Invited to chair the Technical Session « PE - Grid Connected Converters » on the 40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON'14), Dallas, Texas, USA, October 28 - November 1, 2014.

Invited to chair the Technical Session « TT01 18 - DC Conversion Systems » on the 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON'13), Vienna, Austria, 11th of November 2013.

Invited Presentation: « Education and Research at FEUP Industrial Electronics Team», at FCLAB - "Fuel Cell Lab" FR CNRS 3539, Rue Thierry Mieg F-90010 Belfort - France, 27th of September 2013.

Invited Seminar: « Contrôle des systèmes en électronique de puissance», at University of Lyon, Laboratoire Ampère - Département Génie Electrique, Lyon - France, 26th of September 2013.

Invited Presentation, « Hydrogen and Fuel Cells», at ESTG- Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, Portugal, at “1as Jornadas em Sistemas de Energias Renováveis e Eficiência Energética”, 5th of June 2013.

Invited Seminar, "A New High Power Efficient Electronic Converter For Fuel Cell Applications" seminar made in Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste S.c.p.A. Trieste, Italy, 23th of January, 2013.

Invited Presentation, "Fuel Cells: Strategies of Control and Optimization ", in Faculty of Engineering, Catholic University of Portugal (FEUCP), presentation made in the “Program of Colloquium of the Faculty of Engineering; Theme: "Engineering in the XXI Century" on 18th of February, 2010.

Invited Presentation, "MatLab/Simulink: Part 1) Fuel Cell Modeling and Parameter Identification. Part 2) Power Electronics Converter for Fuel Cell", in Faculty of Engineering the University of Porto (FEUP), in the “Program of Colloquium of the "Industrial Electronics & Automation Group" of the Institute of Systems and Robotics (ISR-Porto) on 28th of July, 2010.

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