
MSc Thesis Student

João Pedro dos Santos Ribeiro Dias – [email protected]

João Dias is a MSc Student in Electrical and Computers Engineering Master Program (MIEEC) at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP). He followed the Telecommunications, Electronics and Computers branch and the specialization in Networks and Communications Services. Currently, he is working on his Master Thesis in the field of Wireless Sensor Networks. His main research interests include Computer Networks, Wireless Communications, Network Security and Distributed Systems.





Third Supervisor

Filipe Miguel Monteiro da Silva e Sousa (MSc) – [email protected]

Filipe SousaFilipe Sousa received a Diploma degree (2000) and a M.Sc. (2008) in Electrical and Computer Engineering from University of Porto, Portugal. He also received a Master in Business Information from Catholic University of Porto, Portugal in 2004 and the Certificate Cisco Network Professional (CCNP). From 2000 to 2009, he was a researcher at INESCPorto, where he actively participated in several projects in the IST framework. Currently, he works as a researcher at Fraunhofer Portugal. His main research interests are resource management, Quality of Service, network monitoring and mobile communications.




Second Supervisor

Rui Lopes Campos (PhD) – [email protected]

Rui Campos

Rui Campos received a Diploma degree in Electrical and Computers Engineering in 2003 from University of Porto, Portugal. He works as a researcher at INESC Porto. His research interests include mobile communications, network auto-configuration and spanning tree algorithms.




Manuel Alberto Pereira Ricardo (PhD) – [email protected]

Manuel Ricardo

Manuel Ricardo received a Diploma degree in 1988, an M.S. in 1992, and a Ph.D. in 2000, all in Electrical and Computers Engineering from University of Porto, Portugal. He is an associate professor at University of Porto, where he gives courses in mobile communications and computer networks. He also leads the Communication Networks and Services Area at INESC Porto.


FM Radio
Radio Data System
Wireless Video Sensor Networks
Network performance