MENU : Dissertation


The aim of the dissertation "Liveness Detection in Biometrics" is to review existing algorithms for liveness detection in iris and fingerprint recognition systems.

These two biometric traits were chosen because one of them is the most known trait (fingerprint) and the other has been gaining popularity in this type of system (iris). Also, they are both known for their advantages in terms of unique anatomical characteristics.

One of the objectives of this work is to test iris liveness detection algorithms in cases where cosmetic contact lenses are used, as this is a relatively new way of spoofing recognition systems.

Two databases containing patterned contact lenses were used to test the selected algorithms were used, which are are Notre Dame and Clarkson.

The second stage of this project is to test the same algorithms in fingerprint databases with fake samples. The database chosen for this trait was the LivDet2013.