MACIV - Multi Agent Systems for Resources Management in Civil Construction

MACIV is a Project funded by PRAXIS XXI


The aim of the MACIV project is the design and implementation of a computer system, mainly based on Distributed Artificial Intelligence techniques, enabling decentralised management of different resources in Civil Construction Companies. This problem was inspired by a real large dimension company whose experts have been involved with us on the problem definition and system design. We are developing new extended protocols to support complex negotiation between agents, either isolated or grouped together in approprate coalitions, in order to reach the best proposals (prices) for executing announced tasks. More about the objectives

MACIV Partners:

The work is beeing coordinated by Prof. Steiger Garcao (UNINOVA) and Eugenio C. Oliveira who is Professor at the University of Oporto, Department of Computing and Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, and the responsible for the NIAD&R-Distributed Artificial Intelligence & Robotics Laboratory.

Jose' Manuel Fonseca

is a PhD student working 100% on MACIV 
E-mail: [email protected]

Mail: Faculdade de Engenharia, Rua dos Bragas, 4099 PORTO codex, PORTUGAL
Fax: (351) 2 319280


Selected papers about MACIV: You may find some more papers on the subject and other information through the page of NIAD&R 
Last Updated: 08/05/96