Early registration fee must be received until 30th June 2009

350 Euro
400 Euro
400 Euro
450 Euro
 Students (pre-graduation)
175 Euro
200 Euro
 Farewell Dinner additional ticket
60 Euro
70 Euro
 Welcome Port of Honour additional ticket 30 Euro 40 Euro
 Lunch additional ticket
25 Euro
30 Euro
 Additional book of proceedings
70 Euro
80 Euro

The fees cover:
Book of proceedings (except for students registration)
Participation in all the scientific sessions
Coffee breaks
Welcome Port of Honour - 14th of October (see the Social Programme)
Farewell Dinner - 15th of October (see the Social Programme)

Instructions for payment
Bank transfer payable to the bank account number:

Bank registration and account: Caixa Geral de Depositos, Address: Rua Gonçalo Cristovão, 287, 4000-144 PORTO, PORTUGAL
Account holder: Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Address: Rua Dr. Roberto Frias s/n, 4200-465 PORTO, PORTUGAL
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 019600006125730
IBAN: PT50003501960000612573041 (International transfers)
Sort Code: 00350196
NIB: 0035 01960000612573041 (National - Portugese transfers only)

Very Important: Along with your bank transfer, please add the following information, which will allow us to identify your payment: VIPimage-your name
A copy of the Bank Transfer receipt must be sent to the Secretariat of VIPimage (Fax No. +351 22 508 1487 or E-mail: vipimage@fe.up.pt) with the following data for your invoice/receipt: Name/Institution, Address, VAT number.

Conference fees can also be paid by cheque. Instructions:
- cheque in EUROS;
- cheque to be drawn on a Portuguese bank (If your bank is not in Portugal, ask your banker to prepare a cheque drawn on a Portuguese bank.);
- cheque payable to "Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto";
- sent your cheque and your full identification (Name/Institution, Address, VAT number) to the Secretariat of VIPimage (Please include in the Subject "VIPimage Fees".).