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Rui Rodrigues' bios

Short EN

Rui Rodrigues graduated in Systems and Informatics Engineering at University of Minho in 1998. During his PhD he researched in the area of 3D reconstruction from Images both at Philips Research (Eindhoven) and University of Minho, until he concluded in 2006.

He worked in the industry in the field of interactive systems and games until 2009, when he joined the Department of Informatics Engineering (DEI) at the Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto (FEUP) in 2009, first as Invited Assistant Professor, and later as full time Assistant Professor. Between 2015 and 2019 he was the director of the Multimedia Masters of University of Porto.

He currently teaches and researches in the areas of Computer Graphics, Interaction and Game design, and is one of the responsibles for the GIG group at DEI/FEUP and its labs. In that context, he has supervised/co-supervised over 60 MSc thesis, 5 concluded PhD thesis and 4 ongoing (as of 2020).

He is also a senior researcher at INESC TEC, through which he participates in research projects of various dimensions.

He is member of the scientific committee of MEIC, and the Specialisation Courses on Interaction Design, Web and Games and Design of Health Technologies.

Short PT

Rui Rodrigues formou-se em Engenharia de Sistemas e Informática na Universidade do Minho em 1998. Durante o seu doutoramento, pesquisou na área de reconstrução 3D a partir de imagens na Philips Research (Eindhoven) e na Universidade do Minho, até concluir em 2006.

Trabalhou no setor de sistemas interativos e jogos até 2009, altura em que ingressou no Departamento de Engenharia Informática (DEI) na Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FEUP) em 2009, primeiro como Professor Auxiliar Convidado e mais tarde como Professor Auxiliar a tempo inteiro.

Atualmente, leciona e pesquisa nas áreas de Computação Gráfica , Interação e Design de jogos , e é um dos responsáveis ​​pelo grupo GIG e pelos seus laboratórios.

É também investigador sénior no INESC TEC, através do qual participa em diversos projetos de investigação de várias dimensões.

Foi diretor do Mestrado em Multimédia da Universidade do Porto entre 2015 e 2019.

Long EN

(available upon request)

Long PT

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