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Tutorial - Target Language Specification

The most critical element of an aspect-oriented language mechanism is the join point model, the model that represents the programming language’s points of interest, like method execution, field gets, etc. The join point model can be different from programming language to programming language, and also depends on the capability of the weaver to support all the join points inside the chain. Having so, the join point model cannot be the same for all the concerning programming languages and each one should have its join point model that illustrates those supported points of interest.

One of the aspects of the LARA language is that it is partially agnostic to the target language. How LARA knows the join point model, the available attributes, and action that can be applied, is by using an external representation of the target language. This is accomplished by defining three files that represents the join point model and the attributes of a certain programming language, and the actions available in the weaver that will execute the LARA aspects. This approach proves an important feature of the meta-language that represents its flexibility and expandability. The three files are defined in an XML format, each with specific tags and attributes.

Join Point Model

The join point model represents a hierarchical structure of the points of interest one can select on the target application. …

For this tutorial we are using the join point model structure depicted in the graph below. This graph defines app as the root of the join point model hierarchy, and the arrows depict a selectable join point from the source join point. For instance, appfile means that we can select files inside the app join point. Some important remarks of this example:

  1. The gray arrow between assignExprexpr means that assignExpr inherits everything that expr contains, including selectable join points, attributes and actions;
  2. The arrows between bodyloop defines that body is able to select the loops inside itself and, in turn, *loop* is able to select its own body;
  3. The two arrows connecting bodystmt means that in the first connection (without label) we are able to select all statements inside the body and in the second connection (with label first_stmt) we are going to select one type of statement (the first statement of the body). This is an example of having different selects for the same type of join point.

<imgcaption jmpGraph|A simple example of a join point model hierarchy.> <graphviz dot center width=330> digraph finite_state_machine {

 graph [ dpi = 300 ]; 
 node  [shape = square, style=rounded, penwidth=2, bgcolor=white]; app;
 node  [shape = square, style=rounded, penwidth=1, color=black];
 app        -> file;
 file       -> function;
 function   -> body;
 body       -> var;
 body       -> loop;
 loop       -> body;
 body       -> assignExpr;
 body       -> stmt;
 body       -> stmt [label="first_stmt"];
 assignExpr -> expr [label="extends" style=dashed, penwidth=0.5, color="#888888", fontcolor="#888888",fontsize=10px];

} </graphviz> </imgcaption>

The Join Point List Declaration

The join point model is specified in an xml format that starts with a <joinpoints> element that gather all the available join points.

	<!-- ... -->

Inside this element we specify all the join points available in the target language. Each join point is specified inside a <joinpoint> element, where the attributes class (mandatory) and extends (optional) are available. The class attribute defines the class of the join point we are dealing with. For instance, when the join point specifies the class as function, it means that we are defining function as a selectable point in the program. The extends attribute defines that the join point extends all the information and functionality that another join point can have. In the following example we are defining the join points specified in the previous graph: file, function, body,etc. Note that the assignExpr is extending the expr join point, this means that all selectable join points, attributes and actions available in the extended join point will be available in the extending join point.

        <joinpoint name="application"/>
        <joinpoint name="file"/>
	<joinpoint name="function"/>
	<joinpoint name="body"/>
        <joinpoint name="loop"/>
        <joinpoint name="var"/>
        <joinpoint name="stmt"/>
        <joinpoint name="assignExpr" extends="expr"/>
        <joinpoint name="expr"/>

Now that we have the join points listed, we have to define which one is the root, i.e., the top on the hierarchy structure. In the graph above we consider app as root. For this, we use the root_class and root_alias attributes, in the joinpoints element, to specify which join point is the root and the alias that we will use inside the LARA language. Since we have named our join point as application and the graph uses app, we are going to use the last as the alias for the root and the first as the join point class to use, as defined below.

<joinpoints root_class="application" root_alias="app">
        <joinpoint name="application"/>
        <joinpoint name="file"/>
	<joinpoint name="function"/>
	<joinpoint name="body"/>
        <joinpoint name="loop"/>
        <joinpoint name="var"/>
        <joinpoint name="stmt"/>
        <joinpoint name="assignExpr" extends="expr"/>
        <joinpoint name="expr"/>

Defining the Hierarchy

The previous example shows the complete list of join points available in <imgref jmpGraph> and which one is identified as the joint point root. Since we don't have any associations between the join points, the hierarchy is still missing. The join point hierarchy, i.e. which descendent join points can a specific join point select. This may be accomplished by using a list of <select> elements inside a join point element.

Each select element defines a join point that is selectable by the container. The element contains two attributes: class (mandatory) defines the joinpoint class of the selectable join point, and alias (optional) defines the alias used for this select. The last attribute is useful when we intend to use a different name for the select, instead of the class “name”, or when different join points share the same class, but they point to specific parts in the code. The last is the example of stmt and first_stmt, in <imgref jmpGraph>, where stmt refers to every statement present in a body and first_stmt only refers to the first statement of the body.

   <joinpoint name="body">
       <select class="stmt"/>
       <select class="stmt" alias="first_stmt"/>

By using the select element we are able to fully define our join point hierarchy. The following code depicts the complete join point model hierarchy defined in the graph of <imgref jmpGraph>.

<joinpoints root_class="application" root_alias="app">
   <joinpoint name="application">
       <select class="file"/> 
   <joinpoint name="file">
       <select class="function"/> 
   <joinpoint name="function">
       <select class="body"/> 
   <joinpoint name="body">
       <select class="var"/> 
       <select class="loop"/>
       <select class="assignExpr"/>
       <select class="stmt"/>
       <select class="stmt" alias="first_stmt"/>
   <joinpoint name="loop">
       <select class="body"/>
   <joinpoint name="var"/>
   <joinpoint name="stmt"/>
   <joinpoint name="assignExpr" extends="expr"/>
   <joinpoint name="expr"/>

Attributes Model

Once the join point model is defined, we have to describe the information one can retrieve from a join point, in other words, the attributes associated to the join point class. The attributes are defined in a xml formatted file separated from the join point model. For this part of the tutorial we assume the following information can be retrieved from the join point model defined in <imgref jmpGraph>. Note that the global attributes are information that can be retrieved from ANY declared join point.

Join Point Attribute Type Description
Global Attributes uid int the unique identifier of the join point
src_code string source code representation for the join point
application folder string the directory of the target source code
num_src_files int the number of source files
file name string the name of the file
path string the path to the file
function name string the name of the function
return_type string the return type
body num_lines int number of lines of the body
num_reads int number of reads to a specific variable in this body
num_writes int number of writes to a specific variable in this body
var name string the name of the variable
type string the type of the variable
reference 'read', 'write' or 'decl' the type of reference to the variable
loop type 'for', 'while' or 'do-while' the type of the loop
rank string the rank of the loop inside its function
nested_level int the nesting level of the loop

Action Model

Actions that can be applied over the application.

    <!-- Actions available within the REFLECT flow -->
	<action name="unroll">
		<parameter name="k" type="int" default="0"/>
	<action name="map">
		<parameter name="to" type="string"/>
		<parameter name="id" type="string" default="0"/>
		<parameter name="mode" type="string" default="default"/>
lara/tutorial/languagespecification.1428169688.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/22 15:46 (external edit)