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Os Bonecos do Contra




N�mero PI

The voice

Eimear Quinn


I hear your voice on the wind
And I hear you call out my name.

Listen my child you say to me
I am The Voice of your history
Be not afraid - come follow me
Answer my call and I'll set you free.

I am The Voice in the wind and the pouring rain
I am The Voice of your hunger and pain
I am The Voice that always is calling you
I am The Voice and I will remain

I am The Voice in the fields when the Summer's gone
The dance of the leaves when the Autumn winds blow
Never do I sleep throughout all the cold Winter long
I am the force that in Springtime will grow

I am The Voice of the Past that will always be
Filled with my sorrows and blood in my fields
I am The Voice of the Future
Bring me your peace, bring me your peace
and my wounds they will heal

I am The Voice in the wind and the pouring rain
I am The Voice of your hunger and pain
I am The Voice that always is calling you
I am The Voice

I am The Voice of the Past that will always be
I am The Voice of your hunger and pain
I am The Voice of the Future
I am The Voice, I am The Voice

I am The Voice, I am The Voice


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