Project Description

LNDetector: Automatic Detection, Segmentation and Classification of Pulmonary Nodules in Computed Tomography Images

Program: FCT (2016-2019)

PIs: Aurélio Campilho (U.Porto – INESC TEC: [email protected]), Isabel Ramos (FMUP)

Consortium: U. Porto – INESC TEC,  U.Porto – Faculty of Medicine

“LNDetector goal is to create a working prototype of a Computer-aided Diagnosis (CAD) system for lung cancer diagnosis to be introduced and evaluated in a radiology department. The prototype will include three main modules for nodule detection, nodule segmentation and nodule classification, into several degrees of malignancy. Furthemore, we will create an annonymized and annotated CT image database with a large diversity of nodules (solid, partial solid, ground glass opacities, juxtapleural and juxtavascular nodules).”