 49, n. 5, 2011, pp 1269-1284. (DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2010.518735) (IF: 1,033).

-P. Leitão, J.M. Mendes, A. W. Colombo and F. Restivo (2012), “High-Level Petri Nets for the Process Description and Control in Service-oriented Manufacturing Systems”, accepted for publication in the International Journal of Production Research (DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2011.575892) (IF: 1,033).

-L.Mota, L.P.Reis and N.Lau, Multi-robot Coordination using Setplays in the Middle-size and Simulation Leagues, Mechatronics, Vol. 21, Issue 2, pp. 434-444, March 2011, Elsevier, ISSN: 0957-4158, DOI: 10.1016/j.mechatronics.2010.05.005 ) (IF: 0.94)

-P.Abreu, I.Costa, D.Castelão, J.Moreira, L.P.Reis, J.Garganta, "Human vs. Virtual Robotic Soccer: A Technical Analysis about two Realities", European Journal of Sport Science, Taylor & Francis, ISSN: 1746-1391 (IF: 0.89) (accepted Nov2010)

-António J. M. Castro, Eugénio Oliveira, “A New Concept for Disruption Management in Airline Operations Control”, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Proceedings Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G, Vol.225 nº 3, pp.269-290, 2011 (IF 0.789)

-Jorge G. Barbosa, Bruno Figueiredo, Nuno Bettencourt, João M. R. S. Tavares, “Towards automatic quantification of the epicardial fat in non-contrasted CT images”, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol.14 nº 10, pp.905-914, 2011

-Daniel Cardoso de Moura, Jonathan Boisvert, Jorge G. Barbosa, Hubert Labelle, João Manuel R. S. Tavares, “Fast 3D reconstruction of the spine from biplanar radiographs using a deformable articulated model”, Medical Engineering & Physics, Vol.33 nº 8, pp.924-933, 2011

-J.L.Oliveira, L.Naveda, F.Gouyon, L.P.Reis, P.Sousa, M.Leman "A Parameterizable Spatiotemporal Representation of Popular Dance Styles for Humanoid Dancing Characters. Under review on Special Issue on Music Content Processing by and for Robots", EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing, (IF: 0.34) to appear


-Raúl Ramos-Pollán, Miguel Ángel Guevara-López, Eugénio Oliveira. "A Software Framework for Building Biomedical Machine Learning Classifiers through Grid Computing Resources", J Med Syst, (13 pages), DOI 10.1007/s10916-011-9692-3, Springer (IF:1,064) Scopus

-Henrique Lopes Cardoso, Eugénio Oliveira (2011). “Social Control in a Normative Framework: An Adaptive Deterrence Approach”, Web Intelligence and Agent Systems, IOS Press, Vol. 9, No. 4, July 2011, pp. 363-375, ISSN 1570-1263. (SCOPUS, Compendex)

-Joana Urbano, Ana Paula Rocha, Eugénio Oliveira, “Situation-Aware Computational Trust Model for Selecting Partners”. N.T. Nguyen (Ed.): Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence V, LNCS 6910, pp. 84–105, 2011, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011 SCOPUS

-Célia Talma Gonçalves, Rui Camacho, Eugénio Oliveira, “BioTextRetriever: A Tool to Retrieve Relevant Papers”, International Journal of Knowledge Discovery in Bioinformatics, July-September 2011, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp.21-36, IGI Publishers, INSPEC, DBLP, Google Scholar

Other Journals:

-IvoTimóteo, Miguel Araújo, Rosaldo Rossetti, Eugénio Oliveira. "Using TraSMAPI for Developing Multi-Agent Intelligent Traffic Management Solutions", accepted for publication in the Special Issue on MAS Applications in Transports of the Journal Progress in Artificial Intelligence, Springer.

