CGFLib - A library for Computer Graphics @ FEUP
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Dependencies of CGFLib

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CGFlib relies on widely used OpenGL support libraries, namely:

To be able to compile and link CGFlib and CGFlib-based applications, these dependencies must be installed and correctly configured in your development environment. For a Windows/Visual Studio 2010 setup, a package containing the headers and lib's/dll's precompiled is provided in the Downloads page. For most Linux/GCC-based systems, these can be installed from available packages repositories (such as Ubuntu/Debian repositories). For MacOS X these are also available, but we thank any contributors that would like to provide step-by-step instructions to install those dependencies.

Windows/Visual Studio 2010

The package containing windows 32-bit headers, lib's and dll's for the aforementioned dependencies is available in the Downloads page.

Unpack the file and check the README for instructions on how to install the files.


The following description assumes you have downloaded the Eclipse/MinGW dependencies zip file from the Downloads page, and uncompressed it. You should now have three folders: 'include', 'lib' and 'dll'.

If you have permissions to write to the 'include' and 'lib' folders of your Eclipse/MinGW installation (e.g. on your laptop):

If you DO NOT have permissions to write to the 'include' and 'lib' folders of your Eclipse/MinGW installation (e.g. on the faculty's computer), you will have to place the dependencies in your projects' folders:

Ubuntu/GCC (Eclipse/Make)

The required libraries can be instaled using apt-get:

sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev libglui-dev libglew-dev


(waiting for contributors)