


PhD Thesis

- Ongoing

[10] T. Jesus, Dependability Evaluation on Wireless Visual Sensor Networks, PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering.

[9] M. Martins, A Framework to Support Dependability Evaluation pf WSNs from AADL Models, PhD in Informatics Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering.

-- Waiting final discussion

[8] B. Bitencort Junior,DySMCAr: Dynamic Star-Mesh Communication Architecture for Manufacturing Wireless Sensor Networks with IEEE 802.15.4e LLDN mode, PhD in Informatics Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering. 

- Finished

[7] L. Martins, A temperature-dependent baterry model for wireless sensor networks nodes, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil, 2017 (co-supervisor)

[6] E. Leão, Real-time mesh communication over cluster-tree wireless sensor networks, PhD in Informatics Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering. (co-supervisor), 2016

[5] C. Viegas, Real-time Communication Support in IEEE 802.11 Wireless Mesh Networks, PhD in Informatics Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering. (co-supervisor), 2015

[4] R. Costa, Centralized Proposals for Real-Time Communication on Wireless Networks, PhD in Informatics Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2013

[3] I. Silva, Uma Metodologia para Modelagem e Avaliação da Dependabilidade de Redes Industriais Sem Fio (A Framework for Dependability Evaluation of Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks), University Federal Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, 2013. (co-supervisor)

[2] J. Carvalho, Avaliação do Desempenho de Redes PROFIBUS-DP Suportada em Técnicas de Injecção de Faltas (Assessment of PROFIBUS networks using a fault injection framework), PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2008. (co-supervisor)

[1] R. Moraes, Supporting real-time communication in CSMA-based networks: the VTP-CSMA Virtual Token Passing approach, PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2007. (co-supervisor)

MSc Thesis

- Ongoing

[38] H. Teixeira, Automatização de equipamento de teste de estiramentos/stress mecânico, Integrated MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering.

[37] N. Maciel, Estação deteção de incêndios florestais baseada em tecnologia SigFox , Integrated MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering.

[36] M. Rebelo, Development of a flexible Product Communication Framework to support testing and production of Automotive Products, Integrated MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering.

[35] S. Reis, Upgrade do simulador do laboratório de automação, Integrated MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering.

- Finished

[34] C. Silva, Alimentação Automática de Blocos de Polímeros a Linha de Misturação de Borracha Big Tandem, Integrated MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2018

[33] D. Silva, Sistema didático de uma unidade industrial de processos discretos, Integrated MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2018

[32] R. Alves, Sistema base para monitorização de parâmetros de máquinas e processos produtivos, Integrated MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2017.

[31] R. Barbosa, Sistema de monitorização de consumo de água utilizando tecnologia Sigfox, Integrated MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2017.

[30] J. Silva, Sistema Didático de Processos Contínuos, Integrated MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2016.

[29] L. Gomes, Controlo de Iluminação Usando Interruptores sem Alimentação, Integrated MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2015.

[28] L. Fernandes, Sistema de Identificação de Objectos e Pessoas para Bancada Laboratorial, Integrated MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2015.

[27] H. Caldas, Smart Home - Smart Appliances, Integrated MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2015.

[26] J. Rodrigues, Upgrade de estação de descarga e armazenagem de negro de fumo, Integrated MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2015.

[25] J. Oliveira, WiFiPowerMeter: Sistema de identificação de consumos de energia eléctrica para ambientes domésticos. Integrated MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2014.

[24] D. Zurita, Wireless Sensor Systems for Environment Monitoring, Integrated MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2014

[23] J. Oliveira, WiFiPowerMeter: Sistema de identificação de consumos de energia elétrica para ambientes domésticos, Integrated MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2014.

[22] P. Magalhães, Ethernet Stage Lightning Protocol: An Alternative System for professional Lightning Equipment with Legacy DMX Compatibility, Integrated MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2014

[21] C. Faria, Estudo de procotolos de comunicação para supervisão e controlo de autómatos programaveis e integração nas plataformas EFACEC (Study of communication protocols for monitoring and control of PLCs capable of being integrated into EFACEC platforms), Integrated MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2013.