-B.M.Faria, G.Castillo, N.Lau, L.P.Reis, “Classification of FC Portugal Robotic Soccer Formations: A Comparative Study of Machine Learning Algorithms”, Robotica Magazine, n. 82, 1º Trim, pp 4-9, 2011, ISSN: 0874-9019

-J. M. Mendes, F. Restivo, A. W. Colombo, P. Leitão, “Behaviour and Integration of Service-oriented Automation and Production Devices at the Shop-floor”, International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, vol. 3, nos. 3/4, Inderscience, 2011, pp. 281-291

Other international publications

ISI indexed:

-J. Urbano, A. P. Rocha, E. Oliveira, “Trust-Based Selection of Partners”, C. Huemer and T. Setzer (Eds.): EC-Web 2011, LNBIP V.85, pp. 221–232, Springer-Verlag 2011

-J. Urbano, A. P. Rocha, E. Oliveira, “Extracting Trustworthiness Tendencies Using the Frequency Increase Metric, Enterprise Information Systems”, LNBIP, V. 73, Part 3, 208-221 Springer-Verlag 2011,

-J. Teixeira, L. Sarmento, E. Oliveira, “A Bootstrapping Approach for Training a NER with Conditional Random Fields”, Progress in Artificial Intelligence , L. Antunes and H.S. Pinto (Eds.): EPIA 2011, LNAI V. 7026, Springer, pp. 664-678, (nominee for Best Paper Award)

-V. Vinhas, E. Oliveira, L. P. Reis,” BioStories: Dynamic Multimedia Environments Based on Real-Time Audience Emotion Assessment”, Enterprise Information Systems, LNBIP, 2011, Volume 73, Part 6, 512-525

-I. Timóteo, M. Araújo, R. Rossetti, E. Oliveira. "Using TraSMAPI for Developing Multi-Agent Intelligent Traffic Management Solutions", Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, V. 88 Pages: 119-128, Eds: Demazeau Y; Pechoucek M; Corchado JM; et al.

- B. Aguiar, J. Torres, A. J. M. Castro, Operational Problems Recovery in Airlines – A Specialized Methodologies Approach, Progress in Artificial Intelligence , L. Antunes and H.S. Pinto (Eds.): EPIA 2011, LNAI V. 7026, Springer, pp. 83-97, Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-24768-2

-G. Laboreiro, L. Sarmento, E. Oliveira. " Identifying Automatic Posting Systems in Microblogs" Progress in Artificial Intelligence , L. Antunes and H.S. Pinto (Eds.): EPIA 2011, LNAI V. 7026, Springer, pp.634-648.

-J. Urbano, A. P. Rocha, E. Oliveira, “Dynamic Agents’ Behavior Model for Computational Trust”, Progress in Artificial Intelligence , L. Antunes and H.S. Pinto (Eds.): EPIA 2011, LNAI V. 7026, Springer, pp. 536–550, 2011

-J. Urbano, A. P. Rocha, E. Oliveira, "Trust Evaluation for Reliable Electronic Transactions Between Business Partners", LNBIP, V. 98 (in publication, accepted in March 2011)

-L. F. Teófilo, L. P. Reis, “Building a No Limit Texas Hold'em Poker Agent Based on Game Logs Using Supervised Learning”, in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (AIS11), LNCS, V. 6752, Springer, Burnaby, Canada

-P. Leitão and P. Vrba (2011), “Recent Developments and Future Trends of Industrial Agents”, V. Marík, P. Vrba, and P. Leitão (Eds.): HoloMAS 2011, LNAI 6867, Springer, pp. 15-28.

-P. Leitão and N. Rodrigues (2011), “Multi-Agent System for On-demand Production Integrating Production and Quality Control”, V. Marík, P. Vrba, and P. Leitão (Eds.): HoloMAS 2011, LNAI 6867, Springer, pp. 84-93.

-P. Castellini, C. Cristalli, M. Foehr, P. Leitão, N. Paone, I. Schjolberg, J. Tjønnås, C. Turrin, T. Wagner (2011), “Towards the Integration of Process and Quality Control using Multi-agent Technology”, Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 374-379.

-J. Barbosa, P. Leitão, D. Trentesaux, E. Adam (2011), “Enhancing ADACOR with Biology Insights Towards Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems”, Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 2665-2670.

-J. Barbosa, P. Leitão, A.I. Pereira (2011), “Combining Adaptation and Optimization in Bioinspired Multi-Agent Manufacturing Systems”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE’11), Gdansk, Poland, pp. 1773-1778.

