Professional Identification 


Carlos Alberto da Conceição António

([email protected])

Academic Degree - Ph. D, Aggregation

Professional Category - Associate Professor with Aggregation

Institution - Faculty of Engineering,  University of Porto

Telephone - (+ 351) 22 508 1766

Unit Status - Integrated Member        Actual Situation - Active since 1994


Research Activity within the Unit

a) Thesis Supervision - 5

 - Ph. D.  - 2 in progress                        - M.Sc. -  3 concluded

b) Projects:

- Pluri-Annual Founding -  2 current                - External Founding -   1 current

c) Publications:

- International Journals - 29                   - International Congress - 41

- National Journals - 4                           - National Congress - 20

- Books (eds.) - 2                              

For further information contact:
10 / 225 (FCT)- Unit for Numerical Methods in Mechanics and Structural Engineering

IDMEC - PÓLO FEUP - Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, s/n * 4200-465 Porto - PORTUGAL
Phone + 351-225081766     Fax + 351-225081445

Scientific Leader - [email protected] ; webmaster - [email protected]

last updated on  segunda-feira Agosto 13, 2007