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Used extensively in any of the three main test protocol steps, these basic test operations are the following:
  • Apply a TCK cycle while TMS is fixed at a pre-defined (0 or 1) logic value.
This basic test operation is required to step through the TAP controlled state transition diagram. It will also be used to reset the TAP controller logic (five TCK pulses while TMS=1), since many ICs do not provide the optional /TRST pin.
  • Shift a bit stream into the selected scan chain (no comparison required on the bits shifted out). The TMS line must be held at 0 except in the last TCK cycle, when it must be held at 1.
There are several occasions when the bit stream shifted out does not carry any information of interest, such as when the first vector for interconnect test is shifted in (the values previously captured by the BS cells are meaningless, since no test vector was previously applied). Regardless of whether or not the bit stream shifted out is to be compared, the last TCK cycle (shifting the last bit) has to be applied with TMS held at 1, so that the TAP controller leaves the Shift state with the last bit and proceeds into the Exit1 state.
  • Shift a bit stream into the selected scan chain while the bit stream shifted out is checked against expected values in pre-defined bit locations. Again, the TMS line must be held at 0 except in the last TCK cycle, when it must be held at 1.
During the application of a set of test vectors, and while each new vector is shifted in (with the exception of the first), the responses to the previous vector are shifted out. It is therefore necessary to compare the responses being shifted out with their expected values, but only some of the bits shifted out carry meaningful data. In fact, and although every BS cell captures the value present in its parallel input, only a few of those cells are associated with BS input pins (capturing the logic values present in the PCB interconnects) or to BS output pins where the expected value at the output of the internal IC logic is known. For each bit to shift into the scan chain, two additional bits are therefore required: a comparison mask (to enable or disable the comparison) and the expected value (when known).
  • Apply N TCK cycles while TMS is held at 0.
Running BIST operations accessible through the BS architecture requires that the TAP controller FSM is taken to the RTI state and kept there (by maintaining TMS at 0) during a number of TCK cycles not lower than the value specified in the manufacturer data sheet.
  • Select the BS chain in which the previous test operations are to take place.
This basic test operation is required in the case of multiple BS chain boards, if we assume that the test controller is able to control only one chain at a time.