-P. Martins, L. P. Reis, L. F. Teófilo, “Poker Vision: Playing Cards and Chips Identification Based on Image Processing”, in Proceedings of the 5th Iberian Conference in Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IbPPRIA 11), Springer LNCS, V. 6669, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.

- C.B.Santiago, A.Sousa, L.P.Reis, M.L.Estriga, "Real Time Colour Based Player Tracking in Indoor Sports", Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing, Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, Volume 19, 17-35, Springer.

- P.Abreu, I.Costa, D.Castelão, L.P.Reis, J.Garganta, "Human vs. robotic soccer: How far are they? A statistical comparison", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6556 LNAI, pp. 242-253, Springer.

- N.Shafii, L.P.Reis, N.Lau, "Biped walking using coronal and sagittal movements based on truncated Fourier series", (2011) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6556 LNAI, pp. 324-335, Springer.

- J.A. Ramos, L.P.Reis, D.Pedrosa, "Solving heterogeneous fleet multiple depot vehicle scheduling problem as an asymmetric traveling salesman problem", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7026 LNAI, pp. 98-109, Springer.

SCOPUS and Other indexes

-R. S. Silva, Gustavo Laboreiro, Luís Sarmento, Tim Grant, Eugénio Oliveira and Belinda Maia. "‘twazn me!!! ;(’Automatic Authorship Analysis of Micro-Blogging Messages", R. Muñoz et al. (Eds.): 16th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, NLDB 2011, LNCS 6716, pp. 161–168, Springer-Verlag 2011.

-C.-M. Chituc, Towards assessing performance in service computing, 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science V. 6568, pp. 51-61.

-C.-M. Chituc, Introduction to the First International Workshop on Performance Assessment and Auditing in Service Computing (PAASC 2010), 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science V. 6568, pp. 1-3

-C. T. Gonçalves, R. Camacho, E. Oliveira. "From Sequences to Papers: An Information Retrieval Exercices", in Proc. of 2nd Workshop on Biological Data Mining and its Applications in Healthcare (BioDM 2011), colocated with 10th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2011), Vancouver, Canada.

-H. Arabnejad, J. G. Barbosa, “Performance Evaluation of List Based Scheduling on Heterogeneous Systems”, in HeteroPar'11, pp.1-10, 2011

-J. Nunes, P.M.Moreira, and J.M. R. S. Tavares, “Simple and fast shape based image retrieval,” in Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing: VipIMAGE 2011 (J. M. R. S. Tavares and R. N. Jorge, eds.), CRC Press, 2011

Other national publications

Iberian and National. ISI indexed:

-Catarina B. Santiago, Luís P. Reis, Rosaldo J. F. Rossetti, Armando Sousa (2011) Foundations for Creating a Handball Sport Simulator. In the 3rd Workshop on Intelligent Systems and Applications (WISA), 6th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI'11), Chaves, Portugal, Jun. 15-18, 2011.

-Catarina B. Santiago, João Lobato Oliveira, Armando Sousa, Luís Paulo Reis (2011) Autonomous Robot Dancing Synchronized to Musical Rhythmic Stimuli. In the 1st Workshop in Information Systems for Interactive Spaces (WISIS), ), 6th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI'11), Chaves, Portugal, Jun. 15-18, 2011.

-V. Silva and B. Malheiro, “Multi‐Agent System for Personalization of Location‐based Services”, 6th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI 2011), Ed. A. Rocha et al., AISTI, 453 458, Vol.1, ISBN 978‐989‐96247‐5‐7, Chaves, Portugal, June 2011.

-Dalila Vicente, José Manuel Vasconcelos, Francisco Restivo, Multi-Agent Systems in Education, in CISTI 2011 - Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação , pp.1-6, 2011

-Brígida Mónica Faria, “Data Analysis of Three Procedures for Constructing Semicondutors: Mold, Solder Ball and Singulation”, CISTI 2011, pp 509 - 514, 15-18 Junho, 2011, Chaves, ISBN: 978-989-96247-4-0

-P. A. Rego, P. M. Moreira, and L. P. Reis, "Natural User Interfaces in Serious Games for Rehabilitation: a Prototype and Playability Study," First Iberian Workshop on Serious Games and Meaningful Play (SGaMePlay'2011) in Proceedings of the 6th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, A. Rocha, R. Gonçalves, M. P. Cota, L. P. Reis, Ed., ed: AISTI, 15-18 June, Chaves, Portugal, vol. II, pp. 229-232.

