Future Work

After finishing this dissertation, we know that the system’s application is not limited, there are
still many phenomena to study, challenges to overcome. New features that can be developed to
improved the helmet module, such as:

  • First of all, it is crucial to calibrate the sensors. By the time this dissertation was being
    concluded, this was not possible because the Institudo de Ambiente with whom our lab
    works does not have such high gases concentration. Nevertheless, we are already working
    in a calibration by comparison;
  • In order to have several slaves connected to the master at the same time, I2C communication
    problems must be solved. the PIC24F datasheet exhibits several errata entries with respect
    to I2C communication. such errata demand the firmware and even the architecture of our
    system to be optimized and redesigned. If we do not succeed in such task, the solution
    and future work must comprise the choice of a new PIC or change the communication
    protocol to SPI. It could be necessary to change the formfactor. As we said previously
    in this dissertation, we are already dealing with this problem, trying a new approach once again;
  • To improve the Vital Helmet a Wifi communication could be implemented instead of the
    current Bluetooth;
  • Other important task to do is finish the camera and flashlight design and implementation;
  • If possible, a potentiometer could be placed at LMP output with the purpose to allow a
    calibration in the emergency scenario, i.e, changing the reference voltage leads to a full
    scale variation;
  • If necessary, more sensors may be added, since the way we implemented our slave module
    allows adding the desired number of sensors.