Rui Rodrigues @ FEUP

These pages aggregate information regarding my activities as teacher and researcher at FEUP.

Here I will keep information, tutorials and other ramblings that may be of interest to people attending my courses or sharing some of my research interests.

Other profile pages of mine can be found in the following links (links for publication sites below):

This is an ongoing project, so any suggestions are welcome.

Short bio

Rui Rodrigues graduated in Systems and Informatics Engineering at University of Minho in 1998. During his PhD he researched in the area of 3D reconstruction from Images both at Philips Research (Eindhoven) and University of Minho, until he concluded in 2006.

He worked in the industry in the field of interactive systems and games until 2009, when he joined the Department of Informatics Engineering (DEI) at the Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto (FEUP) in 2009, first as Invited Assistant Professor, and later as full time Assistant Professor. Between 2015 and 2019 he was the director of the Multimedia Masters of University of Porto.

He currently teaches and researches in the areas of Computer Graphics, Interaction and Game design, and is one of the responsibles for the GIG group at DEI/FEUP and its labs. In that context, he has supervised/co-supervised over 60 MSc thesis, 5 concluded PhD thesis and 4 ongoing (as of 2020).

He is also a senior researcher at INESC TEC, through which he participates in research projects of various dimensions.

He is member of the scientific committee of MEIC, and the Specialisation Courses on Interaction Design, Web and Games and Design of Health Technologies.

(more info here)


Topics of interest

  • Computer Graphics (OpenGL, DirectX, Shaders,…)
  • Computer Vision (OpenCV, …)
  • HCI/NUI/Multitouch (CCV, aka TBETA, Surface, …)
  • Game Design and Development
  • Virtual Reality and Multimodal Immersive environments
  • Information Visualization
  • Augmented Reality (ARToolkit, …)
  • GPGPU (CUDA, Stream, OpenCL, …)
  • Physical computing (Arduíno, Phidgets, Processing, …)
  • Mobile (graphics) development (Android, IPhone, etc…)

Researcher profiles and associations


Short list of selected publications. See the Publications page for a full list.

  • G Amaro, D Mendes, R Rodrigues (2022) Design and Evaluation of Travel and Orientation Techniques for Desk VR. In 2022 IEEE CONFERENCE ON VIRTUAL REALITY AND 3D USER INTERFACES (VR 2022). pp. 222–231. doi
  • R Rodrigues, T Matos, AV de Carvalho, JG Barbosa, R Assaf, R Nóbrega, A Coelho, AA de Sousa (2021) Computer Graphics teaching challenges: Guidelines for balancing depth, complexity and mentoring in a confinement context. Graph. Vis. Comput. 4 pp. 200021. doi
  • L Afonso, R Rodrigues, E Reis, K Miller, J Castro, N Parente, C Teixeira, A Fraga, S Torres (2020) Fammeal: A Gamified Mobile Application for Parents and Children to Help Healthcare Centers Treat Childhood Obesity. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GAMES 12 (4) pp. 351–360. doi
  • AG Ramos, JTP Neto Jacob, JF Justo, JF Oliveira, R Rodrigues, AM Gomes (2017) Cargo dynamic stability in the container loading problem - a physics simulation tool approach. Int. J. Simul. Process. Model. 12 (1) pp. 29–41. doi
  • J Vasconcelos Raposo, M Bessa, M Melo, L Barbosa, R Rodrigues, CM Teixeira, L Cabral, AA Sousa (2016) Adaptation and Validation of the Igroup Presence Questionnaire (IPQ) in a Portuguese Sample. PRESENCE-℡EOPERATORS AND VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTS 25 (3) pp. 191–203. doi
  • C Carvalheiro, R Nobrega, H da Silva, R Rodrigues (2016) User Redirection and Direct Haptics in Virtual Environments. In MM'16: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2016 ACM MULTIMEDIA CONFERENCE. pp. 1146–1155. doi
  • PA Nogueira, V Torres, R Rodrigues, E Oliveira, LE Nacke (2016) Vanishing scares: biofeedback modulation of affective player experiences in a procedural horror game. JOURNAL ON MULTIMODAL USER INTERFACES 10 (1) pp. 31–62. doi
  • B Loureiro, R Rodrigues (2014) Design guidelines and design recommendations of multi-touch interfaces for elders. In ACHI 2014 - 7th International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions. pp. 41–47.
  • PA Nogueira, R Rodrigues, E Oliveira, LE Nacke (2013) A Hybrid Approach at Emotional State Detection: Merging Theoretical Models of Emotion with Data-Driven Statistical Classifiers. In 2013 IEEE/WIC/ACM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IN℡LIGENT AGENT TECHNOLOGY (IAT 2013). pp. 253–260. doi
  • R Rodrigues, A Fernandes, K van Overveld, F Ernst (2004) From spatiotemporal curves to reconstructed depth. IMAGE AND VISION COMPUTING 22 (12) pp. 959–970. doi



List of courses with recent involvement. Full list of courses can be found here.

  • Doctoral Programmes
    • Interacção e Ambientes de Simulação Visual (IASV) ( SIGARRA) - 1st Year ProDEI
    • Reconhecimento Assistido de Objectos 3D (RAO3D) ( SIGARRA) - 1st Year ProDEI

Support Resources


Acronym Project Title Period Type/Reference Links
PAINTER Procedurally Assisted INTErchangeable Reality 2018/2022 POCI-01-0145-FEDER-030740 site
M2S Mindfulness to students’ success 2018/2022 POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028404 + info site
AmbiVideo Augmented ambient experiences in interactive 360º videos 2019/2020 Google DNI Project
FEEdBACk Fostering Energy Efficiency and BehAvioural Change through ICT 2017/2020 H2020 EU Grant 768935 site
SIMUSAFE SIMUlation of behavioural aspects for SAFEr transport 2017/2020 H2020 EU Grant 723386 + info site
AV360 Augmented Video 360 2017/2018 Google DNI Project + info site
MDUP Museu Digital da Universidade do Porto 2016/2021 UPorto internal project + info site
BEACONING Breaking Educational Barriers with Contextualised, Pervasive and Gameful Learning 2016/2019 H2020 EU Grant 687676 + info site
TEC4Growth Pervasive Intelligence, Enhancers and Proofs of Concept with Industrial Impact 2015/2018 NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000020 + info site
a.bel Bridging the gap between performers and the audience using networked smartphones 2014/2015 INESC TEC internal project + info site
MAT Media Arts and Technology 2013/2015 NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000061 + info site
MASSIVE Multimodal Acknowledgeable multiSenSorial Immersive Virtual Enviroments 2013/2015 RECI/EEI-SII/0360/2012 + info site
StableCargo Cargo stability analysis in container transportation: a hybrid optimisation - heuristics framework 2012/2013 PTDC/SEN-TRA/121715/2010 + info site
ERAS Expeditious Reconstruction of Virtual Cultural Heritage Sites 2011/2013 PTDC/EIA-EIA/114868/2009 + info site
3DWikiU 3D Wiki for Urban Environments 2010/2012 PTDC/EIA-EIA/108982/2008 site

Other activities and resources