-Luís Filipe Teófilo, Luís Paulo Reis, “HoldemML: framework to generate No Limit Hold'em Poker agents from human player strategies”, in Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Intelligent Systems and Applications (WISA 2011), pp. 1-6, Chaves, Portugal, June 2011

-Luís Filipe Teófilo, Pedro Brandão Silva, “Integrating simple recommendation systems on Digital TV Widget applications”, in Proceedings of the 6th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), pp. 1-6, Chaves, Portugal, June 2011

-Santiago C. B., Oliveira J. L., Reis L. P., Sousa A. Autonomous Robot Dancing Synchronized to Musical Rhythmic Stimuli. In First Workshop in Information Systems for Interactive Spaces (WISIS), 6th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), Castelo Branco, Portugal 2011:1002–1007.

-J. M. Mendes, P. Leitão, A. W. Colombo (2011), “Service-oriented Computing in Manufacturing Automation: A SWOT Analysis”, Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’11), Lisbon, Portugal, 26-29 July, pp. 346-351.

-J. Barbosa, P. Leitão (2011), “Simulation of Multi-agent Manufacturing Systems using Agent-based Modelling Platforms”, Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’11), Lisbon, Portugal, 26-29 July, pp. 477-482.

-Jorge Teixeira, Luís Sarmento and Eugénio Oliveira, Semi-Automatic Creation of a Reference News Corpus for Fine-Grained Multi-Label Scenarios. 3rd Workshop on Intelligent Systems and Applications - 5th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, pp 749-754, Chaves, Portugal

-José Xavier, Marcelo Petry, Pedro H. Abreu, L. P. Reis, ”Localização e Cálculo Automático de Trajectória em Objectos Móveis Utilizando RFID”, CISTI –Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, pp.126-131, 2011

Other Publications:

-Brígida Mónica Faria, Gladys Castillo, Nuno Lau, Luís Paulo Reis, “Classification of FC Portugal Robotic Soccer Formations: A Comparative Study of Machine Learning Algorithms”, Robotica Magazine, n. 82, 1º Trimestre, pp 4-9, 2011, ISSN: 0874-9019

-Jorge Teixeira. “Automatic Generation of a Training Set for NER on Portuguese Journalistic Text”, in the Sixth Doctoral Symposium in Informatics Engineering, DSIE’11, pp 25-35. Porto, Portugal.

-Luís Filipe Teófilo, Luís Paulo Reis, “Estimating the Probability of Winning for Texas Hold’em Poker Agents”, in Proceedings of the 6th Doctoral Symposium in Informatics Engineering (DSIE11), pp. 129-140, Porto, Portugal, January 2011.

-Nuno Fonseca, Anibal Ferreira, Ana Paula Rocha. “Re-síntese Concatenativa de Voz Cantada”, 3º Simpósio de Informática, inForum 2011, Coimbra, Portugal, Setembro 8-9, 2011.

Crabeel, N., Campos Neves, B. and Malheiro, B. (2011). RemoteLabs Platform., 1st

Experiment@International Conference, Lisboa, Portugal.

Antonio J. M. Castro, António Pereira, Leonardo Fraga, Ana Paula Rocha and Eugenio Oliveira , "A Negotiation Based Approach to Airline Operations Recovery". AITS@EPIA2011, Artificial Intelligence in Transportation Systems Track at EPIA 2011, pp. 122-136, Lisbon, Portugal, October 10-13, 2011, ISBN 978-989-95618-4-7.

Catarina B. Santiago, Armando Sousa, Luís Paulo Reis (2011) Pseudo Fuzzy Colour Calibration for Sport Video Segmentation. III Eccomas Thematic Conference on Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing (VipIMAGE2011), Olhão, Portugal, Oct. 12-14, 2011 (to appear).

