Programa Resumido das Jornadas

Quinta-feira, 3 de Fevereiro de 2011

08:45 Registo
09:15 Sessão de abertura
09:30 Apresentação convidada: Rendering FPGAs to Multi-Core Embedded Computing
10:30 Pausa para café
11:00 Sessão regular: Processamento digital de sinal e telecomunicações
12:45 Almoço
14:00 Apresentação convidada: The Use of FPGAs in the "PHY" IP Characterization Process
15:00 Sessão regular: Linguagens e algoritmos
15:45 Pausa para café
16:15 Apresentação convidada: Reconfigurable Computing for Novel Applications
17:15 Sessão regular: Instrumentação e controlo
18:45 Fim dos trabalhos do 1º dia
20:00 Jantar
Programa completo...

Sexta-feira, 4 de Fevereiro de 2011

09:00 Sessão regular: Arquitecturas e circuitos I
10:00 Apresentação convidada: FPGAs in Aerospace Applications
11:00 Pausa para café
11:30 Sessão regular: Arquitecturas e Circuitos II
12:50 Resultados da competição
13:05 Sessão de encerramento das Jornadas
13:15 Almoço
Programa completo...

Apresentações convidadas

As Jornadas contam com quatro apresentações convidadas sobre projectos de investigação e aplicações industrias relacionados com FPGAs.

1. Rendering FPGAs to Multi-Core Embedded Computing

Speaker: Zlatko Petrov
Honeywell Aerospace
Advanced Technology Europe, Czech Republic


This talk will give an overview of the proposed aspect-oriented design flow, that is a subject of research and evaluation in the REFLECT FP7 project.

The REFLECT project will develop, implement and evaluate a novel compilation and synthesis system approach for FPGA-based platforms. REFLECT relies on Aspect-Oriented (AO) Specifications to convey critical domain knowledge to a mapping engine while preserving the advantages of a high-level imperative programming paradigm in early software development. REFLECT leverages AO specifications and a set of transformations to generate an intermediate representation using an extensible mapping language (LARA). LARA specifications will allow the exploration of alternative architectures and run-time adaptive strategies enabling the generation of flexible hardware cores that can be easily incorporated into larger multi-core designs. An evaluation of the effectiveness of the proposed approach using partner-provided codes from the domain of audio/video processing and real-time avionics will be conducted.

2. The use of FPGAs in the Optimization of "PHY" IP Characterization Process

Orador: Davide Pereira
Supervisor of Test and Characterization for IP validation
Synopsys Portugal

The characterization process of a PHY IP is a complex task due to the need to control an extended and variable digital interface and to the need of applying many different control words in certain moments of the characterization process. The use of FPGAs brings control to the stimuli generation process, allowing to emulate the behavior of a controller that implements the upper layer of the communication protocol associated to the PHY. It also allows to automate the general test tasks, like voltage and current measurements implementing dedicated test tasks for that, and control hardware devices that interact with the DUT, emulating an interoperability scenario. Examples of such applications will be shown.

3. Reconfigurable Computing for Novel Applications

Speaker: Michael Hübner
Institute for Information Processing - ITIV
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - KIT

Novel adaptive hardware architectures benefit from reconfigurable hardware, which can adapt to the different processing phases of a specific application. However, run-time reconfiguration mechanisms can be further exploited, for example, to provide a fast system startup or in novel processor concepts, where the microarchitecture of a processor adapts to the current instruction or data stream. This talk will show novel exploitation methods for run-time reconfigurable hardware.

4. FPGAs in Aerospace Applications

Speaker: João Costa Pinto
Aerospace Activity Manager
Efacec, Portugal

Efacec started its space activities in 2002 and has been using FPGA’s in its backend processing boards since then. There are only a few specific FPGA families qualified for space-born applications since they must have specific logic structures to cope with the high radiation levels to be able to recover from single upset events. The digital design flow is also subject to many constraints and only a few embedded softcore processors are certified for this domain of application. This talk will give an overview of Efacec's activities related to the development of electronic systems for use in space, and describe the experience accumulated during the last decade in this field.


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