CGFLib - A library for Computer Graphics @ FEUP
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
oCCGFappearanceThis class can be used to store color and material information (including textures) so you can apply them to an object
oCCGFapplicationMain class for an application where you can add scenes, interfaces and manage other aspects of the application
oCCGFaxisThis class implements three axis to show the use of the CGFobject class
oCCGFcameraThis class can be used to implement a point of view for the application
oCCGFinterfaceThis class is used to handle the visual interface as well as the keyboard and mouse handlers for CGF applications. It is mostly based on GLUI
oCCGFlightThe light class is used to initialise, store information and generally handle an OpenGL GLlight. It may also draw a sphere to represent the light on the 3D scene
oCCGFobjectThis class should be used as a base class for all the objects within a CGFscene, by reimplementation of its draw() method
oCCGFsceneThis class stores information on one 3D scene, including cameras, lights and objects
oCCGFshaderShader class for loading, storing, compiling, applying and updating GLSL shaders (vertex and fragment)
oCCGFtextureThis class is used to load, store and refer textures in general. It is meant to be used in CGFappearance instances
\CGLexceptionUtility class to handle exceptions specific to the library