Ph.D. thesis completed

-Henrique Lopes Cardoso, “Electronic Institutions with Normative Environments for Agent based E-contracting”, PhD Thesis (ProDEI- Doctoral Program in Informatics Engineering), FEUP, (Sup: E.Oliveira), January 2011

-Daniel C. Moura, "Three-Dimensional Biplanar Reconstruction of the Scoliotic Spine for Standard Clinical Setup", PhD Thesis (ProDEI- Doctoral Program in Informatics Engineering), FEUP, (Sup: J.Barbosa), January 2011

-João Marco Mendes, “Mechanisms and Tools for Orchestration and Choreography on Service Oriented Architectures”, PhD Thesis (ProDEI- Doctoral Program in Informatics Engineering), FEUP, (Sup: F.Restivo, P.Leitão), February 2011.

-Pedro Manuel Henriques Cunha Abreu, “Artificial Intelligence Methodologies Applied to the Analysis and Optimization of Soccer Teams’ Performance”, PhD Thesis (ProDEI- Doctoral Program in Informatics Engineering), FEUP, (Sup: L.P.Reis and J. Garganta), March 2011.

-Raúl Ramos Pollan, “Improving multilayer perceptron classifiers AUC performance. An approach in biomedical image analysis for breast cancer CAD supported by eInfrastructures” PhD Thesis (ProDEI- Doctoral Program in Informatics Engineering), FEUP, (co-sup E. Oliveira), December 2011

-Daniel A. G. Castro Silva, “Cooperative Multi-Robot Missions: Development of a Platform and a Specification Language”, PhD Thesis (ProDEI- Doctoral Program in Informatics Engineering), FEUP, (Sup: L.P. Reis, E. Oliveira), December 2011

-Twenty four (24) other PhD Theses are in progress.

-Twenty nine (29) MSc Theses have been concluded in 2011.

-Twenty three (23) other MSc theses are in progress.



- ANTE – Agreement Negotiation in Normative and Trust-enabled Environments (E. Oliveira, H. L. Cardoso, J. Urbano, A. P. Rocha, P. Brandão,) – framework for the automation of electronic agreements, including negotiation, e-contracting, and trust awareness.

- Intellwheels - Intelligent Wheelchair with Flexible Multimodal Interface, (L.P.Reis, R. Braga, M. Petry, B. M. Faria + INESC-P)

-Intellwheels Simulator (L.P.Reis, R. Braga, M. Petry, B. M. Faria + IEETA)

-Intellwheels Multi-Modal Interface (L.P.Reis, R. Braga, S.Vasconcelos, B. M. Faria

-MASDIMA – Multi-Agent System for Disruption Management (A. Castro, E. Oliveira)

-"Twitómetro": Online opinion miner of portuguese twitter users. (J.Teixeira, G.Laboreiro, L.Sarmento, E. Rodrigues, E.Oliveira)

-Generic Q-Negotiation (GQN) –Negotiation mechanism applied to Airline Operations Control Disruption Management scenarios ( A. Castro, E. Oliveira)

-Verbetes – Information Extraction about names and job descriptors from Portuguese web news. (J. Teixeira, L. Sarmento, P. Paixão) available at


-“TwitterEcho”: crawling the Portuguese twittosphere. (J.Teixeira, G.Laboreiro, L.Sarmento, E. Rodrigues, E.Oliveira)

- NetEditor: the MAS-T2er Lab network editor for urban traffic networks (J.L.Pereira, R.Rossetti)

- ModP: a Pedestrian Modelling Platform, (J Ribeiro, J Almeida, R.Rossetti)

- TrasMAPI: an Agent-based API to support multi-paradigm traffic simulation ( I. Timóteo, M. Araújo)

- The World Activity Map: identifying activity patterns worldwide (R.Nelles, R.Rossetti)

-INESC Beat Tracker (IBT): a real-time audio beat-tracking system, freely available under GPL licensing, in MARSYAS (http://marsyas.info/), 2011 (J. L. Oliveira, F. Gouyon, L. G. Martins, L. P. Reis);

-IBT C++ plugin for Max/MSP freely available, under GPL licensing, in MARSYAS (http://marsyas.info/), 2011 (J. L. Oliveira, G. Sioros);

-IBT C++ plugin for SonicVisualiser freely available, under GPL licensing, in MARSYAS (http://marsyas.info/), 2011 (J. L. Oliveira);

