Awards and Grants

1. Primary Scholarship for extra ordinary performance in the primary scholarship examination on 1982.
2. Junior Talent Scholarship for extra ordinary performance in the junior scholarship examination on 1985.
3. Board Scholarship for extra ordinary performance in the secondary school certificate examination on 1987.
4. University Grant Commission (UGC) Scholarships for extra ordinary performance in B.Sc. (Honors) final Examination on 1993.
5. Vikkhu Shilachar Shashtri Stipend for obtaining the highest scores in M.Sc. final Examination on 1994 within the whole University.
6. University Merit Scholarships for obtaining the first class first positions both in the B. Sc (Honors) and M. Sc final examinations.
7. M Phil Research Fellowship from the University Grants Commissions (UGC) of Bangladesh since 2006 to 2007.
8. PhD Research Grants from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal since June, 2009 to December, 2009.
9. Doctoral Research Grants from the Foundation for Science and the Technology (FCT), Portugal since January, 2010 to date.
10. Summer Graduate Program Grant for participating the 2011 Joint MBI-NIMBioS-CAMBAM Summer Graduate Workshop on Mathematical Ecology and Evolution at the Mathematical Biosciences Institute, The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA on July 25 to August 5, 2011.
11. SADCO Grant for attending the Summer School on Optimal Control and Optimization at Imperial College London, London, UK on 5-9 September, 2011.
12. EECI-GSC Grant for participating the Graduate School on Control organized by the European Embedded Control Institute (EECI) and hosted by Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey on 23-27 April, 2012.