[20] G. Cheinho, Automatização de unidade de processos continuos (Automatization of continuous process unit). Integrated MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2013.

[19] J. Pereira, Research and Develop Innovative Comprehensive System to Motor Control Center, Integrated MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2013.

[18] B. Laranjo, Sistema de comunicação tolerante a falhas e de baixa complexidade para veículo eléctrico (Low complexity fault tolerant communication system for an electric vehicle). Integrated MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2012.

[17] A. Gonçalves, In Store Retail Monitoring. Integrated MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2012.

[16] A. Santos, A Sensor Network for an Early and Efficient Leak Detection in Long Pipelines, Integrated MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2011.

[15] N. Ferreira, Sistema de Contagem de Energia Eléctrica Baseado em Tecnologia GSM (Electric Power Measurement System Based on GSM Technology), Integrated MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2011.

[14] J. Lemos, Avaliação da Rede Homeplug para Suporte de Aplicações Industriais (Assessment of Homeplug Networks for Industrial Applications), Integrated MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2011.

[13] A. Martins, Implementação de um Sistema de Controlo de Equipamentos Através de Tecnologia RFID (Implementation of an Equipment), Integrated MSc in Bioengineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2011.

[12] A. Rocha, Hardware Architectures for an Electric Vehicle (Arquitecturas de Hardware para um Veículo Eléctrico), Integrated MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2011.

[11] A. Patricio, Avaliação de Plataformas de Software para um Veículo Eléctrico(Assesment of Software Platforms for an Electric Vehicle), Integrated MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2011.

[10] M. Azevedo, Monitorização da Qualidade do Ar Utilizando Redes Sem-fios Oportunistas (Air quality monitoring using wireless opportunistic networks), Integrated MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2010.

[9] N. Mota, Integração de Sistemas de Identificação Automáticos (Integration of automatic identification and data capture systems), Integrated MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2010.

[8] R. Santos, Análise da Disponibilidade do Sistema de Alimentação Ininterrupta da Fábrica de Utilidades da Refinaria de Matosinhos (Availability assessment of the interruptible power supply system of the utilities factory of the GALP oil refinery), Integrated MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2010.

[7] I. Droga, Migração do Sistema de Controlo Distribuído da Unidade de Dessulfuração de Gasóleo da Refinaria da GALP de MatosinhosMigration strategies for the distributed control system of the GALP oil refinary), MSc in Automation, Instrumentation and Control, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2009.

[6] J. Teixeira, Servidor Modbus/TCP para Sistemas de Identificação e Recolha de Dados Automáticos (AIDC) (Modbus/TCP server for automatic identification and data capture systems), Integrated MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2009.

[5] M. Matos, Análise dos Modos de Avaria de um Sistema de Alimentação de Emergência de um Centro de Informática (Failure modes and effect analysis of a computer center emergency power supply systems), Integrated MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2009

[4] P. Pereira, Gateway ZigBee – Modbus/TCP (Zigbee - Modbus/TCP gateway), Integrated MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2009.

[3] J. Santos, Sistema Domótico Baseado em Redes ZigBee (Domotic system based on Zigbee networks), Integrated MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2009.

[2] I. Palmeirão, Reengenharia da Unidade de Dessulfuração de Gasóleo da Refinaria da Galp (Re-engineering of an oil desulfurization unit at the GALP oil refinery), Integrated MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2009.

[1] S. Perfeito, Sistema de Informação - Portal Técnico INFOTEC (Management of maintenance operations in railways networks), Integrated MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2008.

Graduation Reports

[4] F. Santos, Desenvolvimento de um Controlador para uma Máquina de Produção de Plástico em Chapa (Development of a Controller for a Machine Plastic Sheet Production), Licenciate in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2006.

[3] A. Martins, Controlo e Monitorização de uma Aquacultura (Control and Monitoring of an Aquaculture), Licenciate in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2005.

[2]  C. Matos, Supervisão das Linhas de Operação do Centro de Triagem da Lipor I (Supervision of Operation Line at Screening Center Lipor I), ILicenciate in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2004.

[1]  M. Silva, Sistema de Supervisão e Controlo de um Barramento E.I.B (Supervision and Control System of an EIB  Network), Licenciate in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, 2004.