- Biostories prototype for adaptive multi-media content delivery. (V. Vinhas)

Organization of conferences

Organization of Conferences and Workshops:

- Vice-Chair of IAT'11- The 2011 IEEE/WIC/ACM Int. Conferences on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology 22-27 August 2011, Lyon, France (E.Oliveira)

- General co-chair of the Int.l Conference on Industrial Applications of Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems (HoloMAS’11), 29-31 August, 2011, Toulouse, France. (P.Leitão)

- CISTI 2011,6th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technology, Chaves, Portugal, June 2011 (L.P.Reis)

- Advisory Board of the XV Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence (EPIA 2011), (E.Oliveira)

- IROBOT – Intelligent Robotics@ EPIA 2011, Lisbon, Aug2011. (L.P.Reis)

- MASTA - Multi-Agent Systems: Theory and Applications@EPIA 2011, Aug2011, Lisboa, Portugal. (H.Cardoso)

- AITS - 3rd Workshop on AI in Transportation Systems@EPIA 2011, Lisbon, Aug2011 (R.Rossetti)

- AI4Games – Artificial Intelligent Methodologies for Games@ EPIA 2011, Lisbon, Aug2011.(P.Moreira) (L.P.Reis)

- 1st Lisbon Machine Learning Summer School, Jul20-25, Lisboa (L.Sarmento)

- Steering Committee of MASTA@EPIA 2011 (E.Oliveira) (L.P.Reis)

- Steering Committee of DSIE'11- Sixth Doctoral Symposium on Informatics Engineering, Porto, Portugal, Jan2011 (E.Oliveira)

- WISA'2011 - 3rd Workshop on Intelligent Systems and Applications, hosted by CISTI'2011, June 2011 (R.Rossetti)

- SGaMePlay’2011 – First Iberian Workshop on Serious Games and Meaningful Play, hosted by CISTI’2011, Jun2011.(P. Moreira)

- Special session “Applying Agent-based Technology in Industrial Systems” at 16th IEEE Int. Conf. on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA’11), Toulouse, France, Sep2011 (P.Leitão)

-10th Int. Conf. on Practical Applications of Agents and MAS (PAAMS), Special Session on Trust, Incentives and Norms in open MAS (TINMAS), Mar2012, Salamanca, Spain. (H.Cardoso)

- IX Jornadas de Computação Gráfica e Multimédia, IPVC, V.Castelo, Mar2011. (P.Moreira, P.Rego)

- Special session “Agent Technology in Manufacturing Automation”, at IEEE Int. Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE’11), Gdansk, Poland, Jun2011.

- Special Session on “Artificial Transportation Systems and Simulation: Modelling and Architectural Issues”, as part of the 14th IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conf., Washington DC, USA, 2011 (R.Rossetti)

Industry contract research

Industry contract research:

- RESPLAN- Resource Planner. FEUP/SISCOG- Sistemas Cognitivos, 2009-2011. (E.Oliveira)

LIACC participation in the project aimed at finding innovative ways of solving problems in Airline Operations Control Centers (AOCC) in an Integrated, Dynamic and Distributed way, using the Agent and-Multi-Agent System (MAS) paradigm. SISCOG is the only AI based Portuguese company.

- MASDIMA- Multi-Agent System for disruption Management Project. FEUP/TAP Portugal, (A.Castro)

Using real data from TAP databases about real situations and problems reported in 2011. TAP also helps on supervising the work done through both doctoral and MSc Theses.

- “The world seen from here” (“O mundo visto daqui”), project under UP-SAPO Labs protocol. Weekly infographic series for the analysis of Portuguese social media and building networks of public personalities found on news. (L.Sarmento)

-“2011 in the News” (“2011 nas notícias”) - project under UP-SAPO Labs protocol. An overview of the most relevant events published on the Portuguese news in 2011. (J.Teixeira)

- Schneider Electric, a German based company has a contract for R&D on services-oriented Engineering through J. Marco Mendes PhD work. (F.Restivo)

-Social Graph Knowledge Extraction, Project . FEUP,/LIACC and EZ4U, 2011. (V.Vinhas)


- Management Comm. “Agreement Technology” network (COST IC0801), 25 partners (E.Oliveira)

- Visiting Prof. ENSM St Etienne, France, June- july (E.Oliveira)

-External evaluator “CONTINT Programme”, French Nat. Research Agency (ANR) (E.Oliveira)

PhD thesis evaluation boards and other comm.:

- S. Picant, U. Caen, France, Mars (E.Oliveira)

- R.Hermoso Traba, U. Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, April (E.Oliveira)

- D. Villatoro, U. Autònoma de Barcelona, July (E.Oliveira)

- O. Roulet-Dubonnet, Norwegian U. of Technology, December. (P.Leitão)

- British U. in Dubai: Dr Sherief Abdullah application to Senior Lecturer (E.Oliveira)

- candidates to the Dual Degree CMU/Portugal PhD Program in CS (E.Oliveira)

- PhD Advisor of M. Gonzalez in collaboration with U. Autonoma de Madrid. (A.P.Rocha)

- internship at the Robot Audition Dep. Honda Research Institute, Tokyo. (J.Lobato)

-Scientific Mission, COST Action IC0801: visit to U. Rey Juan Carlos, GIA, Madrid. (H.Cardoso)

- Keynote speech: Int. Conf. Beyond AI: Interdisciplinary Aspects of Artificial Intelligence, Pilsen, Czech Republic, Dec. (P.Leitão)

- Invited researcher U. Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambresis, France, June-July. (P.Leitão)


- M. Rovatsos, U. Edinburgh (I. Timóteo, R.Rossetti, E.Oliveira).

- F. Cheriet, Lab. d'Imagerie et de Vision 4D, Canada. (J.Barbosa)

- L. Naveda and M. Leman, Institute for Psychoacoustics and Electronic Music (IPEM), Ghent U., Belgium. (JLobato)

- M. Davies and A. Holzapfel, INESC TEC, and J. Zapata, Pompeu Fabra’s University, Barcelona. (JLobato)


- R. Silva, G. Laboreiro, L. Sarmento, T. Grant, E. Oliveira and B. Maia. "‘twazn me!!! ;(’Automatic Authorship Analysis of Micro-Blogging Messages", R. Muñoz et al. (Eds.), NLDB 2011, LNCS 6716, pp. 161–168, Springer

- R.Pollán, M.Guevara-López, E. Oliveira. "A Software Framework for Building Biomedical Machine Learning Classifiers through Grid Computing Resources", J Med Syst, Springer.

- P. Bonatti, E. Oliveira, J. Sabater-Mir, C. Sierra, F. Toni, “On the integration of trust with negotiation, argumentation and semantics”, The Knowledge Engineering Review. (accepted).

- D.Moura, J. Boisvert, J.. Barbosa, H. Labelle, J.. Tavares, “Fast 3D reconstruction of the spine from biplanar radiographs using a deformable articulated model”, Medical Engineering & Physics, Vol.33 nº 8, pp.924-933, 2011

Involvement in 47 Conf. PCs including IJCAI, IAT, MATES, EUMAS, EPIA, VIPimage, CSCWD

Government/Organization contract research

- Intellwheels - Intelligent Wheelchair with Flexible Multimodal Interface, (FCT/PTDC/EEA-CRO/98664/2008, July 2010-June 2013) - (PI: L.P.Reis) 28.920 € (2011)

- ERAS - Expeditious Reconstruction of Virtual Cultural Heritage Sites, (FCT/PTDC/EIA-EIA/114868/2009, Dec 2010- July 2013) - (PI: A.A.Sousa, Responsible at LIACC: L.P.Reis) 16.176€ (2011)

- REACTION - Retrieval, Extraction and Aggregation Computing Technology for Integrating and Organizing News. Funded by the program UT Austin | Portugal International Collaboraboratory for Emerging Technologies. UTA-Est/MAI/0006/2009. Oct 2010-Sept 2013. 28 320€ (2011)

- Trust-aware Automatic E-Contract Negotiation in Agent-based Adaptive Normative Environments. May 2010-Oct 2012, PTDC/EIA-EIA/104420/2008 : 29.712,00 (2011)